It's rather disgusting for a fellow who cozies up to Putin and China to call a former astronaut and US Navy captain—who's married to a onetime House member who was shot in the line of duty—a "traitor."
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Where are all the other senators? Why aren’t they condemning this treasonous language, this outrageous act should not go unpunished. Its time they spoke out in unison to support Senator Kelly.
This is true. DC reporters have been telling me for YEARS that Leonard Leo is the most dangerous person in the U.S. You won’t see Leonard Leo going on Joe Rogan or anywhere else advertising what he has done. He likes to stay under the radar. Not like Adolph Musk.
Musk really has gotten too big for his own boots. I think this bizarre comment to Mark Kelly is a sure sign he is no longer in control of his own faculties due to his drug addiction and increased work load. Musk should recuse himself from decimating the US government and regain sensible perspective.
I don’t know what to say. Dear god, help us, we are in so much trouble from these horrific people. Musk expects maga to just go along and hate whoever he says to hate. I’m sorry, they are not that stupid!
This dude is out of his fucking mind. First he says he could challenge Putin to a 1to1 combat, then calls person calling for supporting peace on Ukraines terms a traitor ?
He says he takes humanity to Mars but provides taxpayer funded fireworks no one asked for.
Elon's pouting because he's not a REAL #astronaut, much less a real #engineer or even a real #genius. He is an excellent salesman, however, on the level of the #MelonFelon.
More than "rather" disgusting, completely disgusting, obtuse, insulting beyond belief, and says it all about the king throwing his pathetic rhetoric to see where it might stick to entertain his cult of hate and ignorance.
I long for the old days where you could disagree with someone’s political positions without being disagreeable. How about call out the issue you have with the senator but be respectful of his service to the nation. People like Reagan and Buckley are turning in their graves.
Thank you to Senator Kelly and his wife, for all their service to our country. The traitor is the one in the WH that is allowing a non-vetted non-elected person infiltrate our most sacred files and agencies for their own personal gain!
Article 3 Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution says giving aid & comfort to an enemy is treason. The only one doing that is Musk with the way he's been cozying up to Putin.
I would say Musk is a traitor, but I never had the impression he cares about the USA anyway. Can’t betray what you don’t care about, I guess. Really, he’s such a substandard human.
You're most welcome Michael. Swearing and of course tea, I'm good for. Suffice to say these events are worrying for the vast majority of us this side of the pond and so I cannot imagine the fear, anguish and frustration non-Maggots and all free thinkers are contending with.
I've been on edge for some time now; since 2016, actually. It sure doesn't help that I traditionally abstain from drinking during the month of March. Thankfully it's just for the month. Although I just picked up a vape cartridge. That's allowed in these extreme times.
For mine, the most distressing thing about the post is that he got over 1k 'likes'. I sincerely hope that Musk puts something up his nose that literally makes his head explode, but sadly there are so many other pigs in the pen.
Measles outbreaks are back. Grocery and gas prices are up. Bird flu is spreading. All our allies hate us. Air travel is getting unsafe. The stock market is tanking. The government is about to shut down.
This is just the beginning and FUCK that orange idiot and the South African asshole!
Just like Trump Musk has no sense of history or honor. And why should they ? They have shown for all to see they don’t care about people or agencies that aid the people. They don’t understand “ a government by the people for the people “. Never will!
Why can't we just revoke this guy's passport and boot his ass out of the United States? Shame on him. He has done NOTHING for humanity. And now he's playing around with true hero's lives? Not a good look.
I always thought "trailer trash" was just a poor people's term. I am a poor person, but I have more integrity and morals than Trump and Musk. They trailer trash. How can Rich White Men be so horrible? Is there no White Rich Men stronger than them? I just don't get it. ✌️❤️🇺🇸
Did I understand that exchange correctly?
The no good motherfucking slave holding South African Leon Musk called Senator Kelly a traitor after the senator voiced his ongoing support for the people of Ukraine?
Leon has to go and, if the powers that run Congress can't figure out how to do it, . . . .
Reminds me of when Trump said he didn't think John McCain was a hero because he likes people who don't get captured. This was before he got the R nomination the first time & I thought for sure that would sink him. These are the anti-patriots & they're running the country.
It would be great to just laugh off this Ketamine-enhanced tech bro dude’s stupid take on Sen. Kelly, but then you realize this jackass is literally dismantling our government as I type, and it’s horrifying.
US Stock markets today lost 1.7 TRILLION in market capitalization thanks to complete insecurity and trade wars insanity started by Trump administration. Thats 15x more then total US aid provided to Ukraine during 3 years of war. Donald Trump & Felon Musk arw complete losers!
Elon is unhinged. He is drunk on power and adoration (yes there are people that do adore him).
He has lost all sense of perspective, doesn’t even understand concepts of empathy or cruelty and doesn’t actually know how to make America great. Again or ever.
Musk is the traitor
He says he takes humanity to Mars but provides taxpayer funded fireworks no one asked for.
I am quite done with this lunatic
This guy is not firing on all 8 cylinders. Pun intended.
Projection every single time!
Didn't that loser, Elon, do a certain salute during the inauguration of the POTUS...?
Americans have always been firm supporters of the line, "It's ok to punch Nazis!"
-Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany
This is just the beginning and FUCK that orange idiot and the South African asshole!
Senator Mark Kelly’s final line to Musk on X.
MAGA would lose its ever loving mind.
WE need to lose our ever loving minds!
The no good motherfucking slave holding South African Leon Musk called Senator Kelly a traitor after the senator voiced his ongoing support for the people of Ukraine?
Leon has to go and, if the powers that run Congress can't figure out how to do it, . . . .
Even if government has to shut down to stop decimating healthcare and preventing a HUGE TAX CUT for wealthiest ...
You can do better than that, David, surely.
They heard it on "X" and on FOX (sic.) "News"; therefore, it's "100% true, case closed".
You can't reason or intelligently argue with these people. The only language that they understand, is a fist to the teeth.
He has lost all sense of perspective, doesn’t even understand concepts of empathy or cruelty and doesn’t actually know how to make America great. Again or ever.