Not just MAGAs—no Mediocre American can stomach the thought of a girl potus. They CHOSE the same rapist moron PIG over deeply qualified women (Hillary & Harris) TWICE.
Whether it's Strom Thurmond or Bernie Sanders, both former Presidential candidates showed incredible vigor and leadership late in their career. What this tells us about the 2028 election...
Oh, I’d bet democrats will do some deep soul searching, get advice from experts, look closely at their data and, for 2028, decide to abandon their base and court Republicans again.
Opinion | Why Democrats should nominate Donald Trump in 2028
It’ll be close but we’ll win
Not just MAGAs—no Mediocre American can stomach the thought of a girl potus. They CHOSE the same rapist moron PIG over deeply qualified women (Hillary & Harris) TWICE.
We Dems would be NUTS to nominate another woman