You’re 100% incorrect on this one. Hunter would be paying a much higher price than necessary based on the felons that are about to take over the levers of power. Doing anything else would be naive and acting like norms and rules haven’t changed. You are just plain wrong.
Why not commute the sentence to one day or commute it altogether instead? Why the blanket pardon? It makes me think that Biden is aware that there are more currently undisclosed crimes.
He wouldn't get the death penalty. This tit for tat is not the way. I get the unfair and completely lopsided standards that the two parties are held to but that is the reality. I still think it's wrong to abuse the pardon power and we can't argue the point if Biden also does it.
Respectfully, there is no higher point to argue. Biden had no other choice and it’s time we stop acting like the rules and norms are the same. They aren’t, and the people voted for lawlessness. It’s no time to pretend there’s higher ground to be had.
I get your point, but Trump is not normal, and his Cabinet will be made up of sex offenders and Russian assets. I wouldn't trust any of them to be fair and follow the law.
Believe me, I don't trust any of it. I am all for getting creative and finding legal loopholes to fight back against all of it. I still view this as an abuse of power. Not saying I'm right. Just what my gut says.
I have mixed feelings on this one. Conventional wisdom is that two wrongs don’t make a right. However, I feel the MAGA crowd already believe and say the Bidens, among others, are above the law. Now they finally have evidence of those beliefs.
I wish Biden had commuted the sentence to one day or grouped it with other people in the pro Democracy Coalition that he believes would be targeted by a Trump DOJ. The standalone blanket pardon looks selfish at best or that he believes there are other undisclosed crimes at worst.
That's not the question though. That's whataboutism. Trump has unquestionably done more to harm our society than any person in modern history. While I understand the sentiment and can't even say that I wouldn't do the same, it's still objectively an abuse of the pardon power.
The GOP's abuse of Hunter Biden has been sickening to watch. To use a father's love of his son against him for political gain is immoral and unforgivable.
NO ONE can pardon the GOP for what they have done.
Get off your high horse. With the corrupt Trump ready to go on the offensive you would have done the same thing. If you wouldn’t have, then you’ve learned nothing from the Trump years.
I think blaming people like Biden for bad things people like Trump do is the reason we're in this position in the first place and you and others should stop doing it.
I also think Biden should pardon some other people in the same way. Cheney, Kinzinger, Milley, Vindman, those girls who testified in the January 6th committee, and other people I don't know about who have opposed Trump. Including many journalists.
Wrong. You’re living in the past. I hope Pres. Biden’s pardon is the first of many. If you’re worried about the country, aim your fire at the convicted felon coming to the White House.
She regularly focuses the majority of her attention on Trump. It’s possible to look at both parties & see its failings. Please remember that Dems are in a delicate pro democracy coalition w indies & never Trumpers. What they think about Ds matters. Ds can’t win national elections without them.
That’s some serious 🤡 talk. “Again chooses himself over country? Nonsense. Read the document. Everything he says is true. This was a political persecution.
Thank you for your courage in saying this! It’s this current that runs through the bulwark that makes me not fully trust them or their analysis, despite the fact that it was almost the only source I watched every day during the election— couldn’t stomach her crew even then though.
Biden was selfish and should have kept his promise to serve just one term. That would have given Dem‘s time to launch a better campaign to win this cycle. Please listen to the Harris campaign on autopsy on pod save America. They needed a full campaign season to win.
Biden continues to be a disappointment. He could’ve commuted the sentence to one day/week or he could’ve lumped Hunter in with other pro-democracy people that may be targeted by a Trump DOJ.
The stand alone blanket pardon was selfish & makes me think he may be aware of other undisclosed crime(s.)
When that is your only son alive I don’t believe Biden’s name is god and he should hand his son over to be crucified. Good for Joe and his family. I will talk about the great things he accomplished while someone like you will only talk about what you think is bad. I feel sorry for you
I agree with you. This is disappointing. It's up to the judge to consider aggravating factors (such as political motivations, if they exist) when sentencing. He committed the crimes, and he could have handled the consequences. Biden could've and should've resisted the easy temptation. And now Trump.
Biden could’ve issued the exact same statement w a commutation of the sentence down to a day or a week instead of issuing a blanket pardon. It makes me think that Biden is aware of other undisclosed crime that could be a liability with a Trump DOJ investigating influence peddling or FARA violations.
You can not be serious.
I don’t have time to list the people that Trump has pardoned .
This point of view — expecting one person to be a martyr and sacrifice his only surviving son, while Trump pardoned anyone who would testify against him — exhibits extremely poor judgment, Mona. Idiotic 😡
When Kash Patel throws the Bulwark contributors in prison and then President Shapiro wants to pardon you guys in 2029 is that also a terrible decision? Just unsavory partisan politics?
Biden could have issued pardons to everyone likely to be targeted in the pro Democracy coalition along w Hunter. The standalone pardon versus a sentence commutation makes me think that he is aware of other undisclosed crime.
Ds need to be consistently better than Rs. I wish Biden had issued the same statement, but instead commuted the sentence down to one day instead of offering a blanket pardon. The pardon makes me think that Biden is likely aware of other undisclosed crime.
Bigtime BS. All bets are off when it comes to Trump. You’re acting like Trump’s a fair, ethical and mature bargaining partner and he is the exact opposite. Also? Biden chose his SON, not himself, as any loving father would who is viewing this situation clear-eyed.
👋🏽 I’m also a Bulwark founder and I completely agree with Mona & Tim on this. Ds need to be consistently better than Rs. I wish Biden had issued the same statement, but instead commuted the sentence down to one day instead of offering a blanket pardon.
With Pam Biondi at DOJ and and Kash Patel running the FBI - does anyone in their right mind think it would stop there? They would just keep running Hunter down for years and expecting anything else is not realistic.
If Harris was coming into office I would agree with you. If Trump was picking normal people at DOJ and the FBI I would agree with you. However Trump is clearly going to use prosecutions as a weapon and not to pursue justice. Biden is not required to sacrifice his son.
NO ONE can pardon the GOP for what they have done.
‘again’ chooses himself over country?
You’re pathetic and one of the many reasons the conservative movement has brought this country to the brink of dissolution.
The stand alone blanket pardon was selfish & makes me think he may be aware of other undisclosed crime(s.)
I don’t have time to list the people that Trump has pardoned .
This point of view — expecting one person to be a martyr and sacrifice his only surviving son, while Trump pardoned anyone who would testify against him — exhibits extremely poor judgment, Mona. Idiotic 😡