As a Canadian, 2 things are very clear today.
1. I’m VERY glad Canada & the United States are not the same country, and are in fact VERY different.
2. I will support the Political Party and potential Prime Minister in this year’s Canadian Federal Election that will best protect Canada from Trump.
1. I’m VERY glad Canada & the United States are not the same country, and are in fact VERY different.
2. I will support the Political Party and potential Prime Minister in this year’s Canadian Federal Election that will best protect Canada from Trump.
We also have musk meddling in our politics !
Sound familiar?
I’m fighting like hell but we will have voter fraud here too guaranteed!
17 years ago you were the healthiest G7 nation, financially.
Why does everyone think Prime Minister is an entry level job?
Also, EnergyNow entering the fray makes me like Carney a lot more all of a sudden...
Deutschland-349,250 km2
Kanadische Rocky Mountains-194,000 km2
Ob die Ihre Ansicht ändern, wenn Trump gegen ihre persönlichen Interessen vorgeht? Hoffen wir es
And, the countries are very different. I feel this every day.