Once upon a time, if a president made such crass and hateful comments about a senator of the opposing party, senators in his own party would speak out against this. Not any more.
Reposted from Aaron Rupar
Trump: "Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."


Trump has NEVER been a human being and MASSIVE piece of 💩💯
That's disgusting.
Yeah well.. Trump is a rapist and a convicted felon.
In context it's hateful, but in reality, what exactly is wrong with being Palestinian?
His brand of "leadership" is disgusting, deplorable nonsense.
Trump doesn't know that he sounds like a fool.
"Trump is a truly hideous, ignorant monster. However, the fact that he's ruthlessly dismantling the administrative state of the country speaks volumes about US. He and his minions told us UPFRONT they were doing this. We can't say we weren't warned."

Izzie Zenning.
Trump also said Obama was born in Africa and Harris was not black. So of course in his batshit brain Schumer isn’t Jewish. Trump sees all and knows all in his squirrel cage.
A big part of white supremacy is the assertion that white people have the authority to define what other people are. I saw an old British guy go apoplectic when an indigenous person corrected him about their own culture and he was insisting he knew better because of books written by white people
Lies written by the supremacist.
Nasty bastard
trump is not even fit to be called “a president”. He’s a grifter whose buddy maneuvered votes with his big tech company to put him in the Oval Office and take instruction from Moscow.
Ya.. this is pretty gross. There is no bottom
Yes and you’re a complete idiot.. always has been, always will be!!
Once upon a time, the insulted Senator would demonstrate some backbone.
Did anyone have the balls to call him out on this outright hate filled comment on Palestinians?
Nothing is normal with Republican politicians anymore. They have put their love of power above their duty to their country and their oath to the constitution and they have no shame. Their only loyalty is to Donald Trump. And he will turn on them on a dime and we can laugh.
drumpf used to be an american, now he is just a bendoveropenhisbutt for putin
Trump is mentally ill!
Yeah David- normal people can recognize #TrumpIsAPieceOfShit 😉
This is insane
As far as I'm concerned, the speaker of these comments is an asshole.
Trump sure has a way with words.
What a piece of 💩
most if not all of the GOP is afraid of Trump more now since he got big Musk bucks behind him
Trump's not an American any more. He used to be an American. But now he's a Russian. He's not an American. Trump's become a Russian.
Clearly Trump doesn't understand the issue. As usual.
If making a weak-kneed case against Netanyahu's treatment of Gaza makes one a Palestinian, then there are a lot of Palestinians out there.
Says the swine that pretends to be a man ...

"Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."
I struggle to refer to him as a man.
Buffoon implies that he is ridiculous and amusing which isn’t right at all.
I’m not sure what the best word would be
Agree. He’s hollow-hearted, vacant-brained, and devoid of soul or empathy. He’s essentially an empty shell. It’s difficult to know how to refer to such a creature in layman terms, but the DSM-5 has some descriptive suggestions.
I have some appropriate names to call him but I'd get kicked off of bluesky.
MANY Jewish Dems agree.
Saying for a while. They are scared and weak. Sad.
Trump is a lying pos.
Republican Cowards Acting Like Republican Fools...
We watched Trump use racial ethnic slurs during the SOTU address……it is antisemitism
It’s a nightmarish fairy tale we are living in for sure.
Begins with ‘once upon a time’ but doesn’t end with the usual utterance.
Um so, how is this not antisemitic?
For those in the Jewish community who support this despicable human being because they like what he is allowing Netanyahu to do in Gaza will one wish they didn’t. He is clearly a racist Nazi- loving PIECE OF SHIT
America has been a “Once upon a time fairytale” since it’s inception.
He’s just a disgusting person in every way!
We live an era where calling someone Palestinian is an insult. In my view, that’s where we got it wrong.
Once upon a time the media would have hammered a politician relentlessly for racist comments like this. Now we have garbage journalists like @peterbakernyt.bsky.social @jaketapper.bsky.social @brianstelter.bsky.social and many other hacks who just bend the knee to fascists.
It’s sickening that this is what we have “presiding” over our nation. Good Christ.
This is disgusting. The antisemitism is unbelievable. The Palestinian hate is despicable.
Orange blob is an asshole. The devil incarnate pure evil.
And you Trump are an idiot!
Trump is such a traitor. You know I bet the last wad of aid he just gave Isreal was an agreement with Netanyahu to let Trump just take Gaza without any Israeli resistance.
Crass and hateful for sure. But also, who is Trump, who is not Jewish, to have the arrogance to define who is Jewish?
And Trump used to be an American, but now he's a Russian asset.
It's ominous - liberal Jews are not Jews.
Seeing the word Jewish coming out of his mouth made me 🤮🤮🤮. FU47
WASP decorum will be the end of the Republic.
It is despicable that we seem to unilaterally be associating/conflating Palestinians with HAMAS. The two are completely different entities. One is a nationality, the other is a terrorist organization. We need to do better.
Don’t forget he called Harris’s identity into question too. This is nothing new.
Where is ADL on this?
Well, not on that side. Democrats would fall over themselves to condemn their own.
I am so PROUD of President JOE BIDEN and the many Democrats who set the example for future generations! Unfortunately, we are stuck with Trump and Congressional Republicans who would embarrass Jeffrey Dahmer!
This is so gross…
On one level you have a president turning a nationality into a derogatory slur and on another you have a president accusing Chuck Schumer of abandoning his faith and on yet another you have the assumption that if you’re supportive of Palestinians you must be antisemitic.
He is disgusting.
What is he setting up next?
This comment from the Cheeto in Chief is a multilayered turd but at the root it tells us nothing new.

Trump's default is Palestinians are bad.
"Hold it right there. I'm not a Palestinian! Palestinians are awful."
— Chuck Schumer, probably
Wake me up when any major news outlet mentions this or any of their reporters ask him about it. His racism has been normalized. If the Black President said this what would have happened?
Because today's Republican senators have left their credibility and decency at home, fear of the great orange leader...
Ask him to spell Palestinian 🤣
T showing his ignorance again and again.
What's worse is that Trump thinks it's an insult to be labeled Palestinian
MAGATS will chalk this crass and hateful comment as from someone who is "delusional", so don't pay any attention to what he says.
Ok. Then I’m liking @schumer.senate.gov better.
The entire GOP is spineless scum and they all need to be voted out. Obama got more hate for wearing a tan suit.
Djt is scum.
That, or Schumer decided the U.S. is so crazy now that he wants to be a Palestinian
Setting aside the vile insult directed at Schumer ("not Jewish anymore"), let's not overlook the fact that he functionally equates an entire ethnicity (Palestinian) with being subhuman *simply by virtue of their ethnicity*.
We have normalized this crap. We should be genuinely astonished and ashamed of ourselves. This crap is no where near our professed values.
Hell, I remember once upon a time when we didn’t have a convicted felon sitting in the Oval Office.
Trump is scum.
Right. So tired of hearing that Rs are threatened & that's why they don't speak out & no one challenges it. What about the rest of us? They have a responsibility to their constituents, to Americans, to uphold laws & provide checks/balance. With power comes responsibility. More pushback on Rs needed!
Why is he still there in our house
No, that unwritten rule is still followed, just not by the festering bowl of shit known as the Republican Party.
Such a crass, disgusting son of a bitch. And he does not have any role in determining who is Jewish. Not even SCOTUS thinks so.
The other party would have had to have a spine!
He sounds as ignorant as his administration is incompetent.
Yet , more bigoted, ignorant, and racist vomit spewing forth from the orange 💩.
At least Schumer isnt a fucking RUSSIAN!
Comment image
Trump wants everyone to believe: HIS speech is the only protected free speech in America today. Nobody else’s matters anymore.
Once upon a time no president was a felon.
Back and to the right
Because the are herded into the flock by Republican voters who will pile on death and rape fantasy threats, including against children, and all conservative voters are fine with this tactic.
Rumor has it that tRUMP used to be a reasonable human being, but evidence is sparce.

No president in modern history has said such things. Senators in his party are too busy handing him the tools to destroy the country to speak out.
Sticks and stones
The name calling should not deter or discourage anyone.
After all looks who’s talking 🤡
Maybe this will light a fire under Schumers ass and get him more pro active
As far as I'm concerned, Trump is just a piece of shit human


Coming from the disgraced twice impeached 34 count convicted felon and adjudicated rapist that’s rich!
And, in today's world of "Democratic leadership", the senator on the receiving end of these crass and hateful comments is working to whip votes from his fellow Senate Democrats so that the lunatic making this comments gets everything he wants.
Sadly, neither party leaders are the man for the moment. Give me Maxine, AOC, Bernie, anybody outraged with a plan.
The R’s love it. They absolutely love this talk.
#MAGA doesn’t need to be understood, it needs to be eradicated ~
He's a filthy, odious slobbering piece of evil human garbage
We are all Palestinian now
he’s so fucking…..beyond fucking description.