So, Trump is going to use our military on our streets to round up and deport 11 million people, costing us the $100 billion they currently pay in taxes, and saddling our country with hundreds of billions of dollars of new debt…
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Sorry, but I don’t trust that this is true. It might be. But many times when the media reports something, I notice only some entities raise the prices. Not all. Telling.
You can find it in any Agricultural trade journal as well. The media isn’t the one collecting that data. We’ve had 3 of the worst avian flu outbreaks back to back to back
And the construction industry will be gutted. If you have built a house in the last 10-20 years, how many workers on the job site were white Americans?
Let’s be fair. There are some that legit don’t know how his plans will work. They listen to videos on social media for their news. Had one friend complain about the cost of chicken but can’t wait for tariffs. 🙄
My colonized Native family all voted for him in hopes of spending US$ in this way. Since our % of N8V blood is less than our Euro blood, they figure they need to preserve themselves, “Harris will take care of her own, we need to take care of ours” real fam quote from August. Yes, THxgivg is off.
Wait until H5N1 gets a foothold in the USA. 50% fatality rate.
We all will wish for the good ol' days when they were $3.00 a dozen.
Trunt will likely push quack cures like horse de-wormer (ineffective on viruses), UV lights up our butts, and clorox.
It won't be fun.
Yep. He’ll cripple the agri industry.
Then he’ll impose his tariffs increase, fire thousands of government employees and blame Democrats for the bad economy.
Do you pay taxes and follow other laws? I do. So why do you excuse lawbreaking by those who are not citizens of our country? Seems illogical and unfair.
He's not going to be doing that. Not in the numbers quoted.
Employers will keep the immigrant labour on their farms, their factories, their properties, and threaten them that if they demand a decent wage or workers' rights, they'll be reported to the 'relevant authorities'.
Internment camps in red states will effectively become slave labour. If illegals tell them where they are from, they'll get deported. If they don't, they'll be held as slave labour. Billionaire oligarchs are going to get even richer.
plus he's selling them expensive maga mob shit and if they are buying this crap...f**k the cost of eggs. Though my organic eggs cost me $2.99 & have for the past 8 or so years. These guys don't shop who say eggs cost to much. $2.99 & up so you have a choice at how much you want to spend.
Eggs have been expensive because of the avian flu outbreak that caused many chicken farmers to destroy their chickens. The price of eggs has nothing to do with anything that the Biden administration has done or had any power to do.
➰Some maga goals➰
Harm women and steal $
Harm POC and steal $
Harm all that hurts MINO fee-fees
Make more white male millionaires
Get revenge for boomer rage in 60s/70s
The election is over. Just purchased Oscar Mayer Bacon at my local Fred Meyer store (Kroger) $8.49 each...Buy One Get One Free! Who should we thank for such a fabulous price? Trump? Kroger for keeping it at a high price pre-election so the sheep would vote for Trump?
Jojo,I truly believe that most of the idiots that voted for Trump did so because they are uneducated dumbfucks that listened to likewise morons who never read the newspapers, only watch Fakenews and can't form an opinion of their own.
No. He won't deport all of them. They will put millions of them into camps and force them into labor. Ya know....basically slavery. I wish I were wrong
Believable too, if you consider/think that some MAGAts will, at least once/week, eat eggs before driving their huge F-250 to the harbor to spend the day on their huge powerboat
They could easily save $5-$10 on eggs alone (they won't)
It's all about where people get their information. Obscenely wealthy rightwing billionaires have invested in a massive disinformation network-- from Fox to Sinclair to iheartradio to all the rightwing evangelical media outlets. This election result shows that propaganda really does work.
Those folks were mass manipulated and radicalized. They wouldn’t even agree with anything in that statement despite unlimited info available literally at their fingertips and mountains of data to support a booming economy. They all believe DT could have just somehow skipped planetary inflation
That does seem to be their argument. Now watch prices drop from all the work done under Biden. Trump already claimed the results from all the work President Obama did keeping us from the brink of depression driven by the Bush administration
Remember who we’re talking about here in that they are sheep who revere every word that comes out of dear leaders mouth and add to that that they are sharp as marbles…
he does not want all women removed from the military. That is false, he just questions. There are effectiveness on the front line of battle. We can debate that, but please set the parameters of the issues truthfully. Thank you.
Oh the names I’ve been called merely for saying it’ll never happen. Nothing will ever happen to him. He gets away with everything. I sure wish I could enjoy the told ya so streak but I’m afraid I’ll be suffering more than the average person.
Jo, you know they voted for trump to own the libs. That's what this boils down to. The dog caught the car. Dog is about to find out what a steel machine barreling at you will do to you when it hits you.
They also voted for him for a total abortion ban. Honestly, it was never about the price of eggs. It was to take women’s rights away, kick out anyone who looks foreign, and push the white agenda nationalist Christian agenda, aka Project 2025 + racism.
Well,I hope he gets to it quickly. It'll save me $900 to renew my green card. Plus I've got no problem going back to a country with more freedom and a free (at point of use) healthcare system.
Also, the people he seeks to deport pick our food, work in our slaughterhouses, care for our lawns, clean our homes; pay into the system more than they take out. In the decades ahead, nations with educated young workers will thrive while nations with old retired workers, like the US, will decline.
We should use the military on these invaders. What is wrong with deporting all these illegals and allowing the legal immigrants to work? Are you against legal immigrants?
Too many of these racists have no clue that the millions in Social Security that undocumented immigrants pay but will never use is part of their Social Security now and in the future.
Elon's going to make up for it by making sure no DEI initiatives are EVER followed in government again, thereby saving us... And then monkeys flew out of my butt. That's all I got.
Decimating a skilled, effective and under paid (forced to live in the shadows) workforce of construction, hotel, restaurant, agricultural workers. America first
He'll be deporting those people who have made productive contributions to America. When the food bills go even higher because farmers who produce/harvest the nation's fruits and veggies have to pay people much higher wages, people might wake up and realize they fell for Trump's con...AGAIN.
Nope, he’s going to say that he did and a lot of people will be thrown in prison. Then he’s going to say they were deported, but they really go to work for prison labor.
Private prison labor is reinvented new slavery. Trump knows it would destroy the economy to deport them
And since it's difficult to find undocumented immigrants or where they could be deported, they plan to revoke the lawful status of countless immigrants which would likely cause a great emigration from the US, exacerbate the US's aging population problem, and gut its ability to do business globally.
Logistically and realistically his plan is absolutely impossible to carry out. Really, just think about it!!! He's blowing smoke to appease magaots. He'll try but in the end it will be a complete waste of time and money.
I don’t think he’s going to be able to do this. He’s not going to get the support from Blue governors and mayors. And I don’t think he’s going to get a ton of support from the military. 45% of the military are POC.
He's going to use them as slave labor to work farms. These for profit prisons are going to make big $ while the American people have to decide if they have the ethics to not purchase food picked by slaves. Given the election at least half of the population doesn't care
True. The cost of fresh fruits and vegetables will skyrocket because there will be no one to harvest. Trump and his pals clearly have this plan well thought out, don't they?! 🤦♀️
Let's be honest, neither side seems really concerned about the debt. At some point we will, but when that happens, it will really be bad. Now then, when food and housing start costing more. Then they'll care.
The debt was being handled under Biden. Trump promised to pay it off by cutting taxes as did Reagan and bush jr. The inflation reduction act was actually reducing the deficit according the cob.
I don't know about you but when I have work done on my house. The contractor is a white businessman. But the crew that shows up to do the work don't speak a word of English. I'm sure they're not paid well.
They genuinely believe thousands on both sides won’t be killed. Good people decimated forced to do their duty by the shithead commander in chief. It's going to be catastrophic.
The hate-filled delusional bull in a china shop mentality.
I have a feeling that the they're going to learn that the United States of America is too large to enact something like this. Oh they'll try but they haven't thought it through. One thing is for sure none of this is going to go how they think it will.
Ah, fascism, what concept. Some of us tried to warn you all a decade ago that this was the path. But no, too many were/are in denial, or decided it was a good idea to try and compromise with them. And here we are, having to fight harder than ever. I'm ready.
Don't forget the Tariffs, which means everything will be more expensive:
Electrical goods, all devices (or components of them) made abroad
Around 30-35% of the softwood lumber used in the U.S. is imported which will affect the cost of homes.
Anything not produced in the US will increase in price.
I hope Trump starts his roundup of migrants in ag center of California. Don't worry, crops won't rot in the fields! There are many 1000s of natural born Americans lined up at Farm Bureau offices looking for jobs picking strawberries, tomatoes, artichokes, grapes, cabbage, nectarines, peaches, etc.
For all too long, thousands of natural born Americans have been denied the opportunity to make the big money that migrants have been making for years by picking stuff in 104 degree weather. LET AMERICANS PICK NOW!
Also leading to the complete collapse of the food industry in america which will lead to millions of deaths from starvation. Yes, the only real hope is the military tells him off.
'Smith has moved to dismiss the case without prejudice, meaning it could be refiled at some point in the future, but the statute of limitations will expire and the case will likely not be refiled against Donald Trump.'
By a not so strange coincidence, 11 million is the same number of people murdered in Nazi concentration camps. I'm a bit more worried about that than the debt.
He can't deport them. Countries won't accept them. This is literally how WW2 happened. #history
Then he is going to turn around to cut the medicaid and food stamp to cover the mass deportation cost. Use people's life money to against people'life! What a perfect plan!
I think you're right there.
But I think he'll do some. Make a big spectacle about it. Show it over and over on Fox News. They have this footage. They run on fox, showing immigrants pushing through authorities only to go 50 feet to a fenced in check in point to claim asylum to authorities.
Yeah. For what he says he’s going to do, just not possible (thankfully!). 1.4 million people incarcerated in the US. He’s gonna catch ten times that many? Then deport? That’s a lot of bus rides…..and to where? If people from Congo are a problem….not many buses go to the Congo from here….
We have got to rise up. Playing by the rules has gotten us smack dab in the middle of hell. If folks think this is just put your head down for four years and get through it they are sorely mistaken. You think there are going to be midterms in 2 yrs? never again. This is the apocalypse
Apparently so. And, if your underaged niece is pregnant due to your older brother raping her, and you cross state lines to seek pre-natal medical services, you’ll go to jail. Let’s see…what else?
Yea... That calculation doesn't add up... This is sad and terrible... And a bad idea! To me it seems more like a cowculation..... Or something with sheeps... Because it's baaahaaahaaad! 🤣
(Sorry for the jokes on this serious matter🙏)
Tell all the soldiers you know about because if they take and follow illegal orders they will be subject to prosecution if we ever get the soul of our country back.
It's panic move. The US must be whitewashed, or they lose majority population. Latinos alone predicted growth 174% by 2050. Bi racial, Asian and Blacks will out number whites. This has nothing to do with migrants being here.
exactly! He and his 'men' have no idea what will happen when they do this. It's a 4 year old man-child saying something who CAN'T think it through to what will happen, nor does he understand or care that they pay taxes!
Will he be allowing 'his' migrant workers for his golf courses and hotels and housekeeping to stay? I'm sure they'll be threatened to keep their mouths shut or else.
Yes. That’s the plan. He and his campaign said this explicitly and they were even holding up signs at the RNC. Then a plurality of white women and Latino folks voted for him anyway. I thought we were all getting together with popcorn for the finding out part.
A charming chap called Idi Amin did exactly this in Uganda when he was elected on a platform of racism & hatred & the entire economy collapsed because he sent huge portions of Asian immigrants to the UK & the British national dish today is :- Chicken Tika Massala & jolly lovely it is too! 😉
Yes. That’s what he says. Can he do it? He might, but I think there are going to be a lot of cogs turning and even more Monkey Wrenches tossed into the works.
If he thought Portland was bad with the BLM, like he's always talking about on TV with the riots and fires, just fucking wait until they try and take anyone from my blue fucking state and deport them. Fuck you, you stupid racist pathetic orange man and all your incompetent cronies!
My theory is that there will be no mass deportation. It was a fear tactic to use for votes. Propaganda saying they are criminals, taking jobs and taking over our country. It’s this elections “wall”. I do believe something will happen, but not to the extent he has been saying. Next comment.
He says he’s declaring a national emergency on day 1, but he’s also going to be purging generals. He hasn’t even signed the transition agreement which will put a hold on a lot of processes needed to get it done when he takes over. The states that have low immigration numbers will forget he said it.
Ag businesses, construction, etc businesses will be relieved. The other people will be irritated, but forgiving. Likely a rise in hate crimes unfortunately. They will not realize he’s lied about it because he will present as Biden is holding him back or our military. They will not blame him.
Also, I don’t think any of them really give a shit. They just want something to be angry about. Now the white nationalists will be pissed and will join together and create chaos. It was a way for him to divide us. Make them angry and scream and make us angry and scream. Perfect storm for him.
Ditto for the tariffs. He'll back down on any tariffs that hurt agriculture. If anything, he'll try to impose tariffs on products and foodstuffs produced in blue states to try and damage their economies.
Honestly, I think he’s lying about that too. He’ll round up the easy gets and act like he’s done something significant. We’ll see. He really wants to use the military to put down protesters, because when his horrendous policies hit people will be in the streets fighting mad.
And y’all want me to believe you voted for that rapist, traitor, felon, idiot because eggs were “too expensive”??
Mortgage rates are 6.8%.
Let's see what the prices and interest rates are this time 2025.
We all will wish for the good ol' days when they were $3.00 a dozen.
Trunt will likely push quack cures like horse de-wormer (ineffective on viruses), UV lights up our butts, and clorox.
It won't be fun.
* Women, workers, voters, consumers, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ
* Fair wages & taxes
* Social Security
* Health care
* Environment
* Western alliances & trade
* Rule of law
* Checks & balances
* Free press & speech
* Civil rights
Prepare. Commit. Resist.
Then he’ll impose his tariffs increase, fire thousands of government employees and blame Democrats for the bad economy.
Employers will keep the immigrant labour on their farms, their factories, their properties, and threaten them that if they demand a decent wage or workers' rights, they'll be reported to the 'relevant authorities'.
US Slavery 2.0
Harm women and steal $
Harm POC and steal $
Harm all that hurts MINO fee-fees
Make more white male millionaires
Get revenge for boomer rage in 60s/70s
It’s always been because of racism.
If he follows through, it will likely tip us into a recession (...from a Candian economics prof I know).....
But ya, everything is fine.....
Just f-ing fine.....
Yeah, seems that's the theory
Believable too, if you consider/think that some MAGAts will, at least once/week, eat eggs before driving their huge F-250 to the harbor to spend the day on their huge powerboat
They could easily save $5-$10 on eggs alone (they won't)
“He tells it like it is” = He hates who I hate
“Eggs are too expensive ” = He hates who I hate
“He’s a great businessman ” = He hates who I hate
Army: 18.8% of officers are women
Navy: 20.9% of officers are women
Marine Corps: 9.8% of officers are women
Air Force: 23.4% of officers are women.
Teens for the minimum wage jobs.
Teens in the meat factories.
Teens in the army.
Teens become commodities.
Just like it should be 50/50 everywhere else
1 Gutting migrant workers that would raise $ of domestic agro
2 Tariffs that would raise the $ of imported agro
3 Tariffs will cause a current trade partners to stop buying from US- puts farmers out of biz- lowers supply and raises $
Everything else was just a distraction.
Cause Good Trouble.
Disrupt and push back everywhere and always.
Sow discord among them.
They will care when that money goes missing.
Private prison labor is reinvented new slavery. Trump knows it would destroy the economy to deport them
He'll deport 50 in 4 yrs and say it was millions, maybe more. Some are saying way more.
The hate-filled delusional bull in a china shop mentality.
Electrical goods, all devices (or components of them) made abroad
Around 30-35% of the softwood lumber used in the U.S. is imported which will affect the cost of homes.
Anything not produced in the US will increase in price.
Oh no, wait, they won't. Nothing will be cheaper.
came from overseas,
requires human labor,
gets to you by means of a gasoline-powered vehicle,
it will NOT be cheaper.
Theodore Roosevelt "No man is above the law"..?
'Smith has moved to dismiss the case without prejudice, meaning it could be refiled at some point in the future, but the statute of limitations will expire and the case will likely not be refiled against Donald Trump.'
He can't deport them. Countries won't accept them. This is literally how WW2 happened. #history
But I think he'll do some. Make a big spectacle about it. Show it over and over on Fox News. They have this footage. They run on fox, showing immigrants pushing through authorities only to go 50 feet to a fenced in check in point to claim asylum to authorities.
Like Benito.
(Sorry for the jokes on this serious matter🙏)
Home Depot sells Monkey Wrenches. Stock up now!