Everyone in the comments sounds like chauvinist MAGA talking about Kamala sucking her way to the top. Can we not roast her for being a horrible fucking asshole?
Jack… in all fairness, she’s a rather attractive middle aged kidnap victim with Stockholm Syndrome in spike heels and a touch of plagiarism who expects to be buried on the 2nd hole at Bedminster. Like it or not.
She has definitely aged. It seems like anyone who spends time close to him ages rapidly. I suspect she secretly has the same wish we all do… that he would stop taking in oxygen… 😒
I was surprised to read that her thing is foster care. Do they have foster kids? Is Barron sharing his bunk bed with one? They could fit a lot of kids in that tower.
BTW. It's a "subtle Dior" dress that she picked up for 20 bucks while thrifting.
Funny how her face changed every time she thought the cameras had looked away. Went from big, happy smiley face to I hate you, you jack ass, faster than a TeSSla goes from 0 to canceled orders.
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I know….just, blah. It has to suck, knowing you sold your soul & signed a contract to extend your faux “marriage”, so tRump could look like THE man. And win the election (?)
She’s just another gold-digging whore
Contract wife and proud former nude model happily purchased by Trump. Pics are available online. All of those Christian Nationalists seem to have no problem with her past!
You nailed it about Melania, Jack. Pretty funny that she lobbied to stop revenge porn! Of all the concerns she could have put her time and energy into, she chose...REVENGE PORN. My friends and I have no worries about revenge porn.
I couldn't figure out a better way to make this point. Her looks aren't relevant. It's her vile soul that's the issue. As you say, misplaced focus diminishes the critique. Other First Ladies seek to champion a good cause. She couldn't, even if she wanted to.
How does making fun of her looks move us forward in any way? I don’t like her but making fun of her age and looks is a cheap shot. Focus on what matters.
After she wore that “I really don’t care, do u?” Jacket conspicuously in the middle of the family separation/kids in cages scandal, I decided she can be an exception to my rule of generally not reveling in the suffering of others. In her case, it’s karmic.
Agreed, Amy. Men knocking a woman's looks always bothers me. I understand it was meant as a clever joke. I would just rather mock her ideas and actions.
Given who her husband is there should never be any doubt she's equally monstrous as her hubby. As I warned my kids as they're growing up, you are always guilty by association. Make good choices.
2017-21 Trump was in the midst of a regime change, restructuring the entire geopolitical landscape w Putin, giving him the remainder of Ukraine. He’s continuing w that & far more. If he achieves this, we’ll see a systemic collapse. We’re losing our Republic. He must be stopped.
I read last night that she has not spent one night in the White House (thank goodness) and that includes the first term. Not that I blame her, I wouldn't want to spend any time where her husband/money tree is, but what a sham of a woman. Just money to appear whenever--and its written in prenups.
Here a clown, there a clown, too many clowns.
BTW. It's a "subtle Dior" dress that she picked up for 20 bucks while thrifting.
I spotted.
The realization that your illusions have become obvious to literally the world. It’s who you are.
And now you gotta fvck chissmass again…
Be quiet about how Melanie looks .
Her ‘kidneys’ apparently reside where her smaller tits used to.
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She’s just another gold-digging whore
I’ve seen those chairs hanging around the smoky back rooms of industry for centuries
2017-21 Trump was in the midst of a regime change, restructuring the entire geopolitical landscape w Putin, giving him the remainder of Ukraine. He’s continuing w that & far more. If he achieves this, we’ll see a systemic collapse. We’re losing our Republic. He must be stopped.
... We know
And leather.
wears you down