Somebody’s desperately trying to stem the tide.
Usage is at an all time high because everyone is talking about moving to Bluesky.
Usage is at an all time high because everyone is talking about moving to Bluesky.
Gang aft agley"
-- with apologies to Robert Burns.
A lot of people also feel that there aren't any politicians now who represent their views, especially socialists.
That's because everyone's saying goodbye
I got a post restricted the morning of the election results because it said "Fuck Trump"
Good riddance.
It’s gonna be like Tay all over again. (Tay was an interactive Twitter bot that quickly became a racist misogynist homophobe)
Facebook and instagram, YouTube, the comment sections are train wrecked with alt right idiocy and trumpism.
For Musk, Twitter has already served its purpose, he can throw it away now.
She doesn’t say that place is X
Yeah, Linda, your algorithm kept showing me days old tweets i didn’t care about as news was breaking. I mean, that wasn’t even the least of the problems, But I just loved getting Tweets from the weather service with a 10 day old forecast.
"Mein Fuhrer... Mein Fuhrer that is for redact as people download archives and delete their accounts"
Who are we to disagree?.
please send money?
No real people looking at ads or buying products.
Already halfway there now.
I just spent the last 20 minutes blocking people who were calling me every name imaginable on Twitter.
Sure, Linda.
So apart from all the other issues with X, they only want people who will pay.
Nah, LindayaX, we’re good, thanks.
But tell me anyway if you want to.
Well I did anyway.
Says company with website that actively changed it so you HAVE to login to actually see anything there otherwise it just blocks you out. 🤨
I suppose she has to appear to be conciliatory but she really does need to smell the coffee.
She is about to be made a scapegoat.
Looks like some of my posts were too similar as they seemed to think I might be a bot or someone deliberately trying to manipulate the platform.
So much for freedom of speech over there.
Freely - but you will be suppressed if you are not a Righty-Tighty and don't pay to play.
Safely - because death threats, misogyny, racism and abuse are just words.
Yah. Bull💩💩🚽
(always wanted to use egregious in a post 😃)
'In the news today our glorious Leader informs us all is well'🤭