Canonized. This one id canonize probably. The quaran as well. But all very advanced reading. No mass shootings guys. It solves nothing. And the aliens surely wouldn't be and weren't defeated so easily. Deserves a sequel.
It has schlocky qualities, but what 80's movie doesn't. I definitely recommend checking it out, to me it's peak Carpenter.
People say "Oh it's more relevant today than it was then"
And they're wrong. It's equally relevant because nothing ever changes.
I met Meg Foster in 1992 in Tucson while she was filming an episode on Brisco County. Her eyes are every bit as stunning as they are on screen. She was very nice.
Idiocracy isn't the only movie that's a documentary. They Live, was a movie criticizing Reagan administration. Which was the presidency that started trickle down economics and neoliberal policies, that caused the wealth gap. That is why Trump wanted back in, Biden was undoing that.
The people with the money make the rules, but they don't follow them. Also, having followed their rules is really not any guarantee of anything on your part. Ultimately, if they hate you, they'll figure out a way.
I love and miss John Carpenter so much. I know he's still alive, he's just done making movies. I don't even blame him, guy was royally fucked over by the business so much.
Every time I heard directors complaining about how "they can't make movies because of [insert excuse here]" I look up to see if they went to bat for Carpenter. None did.
My dad showed me this movie and wondered how I ever got the idea in my head that masculinity was being manufactured to sell people things and reinforce straight heteronormative hierarchy- this idea totally foreign and dare I say alien to he/him?
It's a different kind of zombie movie; you put on the sunglasses that reveal the subtext of propaganda messaging and realize you have in fact been the sleepwalking zombie.
“We sleep
They live
Do as they say
Get married
Watch TV
It’s time we wake
Address the mistakes
And start over again
Before it’s too late
If we let them get their way
Human capital stock will skyrocket on the stocks and shares
That’s us
They think we’re theirs…” mdB
Great movie, I wish I also had a pair of glasses that reveal the true nature of society, but I have to content myself with humble dialectical materialism for now.
Had a chance to hear Keith David speak at CONvergence last year prior to screening this film. It is a very fun film & listening to him talk before watching it was an incredible experience
People say "Oh it's more relevant today than it was then"
And they're wrong. It's equally relevant because nothing ever changes.
Those that have the capital escape the punishment.
“I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum."
They live
Do as they say
Get married
Watch TV
It’s time we wake
Address the mistakes
And start over again
Before it’s too late
If we let them get their way
Human capital stock will skyrocket on the stocks and shares
That’s us
They think we’re theirs…” mdB
It will unnerve you; it's kind of prescient in the way of 1984 (novel).
"Life's a bitch, and it looks like she's back in heat."