Has anyone got any miniature/modelling hobby goals for the year? Can be anything!
Mine is mostly thinning the pile of opportunity (read: shame)
- Get a Song of Ice and Fire army finished and on the tabletop
- Play some 40k 2nd edition
- An Epic (scale) mega-game with gaming pals
Mine is mostly thinning the pile of opportunity (read: shame)
- Get a Song of Ice and Fire army finished and on the tabletop
- Play some 40k 2nd edition
- An Epic (scale) mega-game with gaming pals
I cheat by painting tiny minis and playing against people with poor eyesight, that can't look too closely 😆
I painted 61 in 2024, it will be at least 62 in 2025
Oh and try to play at least 1 game a month
Work my way through the rest of the pile and try and get down to a few boxes.
They're 40k era so I can get real gnarly with the Nurgle theming. I've got a bunch of the kitbashes and conversions I've been working on posted on here.
Buy, build and paint a bunch of tanks by the end of March for the Goonhammer Heresy event
Go to more events (already got two in the calendar, with another waiting for new dates)
Talk my wife into letting me get a titan.
And if you succeed, please share what tactics you used! I have enough trouble convincing over the Epic-scale ones 😂
Using that to motivate me to paint all of those minis!
I do think an Orc and Goblin army would be nice
Finish my second Turnip28 regiment
Nurgle ROC style warband
Too much out there though!
What sort of O&G army are you planning?
I have collected a fair few Kev Adams sculpts over the years, and will combine those with some of the excellent...
2. Drive myself into bankruptcy by exploring Lord of the Rings 28 mm.
3. Continue fantasizing about making my own 10 mm fantasy war game.
But some hopes and dreams for this year are:
-paint the combat patrol I built and primed last year
-finish my daughter’s wizard character’s tower terrain piece
-play some Combat Patrol, Gorka Morka, and Morheim
(🎶And many more!🎶)
🤨😝😤 (I’ll find a new way)
My solution is I get one of those dining trays (small one that is just about big enough for a few minis & small selection of paints). This gets stored out of sight.. when my better half is watching something on TV I sneak it out 😁
You’re the third or fourth person that I know who does that. AWESOME! It must be tried and true. 😁👍
I may even write some simple skirmish rules for fun.
There are ten unbuilt minis, and a Terminator Librarian and three Lizard Riders to paint.
Can I do it without being distracted by other projects?
It's been too cold to even attempt spraying 🥶
Of course, Kill-Team Owsla are also in the painting queue...
- Midgard
- Blucher
I hope you manage to get a game with them.
We played some games of a Crusade-era campaign of World Eaters Vs Orks. Next is Eldar - we are hoping for 5-6k points of Epic Space Marine (NetEpic)
I did try Epic-scale Hail Caesar and liked the rules, but couldn't get on with painting the minis (which I found gave me eye strain, even though I'm fine painting 6mm which is very odd!)
I know some of the results you can get are outstanding though if you know what you're doing (the Infinity miniatures painter Angel Giraldez etc)