We sent NHS staff into a deadly pandemic wearing bin liners. Hundreds of them died. Separated from their families for months, they worked unimaginable hours, and saw thousands drown in their bed.
And these worms DARE judge them for doing something silly for 5mins to boost morale and keep sane? WTAF
And these worms DARE judge them for doing something silly for 5mins to boost morale and keep sane? WTAF
6 formers colleagues of mine died in the first wave.
My wife worked in A/E right through, every shift she came home worn out
No PPE and sacrificed for political incompetence/expediency.
She should be put in a room with those who were there.
There should be consequences for these ghouls
The piece of scum who posted this and still believes it to be true is either evil or stupid.
These people are vermin.
She could benefit from watching Scrubs
Pond life
"He's doing his best", &
"It was just a bit of cake"
He works remotely usually, apart from volunteering to do support stuff during COVID (portering, reception, cleaning, etc).
He got a weekly email. The gist was 'have a list of your colleagues that died this week'.
So many stories like hers.
The hospital I worked in issued an edict to staff to not do this sort of thing because senior managers had the foresight to..
Within a few days of that rush of patients and the conversion of many wards into ersatz ICUs, people were too damn tired to even think about things like this.
My wife could have taken furlough, but worked instead as an assistant to the nurses and doctors who were still working.
When the PPE that they were 1/
All of the patients 2/
I have a much more vicious opinion on them.
But i suspect I might get censored for stating it.
Anyone posting attacks like this clearly have a different agenda…and it’s a very malign one…
The stupid fecking idiot cretinous critics can go and do one.
Being afraid of doing something has precisely nothing to do with some psychological respite for staff at risk of death.
This is hers:
An abysmal human being lacking human empathy.
They are that much better than she is.