Very welcoming! I thought BS was a place for open discussions and welcoming to all people. Guess not. #discrimination #prejudice #bias #haters #hypocrits
I mean… after the first thing went wrong I would have bowed out… she kept buying them and more and more issues piled on… the epitome of, “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again”.
Cybertruck doors, hoods and trunk lids have the right to chop carrots, and potentially fingers, in half. Two of my neighbors own one each, and I worry for their kids.
We were robbed Claudia de la cruz, and karina Garcia should be in office now. Tik tok. Instagram. Twitter Facebook psl national youtube. Brick& morter branches. More votes than anyone since 1936. May neo liberalism die.
If your child goes missing, police will only look for your child if they're lucky enough to be related to someone rich. They will show up in force though to protect a car dealership. It seems police reform is badly needed in the US
Women against Trump postcard campaign is Saturday. Flooding the White House with handwritten postcards voicing concern and other “regards”. (Like one addressed to Musk “You’re Fired”). I tried to post the “Attend”link here. But it won’t let me. Here is a snapshot
Good Morning JoJo, first we need to get back where we were ! I'm not sure how that is even possible? I always thought there were wise people with high power that would never let this happen! How stupid was I.
Seriously,I don’t understand why Congress hasn’t passed an equal pay and equal rights act for women🤔.
Seems like no President has pushed this narrative and I just don’t get it.
Women are absolutely the entire world’s life blood and without them,we men would be f———d🤔.
Not as long as Republikkkans have power, or misogynists, or evangelicals or anyone that happily strips rights from anyone. It won't change unless people make it change.
Maybe someday, a qualified woman will finally become president of the United States of America and females will finally have a voice and the same rights as men.
Women will have to TAKE those rights. Nobody is going to give those rights to them. And since brainwashed submissive women who expect men to take care of them and who are perfectly happy with the male dominated status quo will NEVER make those rights theirs- your problem is submissive women.
Guess again...this coming from a 70 you retired nurse who worked with male doctors who always thought their names started with J and ended with an s middle letters e-s-u.
I'm so devastated that in just a few years this statement went from "I know women aren't treated equally, but comparing them to a weird car? That's a bit melodramatic." to "Ah, the impossible dream." I have two daughters and it hurts my heart that this is their reality.
Or an AR-15. Will Tesla be stalking us with their NAZI Mobile too? No wonder sane people are trying to disable them all! Tesla is our ENEMY too! Their Cyber truck is the ugliest piece of shit designed by any car manufacture ever. Elon is promoting it to make the whole world look STUPID! Easy Marks!
Not until women of America get up and fight for our rights instead being 🍊💩s cult members. Women of the senate and congress need to get self-respect and be a Liz Cheney. Until then we’re cooked.
My parents always told my sisters that they had those rights. Sad that my nieces have to fight the fight that my generation thought we had won for good.
Yea... It seems like some very special products are being made some kind of divine and above goodness... It's sad, because we all know who the cruel madmen behind all this nonsense are... I deeply hope they don't get to destroy more 🤞
Hey, American women (and men) the Canadian Military is hiring.
Be like your fore bearers in 1939-1942 join the Canadian Military and get a head start on fighting fascist.
And the pay is better.
musk/trump white house has now violated the MOST BASIC INSTINCT all living things, including humans, act on.
PROTECTING THEIR YOUNG! And now we lost the right to educate our young! One of the most sacred ways to protect them!
No, we will always be less than. We grew above our station and are being put back on our places now.
The fucking SAVE Act! What a joke. Who are they saving? Without a birth certificate matching their ID they can't vote. WTF?!
I am waiting to see how MAGA bros deck out their new Trucks. Can they fit those massive tires under it? Where do you put the fake exhaust pipes? Who will be the first to stuff a V8 under the hood?
I say we separate. All these people who wanna go back in time and live under an authoritarian regime I say let them. But we in other states need to just separate ourselves from them. Let them live out there, Gilead fantasies on their own time.
All I can say is, if this happens, good luck to the red states. It's the blue states that have been subsidizing them so they'll have to do without all the money we give them.
Meanwhile, we'll be getting universal healthcare, lower cost education education, better safety nets, increased Social Security/SSDI and SNAP. Oh and people besides white, cis, straight, wealthy men will have rights.
I envision a society made up of educated people where we’re not busy trying to fight for human rights because another group always wants to take them away from us; a society where we can use all of our brain power to actually improving civilization instead of inventing new ways to oppress people.
I hope for that too. In the meantime, any woman near me who has her rights violated is FULLY welcome to grab me. I'm your dad, brother, cousin, uncle, whatever and I WILL kick the shit out of anyone treating you as less than equal. If you want the help, I'm here. If not, go off queen.
Eh... Gotta get rid of those in the government first. A fair election is unlikely to happen, so they'll remain in power until someone does a specific thing.
They don’t and never will respect women!
This lady worked 6 years at Tesla.
Listen to what she has to say.
I still think it's possible but I can't see the way forward yet.
The Socialist program with Brian Becker.
We were robbed Claudia de la cruz, and karina Garcia should be in office now. Tik tok. Instagram. Twitter Facebook psl national youtube. Brick& morter branches. More votes than anyone since 1936. May neo liberalism die.
Seems like no President has pushed this narrative and I just don’t get it.
Women are absolutely the entire world’s life blood and without them,we men would be f———d🤔.
Just sayin'
a) Cybertrucks that can give birth
b) White male misogynists who can give birth
Maybe all women should just not have sex with men who vote to remove their equality rights?
Be like your fore bearers in 1939-1942 join the Canadian Military and get a head start on fighting fascist.
And the pay is better.
Joking aside it's fucked up that even women are ok with not having any rights, hell some of them want the 19th amendment revoked.
It's the ultimate expression of how stupid and self destructive racism can be.
But you're dead on about rights.,sexual%20abuse%20of%20columnist%20E
You can protest clinics but not Tesla dealerships, ok?
Because capitalism. Duh.
PROTECTING THEIR YOUNG! And now we lost the right to educate our young! One of the most sacred ways to protect them!
No, we will always be less than. We grew above our station and are being put back on our places now.
The fucking SAVE Act! What a joke. Who are they saving? Without a birth certificate matching their ID they can't vote. WTF?!
This is getting old, y'all; having to revisit the fights we, our mothers and grandmothers already won previously. But fight I will!
All I can say is, if this happens, good luck to the red states. It's the blue states that have been subsidizing them so they'll have to do without all the money we give them.
That would be nice. 😁
And Christian Extremists
You've never received appropriate recognition of that FACT!!!
It's the worst for our country and our humanity.