*Jewish protesters.
Some of the largest protests we've seen since this all broke out are by by *Jews* saying: Not in our name. Never again for ANYONE.
Some of the largest protests we've seen since this all broke out are by by *Jews* saying: Not in our name. Never again for ANYONE.
Reposted from
“Protesters calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war streamed into Grand Central Terminal in midtown Manhattan on Friday, in one of the largest protests the city has seen since the start of the conflict three weeks ago.” www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/w...
“they’re demonstaing in LA, demonstrating in the Moter City..”
also the last time demonstrators were up on departure boards was ActUp in the late 80’s. “Silence is Death” 2/
but i think hitting Grand Central on a Friday night party weekend rush hour, well-organised, staying on message, is well done. messages from Gaza mention knowing ppl are demonstrating. 1/
Like it doesn't fit this really incendiary narrative they're trying to push. Hmm >.>
And amazing protest. Love it.
co-signed a letter to a newspaper years ago about justice for Palestinians. She received a message from a fellow academic and (as she had thought) friend - telling her she must be a self-hating Jew for criticising Israel.
*Alternate spelling "of revolting"