they still act like the architect of it, general mattis, is a hero because his over inflated ego didn’t mesh well with trump’s. they want respectable pmcs doing it with american equipment paid with american money funneled through vassal oil kingdoms, the civilized democratic way
I swear, this is the stupidest shit, and totally useless. If you support republicans, this is how you do it. If you want to have a “dog in the race”, you back the party who’s closest to in beliefs. People like you have weakened the Democratic Party enough to shift it to the right.
Great idea to bash Democrats after Biden basically zeroed out drone strikes & got no credit after Trump upped civilian deaths by over 300% last time. & vetoed ending US involvement in Yemen after the Dem House passed it
The Biden who illegally end-ran around Congress to gift 90 billion in cash and weapons to a regime that had already murdered 20,000 kids in the previous 20 years? That Biden, you devious fucking pervert?
Because if they are communicating on unsecured devices and channels the Houthis could respond and shoot the planes doing the bombing if they know enough details for example
Do you genuinely still think the democrats care about how stuff polls with the electorate and care about it more than what their funders want them to care about ?
Senate dem actions won't, can't, change wether people get sent to concentration camps or Yemeni get starved. It's not something the minority of the upper house of the legislative makes decisions about
The idea that Dems are cowardly and not complicit in the evils of the empire must be smothered to death. They are hyper vigilant and efficient at ensuring the American system is reproduced ad nauseum even to their own expense.
They really did jump right up to defend the sanctity of the military industrial complex. I keep having to learn it’s not possible to be cynical enough about the American empire
I mean at the end of the day pretty much all the Dems can do most of the time now is bark until they are able to get a majority in the house. That said, stopping the CR was the rare exception and Schumer failed even his own party there...
The republicans grind the government to a halt every time they are in the minority. There is literally a template for fighting laid out and the democrats are ignoring it. Almost like they agree with this fucked up reactionary agenda, weird.
Thank you so much for saying that
It has upset me so much
Everyone joking about this fuckup
Meanwhile real humans died today
And all ppl care about is the Leaks
Ehhhh I think you’re missing the greater context which is this is something republicans care about (particularly senate republicans) who have actual power.
sure man. everyone who agrees with you is real, everyone who disagrees with you is fake. I'm sure that's a perfectly healthy and well adjusted way to look at the world
gwen: idk maybe people are not cool with yemeni kids being starved and that's why they're posting about it? some people have this amazing thing called morals
Correct. Seems pretty clear to me they're going to mostly spend the next 4 years trying to out warmonger Trump on China, Russia, Yemen and whoever else the US empire wants to murder
It would have been tragic if the US had missed out on their favorite past time - bombing Middle Eastern people into oblivion - had their operation been jeopardized in any way.
It's okay though, the journalist made the good ethical decision of waiting until after Middle Eastern people were bombed.
Establishment democrats are perfectly able to stand together to condemn the administration when it threatens US hegemony, just not when it threatens your social security and medicaid. They aren't naive, they hate us.
Democrats have no problem with the US government bombing civilians in other countries, they just don't like that Trump is saying mean things while doing it. They care about decorum over anything else.
False equivalence between the GOP & democrats. One group wants a two state solution. The other is looking for resort property in Gaza. The folks in Michigan literally voted for this.
I taught at a school in Gaza. Kids there are taught to hate Jews & Israel early. Israel is the scapegoat for all the leadership failings in the ME. Arafat had his family in France when he was the PLO leader. Who diverted needed funds over the years in Gaza to build tunnels & buy weapons?
You taught school in Gaza and you didn’t get that people there hate Israel because it is constantly killing & assaulting & causing daily trauma in every conceivable way? I honestly can’t believe you actually taught school in Gaza if you don’t get this obvious point.
What is the solution? Seems like perpetual war & violence. I am old now, I did lose friends there & it’s not the first time. The bus bombings are still fresh in my mind. When I left I wish I could have brought people with me. Seems like they wouldn’t be safe in the US not either.
I hesitate to
Believing that Democrat leadership isn’t supportive of the Israeli genocide of Palestine in the same way the Republicans are is the Democrat equivalent of when Republicans actually believe Trump is only going to hurt “the bad guys”.
Hmmmm ok. I think there should be 3 then actually, those two and a third big one that’s just all the territory where the occupation is right now. Then we get 3 Palestines.
As shocking and, dare I say, entertaining as the Signal leak story has been, does anyone seriously think it will dent the GOP or the current regime? Their leader is a guy who stole nuclear secrets for the lulz with zero accountability.
I don’t think it’s going to have an impact but is dem leadership calling to do a senate probe into Rubio for disappearing people? Did prominent dems call for Rubio to be fired over human rights violations? Etc
Who is yall? How many protests have you gone do or how much phone banking have you done on their behalf? Plenty of people care. Dem leadership doesn’t.
The Corp Democrats don't care for the yemeni children they don't care for our own children that been gunned down in multiple schools,churches,gathering and etc and look at what they've done to Palestinians children and civilians allowed Israel bombing them.
Great idea to bash Democrats after Biden basically zeroed out drone strikes & got no credit after Trump upped civilian deaths by over 300% last time. & vetoed ending US involvement in Yemen after the Dem House passed it
But no, they’ll never do anything because they cash the same checks from the same people and the oligarchs want to profit from chaos
It's good politics to hound them on this, because "i wish more military personnel died from WH incompetence" polls really badly, outside of the fringe
Senate dem actions won't, can't, change wether people get sent to concentration camps or Yemeni get starved. It's not something the minority of the upper house of the legislative makes decisions about
~ The Democratic Party
It has upset me so much
Everyone joking about this fuckup
Meanwhile real humans died today
And all ppl care about is the Leaks
Who are we protecting this info from?
Palestinians and their allies
Defense dept leaks are a good thing
Cheap fake.
And you chose a terrible profile pic for it.
I hated it when nesting dolls stole Palestinian sovereignty and I hate it when they do this shit.
plenty of dissent to go around
not everybody who disagrees with you is in a bot farm
believing this to be true in order to be comfortable with not giving a shit is some ethically compromised horse shit, buddy
-Shuck Coomer
We have no power
Vote in 26.
They are useless.
It's okay though, the journalist made the good ethical decision of waiting until after Middle Eastern people were bombed.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
I hesitate to