I only hope that I may summon a small fraction of the ancestors who survived the Dark Ages & other calamities of human history. I'd really like to survive this to see a better (Trump-free) future.
They never, because it never existed. But if you want to use the term as a reference for a time period, they came out of it by making Europe Christian, under the grip of religious zealots, and by giving the power and titles to the rich landowners.
It was actually called the dark ages in comparison to the previous period called antiquity. If you'd also do a comparison between the two, you'd find that the dark ages weren't all that dark (sorry to be the acktchyualy guy).
Religious zealots are natural authoritarians. Couple them with concentrated power, and they'll happily bow the knee as long as they are furthering "God's agenda". It's a toxic combination straight from Hell, imho.
It’s very fitting. The dark ages were filled with complete idiots running everything and making a horrible go for the “peasants” …that’s us. We are the fucking peasants because MAGA voted for a pile of vomit.
Are you just going to ignore the countless Christians (including MLK) who fought tooth and nail in opposition to these movements and for the sake of social advancements which we today take for granted?
Well that’s because the bad things get all the attention. I would argue that, without Christianity’s emphasis on humility and charity and the good things countless Christians have done in pursuit of those principles, we could be living in a world much more unfair.
I was born into Sikh faith however feel well and truly agnostic now. I cannot help but think that these traits are innate to human beings rather than religious teachings.
I’m not saying that charity and humility are restricted to religion. I’m saying that our modern humanism was historically shaped by the ideals of our religious ancestors.
Also a lot of the mythology around the "ignorant and superstitious dark ages" comes from much later books and movements that were using that as a critique of some contemporary issue.
IE- In "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court", the "dark ages" are 100% just the Confederacy and South.
We need to do a million people march on the Google Headquarters. We also need to march on Fox News & Facebook. All three of these media platforms are responsible for the mental dysfunction of our society. All roads to Trump's durability lead to these media platforms! #marchongoogle #marchonfacebook
MAGA Nazi's adopted Afghanistan's and Iraq's political system. A political scientist warned don't invade other nations bringing your values into a conquered nation for you will export that nations values to yours.
If I were a Trump sporter, I'd be a little upset right now.
1 Where's the wall?
2 Why are groceries so high?
3 Why are eggs $8/doz?
4 Why is gas still over $2/gal?
5 Where is Hunters laptop?
6 Why is Joe not in prison?
7 Why is Hillary not in GITMO?
8 Why is Liz not in cuffs?
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Ah no. Dark Ages means a lack of writing. Christianity was an urbanised meme that spread throughout the Roman Empire, but not into the daker areas of the countryside where the pagani lived. after the dark ages is when Xity really took hold diseminated by the Latin bible.
47, if he knew history at all would recognize his regime as a copycat of Henry VIII.
Just as about as original as Hitler.
He's not an original...only a psychology specimen who will be studied for years to come.
I'm still waiting for the obituary.
I could not agree more. Certain religious groups are more cults than actual Christian God loving groups . They worship a false idol who will do their bidding
My take: It was called the Dark Ages due to feudalism, barbarian invasion, and marked economic instability.
At the same time. Africa was thriving with the richest man on the planet in Mali-W. Africa. Within 300 years of this time period, the European invasion and plunder of Africa commenced. 🤨💅🏾
Forget where, but I read that “Dark Ages” is all about Western Europe & leaves out the fact that other places were thriving or even having a near-golden age
Over one third of the entire European population was killed in the religious wars in Europe. The devastation finally lead to an agreement to live and let live and base arguments on proven facts I.e.(science.) Once they did that Europe burst past the world with innovation. We should try it again.
I am presuming that you are referring to the reformation wars, including the 30 years war. If so they were as much to do power of states as religion and a lit of the death toll was related to disease.
But disease took hold because of the collapse of order and quality of life. Areas of France were left to stave because of waring parties. And states were obviously involved but the leaders used religion as their excuse, while some actually believed it.
Read about it, be afraid. Learned about it back in my years as an undergrad as European History student but didn’t think it would a rear its head again, but here we are.
Christianity did not cause the “Dark Ages.” After 381, the Empire survived as a Christian empire for 100 years in the West and 1100 in the East. The collapse of the Roman Empire was a complex process that involved multitudes upon multitudes of variables.
Sounds like someone paid attention in school. So refreshing am I surprised that I already follow you because you keep shit real? NO!!! I hope you like the gif: I'll just borrow, it's not stealing because I'm taking the image and leaving a gif; Paraphrasing Daliso Chaponda 🌟🦁🧲
A zealot is an extremist who may not accept those who posses opinions that differ from theirs are entitled to common human rights.
Real Christian’s, differ from other religions in that they do not act in an aggressive or hostile way toward others because they do not have the same beliefs.
Oh it went WAY beyond the Dark Ages. In 1684 King Charles II revoked Massachusetts Bay Colony Charter because their “RELIGIOUS zealots in charge” were murdering innocent people over religious differences. LOOK IT UP.
Last time it ended with the Plague, and we had the Renaissance. (Until they kicked out Galileo two hundred years later, and we started this all over again!)
MAGAs have perverted the real teachings of Jesus who stood up for women and taught not preached non violence and that everyone love each other. It’s the church who used him to get their way as they weren’t allowed to read. No country should be ran by its religious beliefs who treat women like trash
He's not outsmarting anyone. This system is going to require people to die, rather than fix the problem through the courts. That's why this just goes on and on.
We named it the Dark Ages because there weren't many sources available following the collapse of Rome. The sources we do have mainly come from the Church, who are the only reason we really know anything about that period, as only religious folks were really literate. Why won't this cringe meme die?
Another historical example might be the fundamental Christianity of Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain. That included the genocide of Spanish Jews, Arabs and Africans as well as the genocide of the Native Americans.
Christianity was not responsible for the Dark Ages (a stupid and inaccurate term). If anything, they were less dark because the Church provided an institutional structure that survived the collapse of the Roman state and encouraged the preservation and cultivation of knowledge.
Just a reminder: the country was first colonized by religious zealots deemed too extreme for even the Puritans. It became a country after some rich and entitled white dudes threw a tantrum over taxes.
It seems like all the stupid, dangerous ideas come back around and history is repeated over & over... Humanity will eventually doom itself beyond repair.
that covers the 5th century what about the 11th-13th or the 15th-19th or when America was founded. nothing last forever and the "dark ages" came from Rome losing most of its education institutions due to plague. even then that was just for them the rest of the world kept going. hope this helps.
Yes, they are ruled by autocrats, but the definition of a theocracy is a state that is governed by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.
Think it through- according to the current administration 1870 - 1913 was the golden age - so no twitter, no computers, no penicillin, no general sewage systems, electricity very limited - we could go on and on, massive dead rates - NUTS ❤️
No, we didn't. We called it that because people a couple hundred years later didn't know anything about it and made a bunch of assumptions with no info, like you are now.
Science and innovation continued, particularly in religious enclaves, and serious scholars no longer use the term Dark Ages.
It's actually important. It's important to talk about that this modern image of a modern thing that happened - most modernly - is modern because if you can't admit that sometimes things get a whole lot worse despite the fact that they happened close to us in time then how can you combat that?
Well I didn’t comment on the history, it was my opinion he was making a joke. It wasn’t my post and I’m pretty sure it was a joke, but feel free to name call it’s ok.
Religion is responsible for more suffering and death than any other cause in human history. Christianity was declared the official religion of the Roman government by Emperor Theodosius. They proceeded to murder pagans and were one of the cults that destroyed the library at Alexandria.
What about the Muslim occupation of Spain, Portugal and South Eastern Europe? Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. They were under Muslim control during the dark ages.
It didn’t work out well for Caesar either. The senators feared his plans to become a monarch and took care of business as they should. History repeats itself. If they want to take us back in history. They never seem to finish the lesson past being in charge.
No I believe the only way his cult will awaken is if one of his own screams the truth while repeatedly engaging in a pin the tail on the donkey with 12"s of German kitchen steel
Don't worry...under our Christo-Fascist government..this will be renamed The Rise of Great Christianity...and children will be taught to make it great again
The dark ages began when Rome pulled out of Great Britain. It fragmented society.
The church tried, with some success, to gain absolute control. Economies suffered.
People starved.
The latter dark ages was also a time of great advancement and invention, trade routes were expanded.
"Married Women Could Be Stopped From Voting Under SAVE Act" SAVE Act is based on having a birth certificate that matches the person registering to vote. 69 million married women in the US have changed their legal name since getting married, meaning their name does not match their birth certificate
Well, that's one way to take away a woman's right to vote. Some of us always knew coupling with men/birthing was a serious disadvantage to us, so they'll have to find another way to take ours. As a precaution, I'd recommend women taking their maiden names back. Oh, and sterilization is advisable.
IDK. The monks did make beer and brandy, and educated women long before it was fashionable. But it was only because they understood true Christianity is small 'c' communist...
Religion has fought against every advancement to improve the lives of people. They want nothing more than the total and complete control over everybody's lives and to push us back into the bronze age.
It’s called the dark ages because there are almost no records of the events around that time, not because of the things that occurred during the period.
It was called the dark ages because it was just after the fall of Rome, and most of the technology the Romans had innovated was lost, and the resulting skirmishes between houses and petty lords. Not unlike the setting of Battletech after the Star League's collapse that triggered the Secession Wars
Fun fact: historians and scholars largely reject the term Dark Ages as being inaccurate. Conflating our current situation with a falsely imagined past negates our personal responsibility for what is happening. This isn't the Dark Ages. This is white supremacy given its full course to run.
Doesn't work. Wake up man. The audience doesn't give a shit if you're correct, they only care how you make them feel. Not good, I agree, but it's reality. Ignoring it will only lead to further losses and we literally cannot afford that. We HAVE to adapt.
they were doing this while Meso America, India, China had civilizations that still cant be understood completely. yeah white is NOT any kind of master race, except when it comes to being slavers.
Christian zealots should be given their own sandbox to be contained in while they experiment. The same way dangerous virus are treated.
So that we don’t get dragged down into their shitshow.
The enemy is there to punish the sinners, I’m afraid. With a perfect nation on earth, how does Satan exercise his authority of torment which God gave him?
Unless your citizens are all blood covered Christians, such nation cannot happen.
the vast majority of human history is made up of murderous psychopaths forcing average people (on pain of death) to bring them useless pretty rocks by committing mass murder.
IE- In "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court", the "dark ages" are 100% just the Confederacy and South.
1 Where's the wall?
2 Why are groceries so high?
3 Why are eggs $8/doz?
4 Why is gas still over $2/gal?
5 Where is Hunters laptop?
6 Why is Joe not in prison?
7 Why is Hillary not in GITMO?
8 Why is Liz not in cuffs?
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Same with the four NAZI in government now;
Just as about as original as Hitler.
He's not an original...only a psychology specimen who will be studied for years to come.
I'm still waiting for the obituary.
At the same time. Africa was thriving with the richest man on the planet in Mali-W. Africa. Within 300 years of this time period, the European invasion and plunder of Africa commenced. 🤨💅🏾
Real Christian’s, differ from other religions in that they do not act in an aggressive or hostile way toward others because they do not have the same beliefs.
Please learn some history and stop showing off your ignorance.
Fuck all religions.
Of course, back then it was only a couple of pages.
Byzantine (Christian)
Ottoman (Islamic)
The Kingdom of Judah (Jewish)
Mughal (Islamic)
Examples of empires based on religion that have fallen.
Current theocracies - Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Vatican City. Not the powerhouses of the world.
Science and innovation continued, particularly in religious enclaves, and serious scholars no longer use the term Dark Ages.
this shit been happening.
the salem witch trials were christians lynching people of other religions.
The church tried, with some success, to gain absolute control. Economies suffered.
People starved.
The latter dark ages was also a time of great advancement and invention, trade routes were expanded.
"Inquisition" starting up!
Dark Ages;
Shouldn't let it drag on as long as they did.
How about the Truth?
So that we don’t get dragged down into their shitshow.
Unless your citizens are all blood covered Christians, such nation cannot happen.
Yet the Dems did NOT focus on this during the election...or now.
I'm terrified rational, critical thinking people are a species destined for extinction