I’m just begging you: When somebody posts something about “the media” isn’t covering something, please make sure, before you internalize that idea, that the person is saying something more than “this is the first I have personally heard of it.” Which is a very different thing.
We can talk about what gets emphasised, and what doesn’t, but yeah, a lot of stuff is being covered by passionate hard working journalists.
This is what people mean by 'not covering.' Some topics get nonstop, 'THIS IS IMPORTANT' coverage, plus editorials, like when a college kid is mean to a conservative. Others get some articles and disappear.
A medium is or isn't...
There are some exceptions, and I think it's very important to support the independent journalists doing actual reporting rather than hot takes.
"Am I the first scientist you've ever talked to, starting with this conversation?"
I wouldn't have imagined that I would get that negative about "the media" before the Pandemic
Because the reality is usually what they are saying “I couldn’t be bothered to look for details”.
If you see something tug don't want to, change who you're following
Conspiracy nut detector:
1) Confirming your beliefs on the internet.
2) I'm just asking questions.
3) Why isn't the media reporting on this?
4) X leads to Y leads to Z. What does this all mean?
1. "Academic discipline doesn't talk about X" - actually it does, you just haven't done the reading.
2. "Schools don't teach X" - some do, it's just that yours didn't. Or maybe you just weren't listening.