It is very VERY wild to me that there is a strong consensus among Leftists that artist should not be paid for their labor and I don't know where we are are what we're doing anymore.
Paying people for work is LITERALLY the least we can do in this capitalist hellscape.
Paying people for work is LITERALLY the least we can do in this capitalist hellscape.
Such a person is also a massive fucking dumbass who doesn't know what they're talking about
I've literally never never seen anyone say, "You should pirate the work of struggling creators." If you did? Post it.
I don't have a problem with piracy per se, but I do think people should get paid for their work.
Shoplifting out of need is also okay.
A pirate is free.
Bitch it’s a SKILL 😭 I’ve spent thousands of hours and gone to school for this, please stop comparing me to your kid’s gifted classmate
Always been that way.
They conflate capitalism and basic ideas involving the exchange of goods and services in markets. It might shock them to know that ideas of compensation for labor exist/ed in non-capitalist societies!
And UNTIL it's abolished, I will be tipping.
Artists should be able to make art, and audiences should be able to consume it without barriers. And until we get there, I'll be buying that book.
Until that's no longer the case, I will be paying for art.
I'm all in favour of exploring alternatives to modern currency, but simple government investment in the arts could go a long way.
Or a UBI (which is a very interesting idea that would need a lot of other social changes to work).
We are spoiled for options! Just need will.
Is it a matter of people complaining about things they can't afford, because that's maybe not fully political
But then someone else could steal it and profit from it, and you can't sue them either, because you'd be using those immoral tools.
Like, yeah, let's abolish
But I also realize that people have to pay for food and housing and meds. And denying them a wage means *they can't afford those things*
Their "theory" reading is probably just a circle jerking discord group of weirdos who are probably also pro cop.
Gem cutting is bonkers hard!!!
So like obviously it should exist now too
I'm not sure where you're finding this consensus, this statement needs further context.
But people take the art we make and make money on it. And it's often not the art that we want to make.
That's labour.
The only logical conclusion is that we should be paid for that labour.