JoJo, I’d stockpile non perishable food. Cans, dehydrated, surplus MRE’s, whatever. And a good way to filter and purify water and then store it in bulk. Critical meds too. The mantra is “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”
Rice! Get that new car now!
Anything Gaming! Get now!
All go up 20% to 200%? Insanity!
My last car $4 k over and 4 month wait! Dealers were selling them before here!
remember covid no foreign chips no cars!
Ugh! Not again
A guy in charge of healthcare who doesn't believe in vaccines or fluoride. A guy in charge of defense who doesn't think women should serve and got war criminals pardoned. A guy for AG who asked for a pardon and is being investigated by the ethics committee. Lots of toilet paper for this shitshow.
Really, we should all stock up on a lot of things if we can. Then we can just stop shopping for a while after he is inaugurated. Let his numbers tank a bit.
As a 49-year-old woman who has been saying “I’m getting a passport this year” since age 17 yet I STILL don’t have one,
I’m personally at “My appointment is next month…”
It may take a while for their incompetence to trip things up. But their poor transition will leave Taiwan and Israel vulnerable. The second crisis will be when they start caging and separating families and deporting Abuela. So Stock up for summer.
Beaujolais Nouveau day is next week. I debated buying a case this year (I had skipped the last two years). I pre-ordered two. That should hold me through the first 100 days....hopefully.
1) passport is valid
2) buy foreign property
3) continue to resist
4) move significant wealth into crypto for portability
5) have a few weapons
6) live as if social security and Medicare will end
7) delete incriminating social media posts not made anonymously
8) not lose hope in humanity
I’ll be stockpiling canned fruits and veggies. Trump wants to deport those who harvest them, while the white people here in Wisconsin and elsewhere who manufacture TP will be safe.
My dream is that soon we'll be in a "this country is so fucked we can seek asylum in better countries" territory. Get out of this insane country and start anew someplace not full of fascists.
Depends which state you are in. In MA we feel a little insulated by our governor at the moment - but she hasn’t been able to protect people from the hate rhetoric which is just everywhere
You need to stock up now! Food, water, battery radio, bug out bag. I've been prepared for a while. Climate change and Trump disasters are two reasons to be prepared physically and financially. (Also, out West we have the long overdue 9.0 earthquake and Sunami to think about).
N95 masks
Canned foods
Dry foods
Extra prescriptions
Extra OTC meds
First Aid Kit
Crank flashlight/radio
Water purifying tablets
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Pet food
Pet medications
Lighter fluid
Burner phone — have #s on paper
—Renew passports
—Have cash on hand
—Purchase any home improvement materials or appliances now before tariffs take hold
—Pay off anything you can immediately
—Hoard history books
—Let at risk folks know that you are a safe house - quietly
We are at the, "stockpile TP, soap, masks, sanitizer, get a solar generator, buy a distiller, get antibiotics, painkillers, and bought MRE's" early stage. Same as zombie apocalypse stage. Oh and take a first aid course.
I see lots of folks posting that they're stocking up on toilet paper and food. So we're definitely approaching Code "where's the toilet paper and how much food can I stockpile?" Also, I know at least a dozen people (myself included) that are contemplating large appliance or car purchases before Jan.
We need to have a count down calendar when he enters the White House. Everyday we check off will be one day closer to never hearing about him again. Hopefully we still have a country left by then.
Started stockpiling paper goods and cleaning supplies over the weekend. Canned and dry goods this week. May need to provide a safe house - now with Gaetz nominated for AG.
If we organize lawsuits against Disinformation/Propagandists there is a lot of money to be had.
It will take years for the payoff, BUT there will be less Disinformation/Propagandists and more money in your pocket.
They did not learn with Dominion, they did not learn with Alex Jones. Drain them dry.
I highly recommend binge watching the YT channel Townsends, with years of content of ALL things 17th and early 18th Century life, food, crafts, and living.
It’s vital to learn as much pre-electricity living as one can absorb and practice. 🤨
Yes, I see workers afraid to show up at the warehouses for fear of a raid, I see the orange one violently raiding liberal cities so they can turn it around and say see we told you immigrants were dangerous, I see him crashing our economy. But other than that 😳
Anything Gaming! Get now!
All go up 20% to 200%? Insanity!
My last car $4 k over and 4 month wait! Dealers were selling them before here!
remember covid no foreign chips no cars!
Ugh! Not again
I’m personally at “My appointment is next month…”
I am also doing a bit of pantry restocking.
1) passport is valid
2) buy foreign property
3) continue to resist
4) move significant wealth into crypto for portability
5) have a few weapons
6) live as if social security and Medicare will end
7) delete incriminating social media posts not made anonymously
8) not lose hope in humanity
The movie, not the holiday.
I have never owned a gun.
I have never needed to own a gun.
I am buying guns and planning escape routes to Canada.
We are way beyond stocking toilet paper now ...
Maybe that’s just me.
As far as toilet paper, I have started to stock up on leaves.
They are infighting earlier than I expected….
I think maybe masks, etc. too if you know what I mean!
N95 masks
Canned foods
Dry foods
Extra prescriptions
Extra OTC meds
First Aid Kit
Crank flashlight/radio
Water purifying tablets
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Pet food
Pet medications
Lighter fluid
Burner phone — have #s on paper
—Have cash on hand
—Purchase any home improvement materials or appliances now before tariffs take hold
—Pay off anything you can immediately
—Hoard history books
—Let at risk folks know that you are a safe house - quietly
It will take years for the payoff, BUT there will be less Disinformation/Propagandists and more money in your pocket.
They did not learn with Dominion, they did not learn with Alex Jones. Drain them dry.
It’s vital to learn as much pre-electricity living as one can absorb and practice. 🤨
Dont forget about Pet food