Indiana has declared that professors have no speech rights in the classroom; “any speech pursuant to the teacher’s ‘official duties’ and ‘professional responsibilities’ is subject to state direction.”
We're well into Hungary territory here.
We're well into Hungary territory here.
Super Fascism!
I'm probably wrong; I don't think professors have the balls for that anymore, but...
Yes, yes it is. Removing the concept of "education" is part of their whole deal
Lots of folks don’t think about tenure, academic freedom, etc.
Three of my five last project leads either left a state U or a national lab.
There is no good faith behind these laws. Killing higher ed is their goal.
Even a syllabus is seldom in the absolute hands of an individual. These are good constraints. Certain behaviors don’t belong and a syllabus should be well rounded.
Pretending to “help” while trying to destroy is their game.
It’s especially bad because teaching and higher ed have been demonized for years.
Based on my experience with both national labs and universities working on CREDA programs, we’ve already been losing.
If the government passes a law to shut someone up - it is.
Most people are good with these restrictions (no Trump stickers on postal trucks, etc.) Trying to hide in that gray area is what I find this law insidious.
Me realizing it was Indiana, "well that's what you get from a totalitarian-friendly, corrupt government."
The only viable solution is to expand the court
Academics need to strike back at legislators. Make this personal. Show how they've exempted themselves for any accountability regarding what they say in the legislature.
and this is all what "freedom" means
J. Souter's dissent was prescient that the logic of Garcetti was going to undermine academic freedom. Id. at 439.
Material too liberal? Ok, throw in some right wing stuff for the purposes of mocking it. You’re still including it.
Clearly they do not want you there, let them shoot themselves in the foot