This won’t stop at one student. If the government can disappear legal residents whom they don’t like, where does it end?
To be clear this admin does not care about antisemitism or rooting out hate based violence.
The unelected billionaire that is firing our vets did a nazi salute on like Day 1.
To be clear this admin does not care about antisemitism or rooting out hate based violence.
The unelected billionaire that is firing our vets did a nazi salute on like Day 1.
Statements and Memos = Thoughts and Prayers.
What are you going to do?
Should start by telling all Democrats to stop voting for Republican bills and Trump‘s nominations .
If/when a person breaks the law we take them before a judge and a jury of their peers.
We don’t just grab them without due process.
The elected Republicans who control Congress and remain silent now also own this.
They arrest this guy for supposedly being anti-semetic & anti-American & in the same day try to clear Mel Gibson's criminal record ( a publicly know anti-semetic) so he can own a gun again.
One person protested, the other beat his girlfriend... Oh wait I get it.
Cause it's now a daily thing with the unelected Nazi
Losing your job, military protection, program funding, and your voice because you disagree with DJt**is insanity. We need to take back our 1st amendment rights!
Yeah, I know...sounds crazy...until it doesn't.
Making noise and showing up for us! Where is the rest of STAND UP WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES! STAND UP FOR US!