It's so difficult to explain this to people who weren't there, too.
"Doomscrolling?" that wasn't a thing.
"Doomscrolling?" that wasn't a thing.
Reposted from
This is Me
The web actually was a lot of fun before monetization ruined everything.
Now Neocities exists, which is a lot like Geocities but with slightly better tech and somehow no banner ads.
Proprietary websites almost feel ancillary now. A lot of websites don't even post news blogs on their own sites.
And then...Facebook. That was the beginning of the end.
The internet felt wild and magical - a perfect escape for an isolated small town teen. Really broadened my horizons!
Kids today didn’t know what they missed. Okay tbh the technology sucked, but it was more about — the bright spirits, the joy of discoveries, the awe of knowing people just like you even if 1000s of miles apart. Those things.
you'd clicky-click your way around and wander from webcomic sites to hyper-specific forums to fanfiction aggregators to blogs dedicated to sparkly GIFs with quotes from someone's favourite book
and "social media" was Livejournal blogs and website guest books
Many of the old sites have vanished because it was no longer worthwhile to maintain them, but one CAN simply obtain a server and split costs with a few friends and set up little websites of one's own with no grubby corporations at literally any time.
The closest thing I had to doomscrolling was Fark and that's pretty benign by today's standards.
And then you were done with the internet for a while. It didn't follow you.