Not sure if you live near an Aldi or have even heard of them, but, they sell awesome German chocolate at good prices. Seasonal chocolates as well. Deadly to any diet.
Chocolate in different forms? Like milk chocolate pudding with a dark chocolate mousse top and a dark chocolate sauce at the bottom? Textures! Mocha slices are chocolate cake base with a coffee and chocolate frosting. So yummy.
Agreed! Last night I stopped by #MollyMoon ice cream shop (Bellevue Washington) and got a scoop of chocolate ice cream with a topping of brownie crumbles. Highly recommend.
I keep a few Hershey's in the fridge. Last Friday I grabbed one and it slipped out of my hand and it landed FLAT on the floor.
Sigh, there wasn't a piece left bigger than a finger nail.
You can definitely move to France. I can’t stand dark chocolate or hazelnut. I get all the white chocolate and will find Nutella is on something, every 6 feet here. You will love it!😍
I can't ever pass up something called "triple chocolate" - triple chocolate brownies, triple chocolate cake - but my alltime favorite was my mom's triple chocolate espresso trifle.
Chocolate is much better when you pay a little more but are guaranteed not to have child labor and the farmers get paid better. Try Tony’s Chocoloney.
Most chocolate is 100% black baking chocolate. Check its content - it has only chocolate and nothing else. Bitter? Yes, but coffee without sugar is somewhat bitter. Practice and you will eat pure chocolate and no cariogenic/glycemic additives like sugar, dry milk powder etc
Ta Da!!😃
...and with coffee!
Real chocolate mocha with thin slice chocolate on the side.
Triple chocolate cake with chocolate drizzle.
Yep. True!
🌟Nostradamus 🌟
*One will die of
An unknown disease
*The other will be
Time is approaching
or bacon.
or red wine.
is always RANCH!
Chocolate just grows on trees.
Sigh, there wasn't a piece left bigger than a finger nail.
Seriously better.
Hanging out would be fun 😻
"You can't know what is enough until you know what is more than enough."
on cobbler :D
Enough said!
Have a good night! 😀😃😊😁😄🙂😂🤣
It's the only planet with chocolate.