British cartoonist Becky Burke who spent 20 days in harsh conditions in a Tacoma detention centre for a trivial visa issue while crossing into America from Canada is finally on her way home.
The US needs travel warnings now.
The US needs travel warnings now.
Europe, and the world, welcomes many of the bright people home.
and there where daily flights by Lufthansa from San Diego to Munic...
Complete Nonsense...
or haul her to the Airport and get her on board of the next available flight (Would be far cheaper for the tax payer than to detain her for weeks)
Actually, I quite enjoyed South Beach, but 3 nights was enough.
Don't know anything other than that atm but reading wordings should always be paramount and even more so now.
Correct speech is vital. Especially regarding our horrible situation here in the U.S.
Half + of us are in an abuse relationship. The others, well
Sincerely sorry. 🇨🇦 🤝 🇺🇸
Now to help everyone else!
glad she is on way home and hope she can get over this ordeal quickly. horrible for her. wish we could all escape.
So embarrassed for this country.
I'm asking because I want to know how stupid it was.
This is so tRump fecking stupid.
I believe the poster was meaning to say that the regime is racist and so a white person would not be targeted by the regime.
Other reasons may well include having the wrong accent, appearing to be unemployed or just that the enforcement agency has been given a quota and needs to make some more arrests.
If we're in an airport/border going through security, same question (and same answer).
She thinks she’s immune because she’s white and elderly.
The Tacoma Method: where white residents rounded up all the Chinese residents and expelled them from Tacoma, burning down the Chinatown there.
Now these fat fascists in Border Patrol are free to do what they want.
I have told him to cancel his plans, for his safety. He was glad i said it because he's been thinking this same thought.
Do not travel to the US!
ICE is no nonsense. I travel frequently on train to Canada from US. Jazz clubs in Vancouver are happening.
Any specifics on the issue?
Even Venezuela has issued a travel warning to the US not because of ICE but because of gun violence there.
I can't imagine being detained in Tacoma for 20 days.😳
Happy to hear she's finally on her way home.
I must strongly word my protest to my blue wave congress person.
Don't buy American products or brand names at all now. Realistically try to reduce my reliance on digital services out of the US as well.
I've seen numerous posts advising against travelling there. Mostly from Americans.
When they first started to appear, I thought they were maybe slightly melodramatic and hyperbolic but not now. And especially now they've started ignoring the law.
Dark times indeed.
Why the Yanks then threw her in jail rather than just letting her get on a flight home is beyond me.
Even so, if the mistake was stupid rather than innocent is that any reason to throw someone in jail for three weeks?
On a purely practical level if the US had even paid for a ticket to send her back to Britain it would have cost less than 3 weeks in jail.
It seems pointlessly vindictive.
That AIN’T work
She was doing a favour in return for a favour
This is an example for that decision
Where is this detention center in Tacoma?
No other warning was necessary as of that moment.
Same applies to Sky News.
This is what we have become. I would not recommend anyone come to the US at this point in time. For the first time in my life, in which I served two years in the non arms bearing military, I wish I were not an American.
Poor love, bet she's going to get the biggest hugs of her life from her family 💕
This can easily include visits as well as goods
When I used to regularly travel to the USA, I was repeatedly detained for document checks. best country's i ever entered for friendly passport control, Singapore and Mexico genuinely welcoming.
When POC complained about this shit happening in the past, nobody cared. But now they do?
I hope you had the opportunity to meet a lot of good people and see a bunch of the beautiful stuff in America before our dictator fucked with you.
Melting Pot has boiled over.
Now just rage.
Please have a massive party for her. She is a hero.
But he's a brown person so crickets.
Say his f****** name.
Julio Noriega.