Essential qualities for any UK ambassador:
1. Loyalty to the UK;
2. Discretion;
3. Prudence.
Appointing a rash blabbermouth on the basis of his loyalty to the leader to whom they're there to represent UK interests is a witless notion, in all three respects, even for a pettifogger like Braverman.
1. Loyalty to the UK;
2. Discretion;
3. Prudence.
Appointing a rash blabbermouth on the basis of his loyalty to the leader to whom they're there to represent UK interests is a witless notion, in all three respects, even for a pettifogger like Braverman.
What could possibly go wrong??
That's my political analysis. Applies to both of them.
I wouldn't do well in a diplomatic role.
5. Support for the tobacco industry.
Braverman has walked through the wardrobe and has acquired a taste for Turkish Delight.
Such patriots these Brexiteers are !😡
Donald Trump jnr is showing us the plan for Ukraine supported by Trump lovers😤
A UK Ambassador to the US is going to find that UK interests are not always served by the US. On what planet does anyone think Farage will champion UK interests in those circumstances?
Where are our secret service, and why do they continue to sleep whilst these ghouls continually promote an agenda that is actively harmful to this country?
Never forget.
And to describe Braverman, I like the word "forspennend"..
*google it!
If he desperately wants to be an ambassador, do we have any embassies in Tuvalu, Nauru or Marshall Islands that have a vacancy?
I wouldn’t trust Farage with the Ambassador’s tray of Ferrero Rocher.
It’s a battle for decency and accountability and the left needs to be far more ruthless if they want to win it. Starting with their comms.
A diplomatic posting shouldn't be within the personal gift of a leader, to be chopped and changed at the whim of that leader.
Fartage struggles to be a politician, he'd make a worse diplomat.
As British ambassador in Washington, she would speak the truth to the new administration in the US; honestly expressing the opinion of the vast majority of British people.
Not that he’s been very MP-ish really 🙄🙄🙄