American evangelicals were so eager to bring about the "end times" that their weird magic book bangs on about, that they forgot that they don't actually run the world and aren't capable of bringing apocalypse down on anyone but themselves and their own country.
I know it is easier said than gone, but I would move ASAP to a blue city in a blue state (or at least just a blue state). unfortunately these are often higher COL cities ... :/
Actually we need regions to stick together. Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, and I guess we can put up with Wisconsin too.
At one time I would have included Ohio but they are infected with MAGA
Come to Michigan! We need more blue to get out of the purple! And you are used to red so if you could move to a red county that would be fantastic! Kent County would be a good place to look😊
Democratic states need to start discussing secession, both internally and between themselves. It's *clearly* not in the interest of blue states to remain part of this federal government. They supply ~70%* of GDP; create an interstate pact between them.
We’ve been discussing it since the 🍊🤡 was elected the first time. His first term fell flat and then the pandemic so it lost traction but there are serious movements for it again.
I'd be very interested in hearing some ideas cause all I'm hearing IS the bitching but no one is reporting on or even talking about solutions which is why I canceled ALL media outlets, got tired of hearing them bitch and no action, meanwhile CRIMINAL DJT continues to LIE and destroy our Country!
I believe, ever the eternal optimist, that it will be a blood bath for MAGA in the midterms. Our most important task to is pass the Voting Rights Act and stop GOP from purging voters.
The midterms won’t be normal if at all. We are only a week in and he is dismantling all institutions and firing everyone. The only hope we have is our governors standing up to him state by state. Help won’t come from Washington.
The courts right now are our salvation: so many of the barrage of “executive orders” were not in his purview (shock of shocks) and some illegal. We will have to wait for him to be put in his place.
I often think of the people working for civil rights and womens' rights from a hundred years ago. They didn't give up and we shouldn't either. I believe it is beneficial to stay in the places of what's possible ~ RESPONDING rather than reacting to the challenges that remain.
God, I hope so. Maybe we can join Canada. The democratic states hold all the money, so they will collapse without us. Which is exactly why I assume they won't let us go peacefully.
Brit here, I just wanted to write for what it worth, I really feel for all of you, it must be like your're in a mad house with no voice, hang in there you do have friends, we know you are the decent and caring side of America ✊
What a breath of fresh air👆as you have friends here as well dispite those here whose collective IQs that begins with a decimal point view the 'other' as our enemy, thank you and virtual hugs! 🫶
Well I was going to jokingly say, seeing as that orange faced man child is trying to be a king, why don't you allow us Brits to conquer you, we could give you an NHS, and we have police that won't shoot you, and we can teach to spell Colour with a letter U, and much much more,😜😂
It makes no sense to those of us who use our brains. We always knew that a vein of hate and racism ran beneath the surface. I had no idea it was so pervasive and widespread. Now it has burst into the open and gone mainstream to enable this.
Cheers, and likewise, whatever position this guy and his regime takes toward NATO/Paris Climate/WHO, more than half of us do care about our responsibilities to the greater community of good people around the globe. Not giving up the ship.
You guys need to look to France. They know how to make the mighty tremble when they bring their entire country to a standstill.
Your answer to your problems is a General Strike.
"People shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of it's people."
Isn’t it time it gets called out for what it is, a targeted terrorist attack on our democracy. In two weeks since the inauguration, every move has been a tactical move towards crumbling the US economy and threatening the safety and security of us the citizens.
Or groups of states. Irony is that blue states have been funding red states, who will further wither across all relevant metrics when the federal funding dries up.
As the UK has isolated itself from our European neighbours and needs a few more friends, we could get back together .... reckon the King's learnt his lesson.
Although taxes will still be an issue, at least you'll get state health provision.
IMO, accelerationism is the objective. Collapse is exactly what the Christian nationalists want. Once the US government implodes, they'll attempt to install their "iron fisted leader" to "re-unite" America into a white, Christian ethno-state.
Thank dog and democrats I was born in Washington State! Feel sorry for those born in red states that can't catch a break and leave. ,Those that are poor and want democracy in red states need to move to blue states. Our rich democrats need to help them!
Have you missed the last 17 years? Perhaps you're too close to see objectively, but you've been fractured since the most racist in your country couldn't stand that a president wasn't white.
Ideological differences are not new territory. Are you going to abandon all the allies in those areas. I'm talking Federally, the Republic is what it is. An Nothing will change that.
I'd also argue with your final assessment of what happened with the Democrats Catastrophic Campaign attempt... ✌️
Negative, this is exactly what the Oligarchs, especially Putin want. Republicans in office need to be recalled successfully and subsequently have Trump impeached and convicted !!
So…New York State, are we going to secede and become one of the largest social democracies in the world or not? 👀👀 I mean, doing so wouldn't just economically crush the Trump regime and war machine or anything. ✊👍 Plus, we’d be welcomed by the world almost immediately.
We already have the UN and other prominent international affairs sites here. We also already have large chunks of every major industry. And, if NYS seceded, it would be the 10th largest economy in the world. Maybe, to protect fundamental human rights, it isn't a bad idea. Hypothetically speaking. 👀
AMERICA, You will no longer be allowed to celebrate the following under President Donald J. Trump : A memo from Donald J. Trump 's "Defense" Intelligence Agency. #blacklivesmatter #Hispanics #Womensrights #womensequility #Martinlutherking #Latinos #Indigenouspeoples #NaziGermany2
I am for it with the understanding we include our blue neighbors & open the doors to our neighbors to the north & south. Give a window of opportunity for other states to join by the people not by the wealthy. We take the constitution and they can have trump & musk. Our SCOTUS is trashed w/bribes.
Although I sometimes have these same thoughts, I pray (and still believe) this can be averted. The states with policies rooted in fact and reality would be abandoning the rest to…what? In any event I agree it is critical to work at the state and local level to maintain sanity.
I know this is an ignorant statement on my part, but in my perfect dream world blue states that generate 80% of the country's revenue would form an interstate pact, pool our tax dollars, do our own Medicare, all, SS, etc & starve the red welfare states till their voters come to their senses
Maybe we can secede with Jersey. Lil handshake across the river. I'm okay with us still giving each other s*** though. Like a big brother little brother relationship 😆
That'd be nice but it's just not reality. Far too many aren't going to come to their senses, because they don't want to. They love the idea of hating and having nobody to stop them.
Not to be cruel here by any means but maybe the Red States need a lesson[s] in Unity and Wokeness on how NOT to listen to the raging rants from a narcissistic misogynist psychotic reality game show cluster fu*k who loves playing a president rather than BEING ONE and now a CONVINCED CRIMINAL.!!
I think the economic collapse will happen very quickly. This population is barely hanging on financially and the tariffs are going to cause catastrophic inflation. And they want to raise the debt limit so they can steal 10 trillion dollars from us and stick us with the debt. Fuck these criminals.
I wonder if the canadian tariffs aren’t to force the blue states to tow the line or face economic collapse.
I pray they do secede. Everyone would be better served of we had a confederation of blue states and one for red states and worked together on defense. Like the EU does it. 👍🏻
I suspect it'll be more by region; there are a number of states where there is a blue area and a red area, and in a lot of them, they didn't particularly like each other.
I've been saying wait until 2026 to mark the 250th anniversary ..... but no longer sure you've got that long.
I watched Civil war last week, to see what awaits.
Good luck.
I'm afraid, if things don't change for the best, you all will have to rediscover the real reason you have a second amendment and its role in defending your freedom and lives.
Just think we’ve been bs’n other countries into thinking we’re #1. Then we allow a would be nursing home patient and a ketamine addict take over the country. 🤦🏽♀️
Population definitely matters; the Republicans have gerrymandered states to hell. Half of that red is light pink, which makes me think those districts are only red by a hair.
This is starting to look less like the lunatic fringe option and more like the foresightful smart option. Amazing how times change so quickly and with so little resistance…
CalExit straight into becoming Canadian. It's a great choice and the right fit. Californians would finally be part of a free country AND their taxes would be put to good use for thinks like universal healthcare, not subsidizing broke Republican States.
Bring it on! Canadians are always happy to have another solid supply of great tasting coffee. It's even better when it's ethically sourced, fair trade coffee! 🤘😎
We already have palms growing on the lower mainland and on Vancouver Island in BC. That said, we are not at all opposed to having lots more real estate with big, healthy palm trees all over the place😁
While the National Guard is under governor control of any given state, they can be (and would be) federalized by the president to take that power away from states.
Unorganized militias would be available to governors, for what that’s worth.
Somehow, I don't think CA would be alone. I have zero experience in foreign affairs, but seems to me it would be other countries' self interest to assist.
The first I heard of this was in 2016 after the EU referendum in the UK. Pretty sure it was in the context of a far right campaign to destablise economies and governments.
That’s out of touch. We’ve survived before and we’ll survive this. Then, we’ve got a lot of work to do to climb out of the gutter. But make no mistake, America will climb out.
I've always thought of us as North America. I can't speak for Canada Jess but I really hope we can start helping the Americans who are in life threatening danger first & Canada is making plans for that so we're at war with America & rescuing Americans. I've been fighting for Americans since 2015.
So I've been looking at the markets. And uhm.. Our PE ratios are massively overinflated, and our market capitalization to GDP ratio is higher than the great depression. I'm not even sure I want to hold stock right now. Deflation might be on the table.
This ain't usually me but I'll go capitalist here for a moment. When Biden was in office my barely started retirement had a 7.5% ROI. Since November, it's been 3.5%, and there are no live updates on the app to tell what my losses have been since the tariffs. Markets are down though, since annouced.
When the big companies produce abroad to increase profit they forgot that they spoil the market at home. Now they concentrate the money to a few and once again spoil the home market. Add pissing off all trade partners to this.
Interesting form of capitalism.
No, this is what happens when you have a grotesquely uneducated republican cult who can't discern between friends and foes to our Country and are easily manipulated into 'thinking' it's all about the color of your skin and gender rather than the content of character!
Uh. there's NO 'denial' here WE, whose IQs that DOESN'T begin with a decimal point knew CRIMINAL DJT was a traitor and who embraces dictators long ago!
DJT's been humping Putins leg for decades trying to get his fleabag hotels built in Moscow and Putin keeps blowing him off so no surprise here!
It's up to you! While you're here, you can help organize and give mutual aid. But you're also giving them your labor as long as you work here; labor that could go to a better country, especially a USA rival. Personally, even if I could leave, I won't. I can't abide the rise of fascism.Never again.
When Trump starts removing certain Senators & House Reps from office for being "enemies of the State", maybe it will finally hit people what is happening. I know that's a far fetched "prediction", but at this point, I don't doubt it happening either.
He already has hired the people for federal jobs that he’s pushing out right now. They were vetted by Oracle & ready to. He’ll go after Blue states after that. They don’t comply, he ends their federal funding.
Perhaps should begin calling on a convention of democratic states for an emergency meeting to discuss plans of succession or that they jointly ask The Pentagon to intervene and defend the constitution!
So is "Anonymous" doing anything to help? As Leon hacks the government computers, surely Anonymous can hack some things, too?
Are you really part of Anonymous at all, or just a pundit?
Im in Texas. My ancestors were here before Texas was a State. South Texas needs to become a part of Mexico again. We can build a wall north of San Antonio to keep the klansmen and magats out.
According to Greg Palast who was on the Kyle Kulinski show Kamala was robbed of 3,565,000 votes; 1/28/25 show—Secular Talk. Watch it on YouTube! Harris and America were cheated by trump/musk/magats of the presidency. Don’t be afraid, watch the program. Palast is a reporter and statistician.
I’ll start. CA will build a wall along the AZ border and reconnect Baja Peninsula as part of our newly (re)formed territory. OR & WA are welcome to join.
I love Baja too. My family spent 20 years exploring before it really got developed, and my brother still heads down there with his camper.
My point was just that they should decide if they want to join.
If the USA had handled the confederate states as enemy combatants the first time, we wouldn't be in this situation. Instead, they have been treated with kid gloves and consistently. This just emboldened them to do more and more. Now, here we are.
I have been screaming this but I don’t know if anyone is listening. We allowed them to come back and integrate and fly their flag as a freedom of speech. They have schemed ever since and taught their children to hate and here we are.
I’ve been rewatching Ken Burns’ Civil War series and I’ve been thinking the same thing. Trying to just get past it and unite the country has been a flawed approach for 150 years. Consequences need to be dealt and felt.
Various secession movements have been run straight out of Russian IP addresses. They have a long tradition of divide and conquer using misinformation to spread division, hatred and fear, going back to their conquest of Siberia.
A civil war is inevitable with a secession.
I'm having a hard time coming up with a reason why a state, California for example, with no military would not be immediatly taken back by force if they were to secede. Do you really think the regime would let the 5th largest economy in the world just walk out the front door?
Think that most of the goverment workers are being pushed out right now along high rank officers, not to mention the favor of senior military and of course resident military. Trump depends on his ability corner his victims into submission; the moment they're given an option they will take it.
Precisely. They would withdraw in the event of the residence place of their families and other loved ones were compromised, not to mention outsider militqry stationed in Californian bases. Anyways, it will depend on them
It’s the most surreal thing that we see this happening and yet most are just going about their lives while those of us who saw this coming are preparing for the absolute worst.
I have been in a constant state of anxiety about a week prior to 1/20. The last two weeks have been almost unbearable. My health is shit, my ulcers are active, and I’m back on beta blockers. I prepared for the worst months ago, but actually going through this - and it’ll get worse - is awful.
Thank you, friend. I can’t imagine how others that have been directly and immediately affected by the new regime feel. This is a whole new level of horrific that we all need to figure tf out now: how do we fight, but how do we *survive*
I guess I'm someone with no fun plans or any desire to doom prep. I'm too old, too worried about whether I'll still have a job on Monday and too disgusted and betrayed by fellow Americans who wanted things this way. If it gets really bad in America, I won't care to live anymore anyway.
Nevada and Arizona will swing blue after Colorado cuts off their water.
In all seriousness, this is not the United States anymore.
We don't share a culture or values, and our taxes are funding their poor decisions. We'd be better off breaking away and setting our own trade agreements with 🇨🇦🇲🇽
first it has to become worse! Maybe this way some idiots will get cured of their tendency of voting dictators.
But again, situation has to become worse first
That we can do by paying no federal taxes. Trump has hurt the entire country in 11 days.
I do not support 2025, fascism or hatred of everyone that's not white. I will contribute not a penny. He will use it to cause pain. Screw them all.
I'm not paying for the gop to try again to impeach Biden.
I like the thinking, but I would fear you could end up with penalties for not paying taxes… but in principle I am very much with you. It is maybe one of the better non violent approaches, but A MAJORITY of Americans would have to do it together to make it effective.
Scorpio Pibble replied...
It's perfectly legal. Call your employer fill out a W4 file exempt for the year. Take 20% percent out of each check put it in a savings account to pay what us owed at end of year. 70 million people doing that all at once is a huge loss to them it will have their attention
Also I think the USA is ripe for an attack from foreign adversaries. We are not in a position to defend our country any more. Everything is a mess and incompetent boobs are in charge.
God Bless America because we need divine intervention right now.
Good thing the Third World War predicted by Nostradamus doesn't mention a Russian attack on America with a Chinese alliance. That would seem crazy, right?
Well, you guys did let the real boobs go. I really believe that your country would do great under Kamala. But the old orange crazy guy has too many dumb followers... Good luck!
Look..... just make a corridor from SATX, Dallas/FW, Houston, and ATX to New Mexico so we can participate in the greatness that would be a democracy. T3xas has changed. Many of us malign the current demise of democracy. Please don't forget us!!
It’s what the Orange Idiot wants, and his supporters too. He is great at pushing businesses he owned into bankruptcy, now he is doing it to a nation. Once that happens comes suspension of the constitution and emergency unchecked powers will be put in place. Bye bye to our democracy.
Moving on with REALITY.......America is chock FULL of racists, xenophobes, homophobes, misogynists and greedy assholes. Its obvious that they did indeed vote him in, in spite of what the fantasy that paints America as still a "good nation" says.
Both can be and are true
America’s original sin is bigotry
Plenty of bigots as you listed voted
But votes were also stolen as well. All seven swing states?
And Orange Cockwomble already admitted it. He always projects and tells what he did/ is doing.
Except that until someone can PROVE it, it didn't happen. Just wishful thinking. I prefer reality, America has always been, & is currently THE BAD GUY of this world. I know many of you don't want to believe that, but it's always been true, in spite of what the propaganda machine has taught you.
All right; the world’s question is: and what are you going to do about it? We already saw Biden’s administration just handing it over as if it was all regular. So… who’s going to intervene?
That is the purpose. The collapse of the federal government is needed for the complete fascist takeover. As fascists aim for military conflict, states seceding from the US will give the ‘perfect’ excuse for attacking these states.
I’m in Washington and I hope we join California and bring in Oregon and succeed as one new country. Combined we are a strong force and could stand on our own as a country.
Realization is setting in for some folks who either chose not to vote or voted for the Nazi oligarchs. Saying “ I told you so” isn’t my style but when I witnessed it happen in front of me…just wow. Did you really think you would not be affected 🤬 Billionaires vs. US
In the past I've always poo pooed it when people start talking about secession (because it's always Texans when a Democrat is in office). But these are extraordinary times.
Canadian here … I see a few comments about states joining Canada … but that’s only going to happen if they drop the 2A and embrace universal healthcare… a good trade off I think!
We’d insist on cutting all the superficial ties with the royal family in return. A renaming of the new found country as well, give a couple of the purple states a last ditch effort to join sans all the Gerrymandering. It truly would become the greatest country in the world.
Even with that they're generally still more right than most of Canada. Form their own country 1st & do immediate trade & defense treaties. Then possibly renegotiate even closer ties in the future.
but if this happens do you really not know that teh south will send their militias?
or more likely, the militias will just go on their own
every major blue city will turn into Ireland during 'the Troubles'
I knew empires always eventually failed, I just never thought our own would fail in my lifetime. Half the country willingly choosing their own demise makes it that much harder to bear witness. 😥
Thing is - the US was never an "empire" in the first place. The idea that the US would never have a monarch and that all were equal was its strengh. It's *becoming* an empire, with a class of lords and a workforce of serfs.
Were we equal though? It was a lofty ideal to be sure, but still had the rich at the top, and many, many worker bees building wealth for others with their labor. It's just undeniably in our face now. I'd argue we are an empire, never sustainable. trump just moved up the collapse schedule.
Before Reagan, the US was doing pretty good, with almost 90% taxes for the wealthy under Roosevelt. Yes, there were gender and race based inequalities, but with the civil rights movements of the 60's the US was on the right path, and better than many other comparable nations.
Oh, c'mon! Doomsaying surrendalism isn't helping anyone. The dems suffered a minor setback because they traded class war for culture war, and need to learn that while white male privilege is real enough, it won't buy anyone a house or feed anyone's kids. The dems just need to find their roots.
The USA was quite content to do business with Germany well into WW1 AND WW2, on BOTH occasions it wasn't until they became a direct threat to the USA's growing empire that the govt finally caved in and ended trade with Germany before entering the war.
Buddy; the US has been an empire since it became allies with Britain; ask the people of Guam, the Philippines, the Middle East, Vietnam, Puerto Rico and Hawaii if the USA is an empire. It might not have been intended to become one but it lost that struggle before either of us were born.
The whole top of this US can become part of Canada. That way NY and California could both secede. But right now there has to be a way for states to stop sending money to the FEDS.
🖤🇺🇸🎲🪅 #DonaldTrump playing"RussianRoulette" with democracy and totalitarian regime bullet in chamber.
Cost of peace,safety,and wellbeing will pay🇺🇸citizens and rest of word.
In case of rest of word. They already preparing and adopting so their own countries,government and citizens don't get punished.
Don’t disagree. Sadly, that’s what it’s going to take for some to see the light. It’s all good til it affects you and your family then suddenly, it ain’t so shiny anymore.
A folly built on arrogance.
At one time I would have included Ohio but they are infected with MAGA
Anybody got any ideas lol.
Let's exercise our Constitutional rights before he destroys that, too!!
Your answer to your problems is a General Strike.
"People shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of it's people."
If we go down it impacts the world.
We can’t let one clown and millions of easily manipulated nimrods destroy what was built.
Although taxes will still be an issue, at least you'll get state health provision.
I'd also argue with your final assessment of what happened with the Democrats Catastrophic Campaign attempt... ✌️
You can fight now or never be able to read the truth again.
We will fight. They will fight.
An I'm not sure we ever got the truth. Just snippets of it, here or there. Fucking Media giants silencing Journalism.
I won't argue...
They didn’t show up to vote and they’re not fighting for their democracy, they’re just posting. Actual refugees are welcome.
but itd be gloves off at that point
You know the people in red states have guns and very little tact
better prepare for the blow back
I pray they do secede. Everyone would be better served of we had a confederation of blue states and one for red states and worked together on defense. Like the EU does it. 👍🏻
I came out to the PNW to get the hell out of the valley going on 20 years ago. Smartest damn thing I've done tso far....
I watched Civil war last week, to see what awaits.
Good luck.
You have been bs'n yourself into thinking you are #1.
You never fooled us.
We've supported those stupid SOBs long enough.
They want the south to rise again? Then do it on their own.
#AuditNAZIElmo #DefundNAZIElmo #DeportNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
If a state actually tried to secede, as states did during the first Civil War, a second Civil War would start.
All military assets in any state are under federal control. Exit states would rely on local militias.
We're headed for civil war, with or without states seceding.
Unorganized militias would be available to governors, for what that’s worth.
I’m not one to that says that lightly but we are only 11 days into this.
Interesting form of capitalism.
Good luck America
DJT's been humping Putins leg for decades trying to get his fleabag hotels built in Moscow and Putin keeps blowing him off so no surprise here!
So ashamed of my native state, glad I moved.!
Aside from any nuclear weapons that may be on subs/ships, blue states have no way to combat the nuclear threat Trump has at his disposal.
He would totally bomb the fuck out of “lib areas” New York, Chicago, and the West Coast.
Be prepared.
If I were Blue States I would begin to start negotiating.
Just wait till interest rates will be raised, then growth of businesses are stalling
Are you really part of Anonymous at all, or just a pundit?
the magic solution was voting Trump down and prosecuting him ruthlessly on 5-Nov-2024.
that chance was easy and available.
now it's gone.
there won't be an easy answer now.
My point was just that they should decide if they want to join.
Just like in Britain, uniting only emboldens them to try over and over again.
A civil war is inevitable with a secession.
delusional sweet summer child..
Ummm, prepping for the food system to collapse.
Im not fully awake yet!
In all seriousness, this is not the United States anymore.
We don't share a culture or values, and our taxes are funding their poor decisions. We'd be better off breaking away and setting our own trade agreements with 🇨🇦🇲🇽
But again, situation has to become worse first
We are at the precipice now. Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no return.
The danger is real but the sacrifice is worth saving our nation and its people from a catastrophic dismantling of our very foundation.
Make it unpalatable, even to the dumb asses.
The easiest/most effective way to do that may be to impact the economy in such a way that his support craters.
The economy is his kryptonite.
I do not support 2025, fascism or hatred of everyone that's not white. I will contribute not a penny. He will use it to cause pain. Screw them all.
I'm not paying for the gop to try again to impeach Biden.
It's perfectly legal. Call your employer fill out a W4 file exempt for the year. Take 20% percent out of each check put it in a savings account to pay what us owed at end of year. 70 million people doing that all at once is a huge loss to them it will have their attention
God Bless America because we need divine intervention right now.
Moving on with REALITY.......America is chock FULL of racists, xenophobes, homophobes, misogynists and greedy assholes. Its obvious that they did indeed vote him in, in spite of what the fantasy that paints America as still a "good nation" says.
America’s original sin is bigotry
Plenty of bigots as you listed voted
But votes were also stolen as well. All seven swing states?
And Orange Cockwomble already admitted it. He always projects and tells what he did/ is doing.
He just needed to use the Cambridge Analytica playbook to suppress votes for Harris in swing states.
Xitter gave him all the data needed and real time feedback on how to manipulate minds.
We have weeks not months.
This is all orchestrated. Just like last time.
We need to be boycotting billionaire products/services. NOW.
They've done too much damage already!
most blue states limit 2A greatly
but if this happens do you really not know that teh south will send their militias?
or more likely, the militias will just go on their own
every major blue city will turn into Ireland during 'the Troubles'
Cost of peace,safety,and wellbeing will pay🇺🇸citizens and rest of word.
In case of rest of word. They already preparing and adopting so their own countries,government and citizens don't get punished.
Those two are going to crash this country. They want their war so they can get the powers to do that.