“Conservatives won't allow reporters to travel with Poilievre during the upcoming election.”
There’s no recent precedent for a major party barring reporters from accompanying a campaign.
Add this to refusing to apply for security clearance.
Are we supposed to believe he’s not hiding things?
“Conservatives won't allow reporters to travel with Poilievre during the upcoming election.”
There’s no recent precedent for a major party barring reporters from accompanying a campaign.
Add this to refusing to apply for security clearance.
Are we supposed to believe he’s not hiding things?
One whiff of tRump-ism and there'd probably be riots.
And is his monetary worth, higher than Carney, or not.
The numbers are wiggy.
#cdnpoli #canada #mexico #fascism #antifa #elbowsup
- signed, a very sorry and also concerned for you neighbor
The simple solution is that the media should not cover his events
The point of campaigning is to get exposure... so the media should just cut it off.
Let Rebel/true north follow him around reporting in the echo chamber.
BTW do is Trump.
Extremely unhinged approach to media doing their jobs.
Not a democratic look.
Most dangerous politician to ever lead the conservatives vying to become prime minister.
His supporters are the dumbest of the dumb, the most corrupt of corrupt.
PP is a Maple MAGAt Drumpf worshipper through & through. He'd sell out Canada for some of that sweet sweet oligarchic green in a heartbeat (how DID he accumulate his $25M net worth?).
This was about 15-20(?) years ago.
You can bet Conservative candidates will also be told not to attend any local debates or other functions. Harper/Ford style.
His MAGA(t) ex-girlfriend, & campaign manager knows how repulsive he is, & needs to hide it.
No free press.
Poilievre doesn't deserve to be PM of our great country.🇨🇦