Facsism is like a boulder. You may think that makes it a serious threat when it's rolling towards you, but actually, you just gotta wait for the wind and rain to erode the edges of the boulder. Don't worry if it hurtles torwards you, just wait for a stiff breeze and everything will be alright.
Ah yes, I can picture it now:
President Donald Trump
Vice President Logan Paul
Secretary Education Jordan Peterson
Secretary of State Peter Thiel
Secretary Energy Elon Musk
Secretary Labor Andrew Tate
Secretary Homeland Kanye West
Secretary Defense Steve-O
Secretary Health Tucker Carlson
Remember, Trump isn’t Hitler. Him and Elon are America’s version of Hitler and possibly Goebbles. There is no guarantee this will only be as bad as last time. It might well be worse. It might well be longer.
Paid for by whom is the right question, right?
Until they change their ridiculous first past the post voting system, the gerrymandering, the voting suppression, the PACS, all the money involved, and even when they get rid of all that crap, the US will stay an extremely undemocratic, fascist state
President Donald Trump
Vice President Logan Paul
Secretary Education Jordan Peterson
Secretary of State Peter Thiel
Secretary Energy Elon Musk
Secretary Labor Andrew Tate
Secretary Homeland Kanye West
Secretary Defense Steve-O
Secretary Health Tucker Carlson
Until they change their ridiculous first past the post voting system, the gerrymandering, the voting suppression, the PACS, all the money involved, and even when they get rid of all that crap, the US will stay an extremely undemocratic, fascist state