Work? Who cares! It’s all about the entertainment value of watching EVERYONE humiliate themselves for him. This is his real life reality show complete with groveling, real life cage fights at GITMO and endless gluttony!!!!
“Tariffs may make our country much poorer, but they may allow me to imagine I had a real job like the one that broke my grandfather’s back. And will that nostalgia help me overcome my sense of gender inadequacy because I write instead of making cars? We can only pray.”
We here at the New York Times have been devastated that the Pentagon removed us from the Press Corps. We value journalistic integrity. Here is why we must be even nicer to Trump.
I care! I care that he's UNDEMOCRATIC (& Facist) I care that he continues to commit CRIMES (thanks, SCOTUS!). We need to hold him in check. The GOP needs to get a damn backbone.
You know they're write this, and "working" will be based on Trump's terms... "workers see unemployment and lower wages, but Trump's illegal policies successfully enrich our bosses, who are better than us and totally deserve it."
(Or so says a translate app; my Latin is poor.)
What matters is they are not Woke.
By Ginia Bellafante