There are no words to describe how incredibly embarrassing this is- not only for trump but for the people who think this is special. He’s beyond a fucking clown. Pathetic.
I like to cover him with my middle finger every time we get a video like this. That way I can see what’s going on around him, but I don’t have to actually look at his face.
It’s the double camel jerk into the roll-em-up with the swing and at miss at the end. LAME! And the dumbass in the front row followed along the whole time. Pure comedy gold
If that was my grandpa, I’d carefully lead him off the stage so he could stop embarrassing himself and the entire family. But Dementia Don’s stupid cult love it and have made it their signature dance. Dumb hats, dumber dance.
Its so freaking weird. Its like cheering a little toddler doing a dance and the baby has no kind of rhythm but it is cute cuz its a baby. This ain't cute like that.
I see he’s expanded his dance move repertoire. He went from the towel dry, then shifted smoothly into the wax on/wax off, then finishing off with the Johnny Carson. He’s really gunning for that Dancing With the Czars invite.
That’s a Johnny Rotten (of PIL) dance. I once saw him perform that on stage with a towel through his inside of his pants, then he threw it into the audience.
( unfollow ) 😂
How in the fuck could something so cringe-worthy show themselves in public, worse still get elected to the country's highest office?