Look, all these plates are for good causes, I don't care if people have them or create them. I just don't want to spend legislative time doing them. Ever. Like surely there's a ferry I could be building right now. Or like paint I could be licking off a wall. #waleg
There is actually a bill on the agenda to create a workgroup for a new license plate process so we won't have to do these bills anymore, which I could not support more enthusiastically. #waleg
normally I am annoyed by bills to create workgroups but yes this one. pass it. recommendations needed before 2026 so leg can take action asap. It is absurd you spend time voting on these.
Rep Donaghy, speaking to HB 1952, her bill to reform the license plate process to make it less legislative time intensive, notes that not all of the FIFTY FIVE special license plates make money, and the ones that don't, the state pays for #waleg
I did not know about all the different plates. I'd love to have another lighthouse plate but I can't afford it. the horseless carriage one...sounded fun, but my vehicle does not qualify. Thanks for sharing this!