also....these guys sold out previously prior to the election. The thing that drives me nuts is the fact they know what he's now truly about & they still sell out. Now how in hell is that helping you? Know what? They don't care! I'm so shocked!
Name one of these men who didn't sell out! One will be fine thanks! They most definitely contributed to what your now enduring. Just thought I'd bring that up!
They have empowered a president who use Presidential Orders to alter the power structure. Agencies is instructed by Congress via bills. When trump orders change of operations or shutting down one it is then breaking the law, putting himself above congress and the constitution.
People need to stop protesting Trump & Musk & focus on protests against the Republicans. They need to step up otherwise Trump supporters will not believe anything true.Dems can only do so much unfortunately.”Those vote counting computers” for the next election might not sway in the dems favor.
That’s my guy, upper left back row. Blue tie. None of his phone lines are available to leave messages. It’s like he doesn’t want to know what his constituents think.
And Lindsey Graham has completed lost the ability to make eye contact anymore with anyone - even his own cronies. Quite weird to watch - only speaks directly to the ceiling.
Likewise, been following American politics since 2013 from abroad, they only work for themselves and their wealthy donors, they’re cesspool bottom politicians!
Kinda what an oligarchy or distributed authoritarian regime would look like. Gee whiz- Trump maybe inventing a new form of dictatorship - share with the oligarchs , but claim he is the center of the universe. Kinda pathetic - but really dangerous!
Been watching this group for several years now. . it's a cabal. A very misguided cabal that I think has played a major role in bringing Project 2025 to our government with FOTUS at the head.
Yet, they come out in public wearing giant crosses around their necks and makes sure they're seen, crying religion while going against their "lord" Jesus Christ. They love to pick and choose what parts of the "bible" they worship.
I have to wonder, at what point will Trump supporters realize that, THEY, are the ones destroying our country? I'm sure it will be too late. I think it already is.
John Roberts and Mitch McConnell could have stopped Trump if they did their jobs. Roberts and McConnell will go down in history as cowards and traitors to the US. We are here because 2 power-hungry men are cowards.
Spineless people are the guilty ones. They could had stop all this January 7 2021. They could have removed Trump and replaced him with Mice Pence the day after the coup. They knew that Trump was unfit for office and a dangerous man. This will be one of the moust biggest betrayal in USA history.
I wonder if there is a list of everything spineless Graham says on one side and everything he says contrary to the first side on the respective other column.
And many have been reelected to keep harming the American people. So I must infer that their voters hate this country or feel that everyone should not have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Which one is it?!!
Lindsey Graham is a cartoon character. Every full moon he says something that is half way intelligent. The rest of the time you can't understand him because he has his head up Trump's butt! He makes be want to be straight so that I can be on the other team!
They’ve been rotten from within long before Trump and MAGA- that just gave them the go ahead to do it out in the open now. Racist, sexist, bigots- that only care about themselves not the people that elected them. When was the last ti they spoke to actual constituents? And the dems are not absolved!
I don’t know about you but I’m more than ready to let women run the country. Hillary was right about everything and so was Kamala. As an older white guy (even tho I don’t feel it) I’m sick and tired of old white guys running the country. They’ve fucked it up.
It’s more of their indifference and complicity that have harmed almost everyone. They are the most subpar government employees who actually should be fired with cause.
They are complicit in the dismantling of our institutions and should be tried for treason.
We need to embrace the moment and point out every single tiny little thing that they are doing, have done, and the damage that we're seeing around us. We need to embrace it and send it right back to them because it is their decisions that we find ourself here. And then scream it from the rooftops
#wethepeople demand action from our representatives!
Call your representatives and demand that they do not attend Trump's State of the Coup on March 4th and instead hear the testimony of the 7 senior members of the Department of Justice who resigned!
I want some reporter to ask this clown show what they’ve done lately for the American people. Cause as far as I can see, their only constituent is Trump.
The walking corpse on the right could have spared us all this had he only possessed the courage to tell Republican senators to convict Trump after the J6 impeachment.
I floated this idea one other time. I think we ALL need to mail postcards to OUR Representatives. Emails are too easy to delete, postcards take up space, time, and they might even be looked at. Overwhelm them! If half the country voted for this fool, the other half should bombard them with cards.
If they only had any courage everything currently happening could have been avoided. All they had to do was convict him for the obvious attack on the government on January 6th. This is the fault of McConnell, Graham and all those Republican cowards.
Graham makes me sick the way he has stood behind trump ever since he won the first time, because when he 'thought' trump wasn't going to ever become 'president' he tweeted this -
I feel like there should be a lot more people in that photo, sorry. Definitely McConnell deserves to be in it. It’s missing 6 consecutive Supreme Court justices, & every elected Republican, both House & Senate, right-wing media moguls, a lot of greedy CEO’s, Project 2025 folks…You get the idea.
Bill Cassidy will be running against a challenger from the hard right, an avowed Trumpist. Even though he is a physician & knows better, he voted to confirm anti-vaccine RFK, Jr as Health and Human Services Secretary. You see, there's the matter of Cassidy's one conscience vote to impeach Trump.
“And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested”.
Little did George Orwell imagine that there would be a "Delete" button to accomplish this in a microsecond! Lost data, lost history, lost stories, lost records, lost work.
My senator Lindsey is as a compulsive liar so as not to upset his Orange King. Was he always like this? He was a member of JAG years ago. What changed? Pathetic.
Putin has Kompromat on all of them. Please remember that the RNC was also hacked during the 2016 election. All of them also took a trip to Moscow during Ts first term. To warn? To threaten? I can only imagine what they found on Lindsey’s computer.
Let’s not stop there. Let’s identify the people they are trying to hurt; these are the people that Jesus Christ says that he came to save - the poor, the needy, the broken, the orphans, the widows, etc. They promise peace but I only see the opposite and it’s all due to them not doing their job.
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us...If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be it's author & finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." Lincoln Lyceum Add 1/27/1836
Everyone in that picture has lied to the Republican party. Took the side of a white NAZI FELON. What does that say about them. If you don't think so sorry to say every news outlet has proof of their lies & misleading comments. If they are not Nazis why do they support them. Read a FN history book
The destruction of 🇺🇸 is your legacy.
Well done.
No Women No 🖤 ppl No POC
Are people in India ok being sellouts and letting an Oligarchy Billionaire run their country? Could be asked by Modi to make cuts in your country next! Say bye to your jobs!
If you look like them, everything's fine... but most of America DOESN'T look like them
They are complicit in the dismantling of our institutions and should be tried for treason.
Call your representatives and demand that they do not attend Trump's State of the Coup on March 4th and instead hear the testimony of the 7 senior members of the Department of Justice who resigned!
(202) 224-3121
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l hope they all Rot in Hell ohhh wait they are in HELL
George Orwell
I know we can't save *everyone*
... since people are already dying
but every death still feels like a failure to me.