if my family was dying i would lower my candle budget to increase spending in the areas required to keep them alive (shelter, food, water, medicine). i believe many people share my outlook.
I am so tempted to sign up for Threads just to shit post the dumbest shit. Like a finance guy account that tells people the one thing simple they need to do is save 130% of their pre-tax income every month.
Oh God. And because it's a Zuckerberg product a LOT of those people didn't use Twitter like that and probably encountered that post for the first time. This is the future and it's a dark timeline
As an app, Twitter wasn’t that big, and for many non-users it was quite intimidating for a number of reasons. Threads being the gateway for these people through Instagram means there’s cross exposure that never happened prior.
Is it bad that I'm hoping the IG folks eventually just crawl back into their hole?