That's a hard line to find (legit criticism vs reflexive dem blaming or lib bashing),
But (& again I've been guilty of this), when in doubt, yell about Republicans *doing* awful things, not the dem response
We can mention the latter, but the focus must be on the former
But (& again I've been guilty of this), when in doubt, yell about Republicans *doing* awful things, not the dem response
We can mention the latter, but the focus must be on the former
You mock the weak-willed pissants with no morals because you have to keep them in line
The same reason you’re getting dunked on so hard right now but no one gives a shit about replying to Charlie fucking Kirk
OP is a fucking moron
They should NEVER have a moments peace in public if this is how they " lead"
They can resign if they aren't up to the task.
Gavin Newsom too!
Those shitheads are worth condemning - and they *should* be condemned - but they represent *barely* more of the Democratic Party than elected DSA members.
Uh, yeah: the small minority that hold elected office. That minority. The ones specifically chosen to, you know, do something useful. Not to play patty-cake with fascists.
Dems inaction shames them, but yes, the worst 10 shame the whole party for not lifting a finger to protect their own members...even from their own members.
Fuck yourself
You have fun doing whatever all that was and I'll do whatever I want.
Schumer is old and useless. Jeffries is delusional and useless.
Both are in the pocket of Wall St.
"trans women are not biologically male" will be the key phrase for me to stop shitting in them every moment i breath
Do you believe those Congressional Dems should provide their biggest fundraising groups with some concrete guarantee before attacking them?
Bad things are bad things regardless of party affiliation. You can either spend your time yelling at only one side and watch the party creep to the right, or yell at them both.
Also, shut the fuck up, shitlib. I see your posts criticizing movements and their messaging.
Wild concept, I know.
Yes, the right is bad. But I can hate them and also come after liberal leadership for their lack of any sort of resistance simultaneously.
al green started something. the other dems dropped it on the floor. useless.
If you do not criticize Dem response right now you are simply an unreasonable and unserious person.
There's a whole saying in our culture about "sweep your own porch first"
Dems are the ones who have to defeat them and they are doing a bad job, so they are getting yelled at