For both sides the solution - and the only solution - to the problem of the other side is fascism. One accusing the other of being a fascist is like the cat accusing the dog of being a mammal.
The rules do not exist anymore. The idea of when they go low, we go high worked with people like McCain and Romney. With Trump being an absolute narcissistic criminal, he doesn’t care… we should have treated him the way he treats the American people… with disdain
I'm a democrat, but I believe this is part of our intellectual arrogance. We still think that people are going to care about norms and rules when it's extremely apparent that the GOP has cast those aside years ago and only interested in power, oppression, and control.
Yeah, a lot of people are saying "well, he can't run again, so he will be a lame duck soon"
Yeah, Trump is only leaving the oval office in a bodybag... and even then, his replacement might be Jr.
Democrats have a lack of imagination when it comes to what the GOP might be planning.
I think the plan all along is Vance...his bestie is Theil. So it will be him, I think soon, then apparently Jr. Is next (shudder). I do not think that they will EVER leave.
Establishment Dems: We were able to pass this bill with bipartisan support.
MAGA Republicans: We will burn democracy & this country to the ground. It's our fascist, violent bigoted way or you will be rounded up & imprisoned or deported. Our power is absolute.
Just get cost accounting to analyze unnecessary insurance & vital services (electricity water etc) costs impact customer quality. Look at shareholder meetings & payouts,executive ceo salaries bonuses renting premises sold and rental costs to replace.
Fucking hate how analogous that annoying show kenny vs spenny is from comedy central back in the day. Spoiler alert for 90% of the episodes, spenny will creatively end rules and still win because the show DGAF, kenny would always slump his hands to the side and just “oh well”. Also kenny is a bitch
Absolutely. Everybody keeps sayin oh just four years oh Congress won’t confirm picks oh they won’t cut SS or Medicare. Please GOP enablers will let them trash this country. They have no rules of conscience.
I keep seeing "the Constitution prevents him from ," and I keep replying that the Constitution is only as good as the people who actually defend it. SCOTUS is sketchy, and Trump doesn't follow rules, so if no one stops him, it doesn't matter what it says.
They don't care about their cheating, they don't care about their bigotry and racism, they don't care about their hypocrisy. They only care about winning and controlling and obliterating.
You know, I was told my spirit animal was either an eagle or a snake. I claim them both. Combine a snake with an eagle and you get a dragon. My spirit animal is a fucking dragon. Nazis beware.
All these people saying DJT can't do this or that don't get it. Rules don't apply, he'll do what he wants. All these people he's nominating won't get background checks etc.
i stopped believing they were feckless. nobody is that feckless. they are complicit. possibly compelled : the people who traffic in kids are a real threat to them too
i have been watching this shit since im born. the monsters get their way. until they dont.
100%. Their side is scorched earth fascist tactics, and our side is Chuck Schumer saying we can't pass legislation that would help people because the Senate parliamentarian said so.
It's true. The laws and norms don't matter anymore or have been totally redefined.
We should have stopped calling these folks Republicans a long time ago. They are something else entirely.
I did read that Biden was quietly investigating the election. I’m hoping, he will do something based on that, but preparing as if he isn’t. There is a big protest coming in January.
Read it where? I hope not the same source as "Garland investigating all the co-coup plotters" because we know how that went. ALL Harris needs to do is ask for a forensic recount in a couple districts in a couple of swing states. WHY she refuses is beyond me when we KNOW Musk & Putin were involved.
I have a bug and just woke up. The article I read said Biden wanted to know how Musk knew the results 4 hours early. Just google it. Under normal circumstances I’d look it up, but I feel like. Well, you know how it feels to have a bug.
Sorry to hear you’re sick. I’m suspect of articles not written by true reporters. I see articles being posted here and that site is “social journalism” ie someone’s opinion. NO sources ever given, even anonymous ones, which means it’s just it’s just BS.
Feel better!!
I see accounts posting their articles without realizing it’s not a journalistic site. We just don’t need to be spreading disinformation which will only push us down more when nothing comes of it because it wasn’t fact to begin with.
No one is strong enough to be kind to MAGA. Kindness comes from strength. You have to be strong enough to protect yourself, even with your guard down, to risk kindness.
Kindness without strength is acquiescence, and that is no virtue.
Well this is exactly what Biden is doing with Russia. Handing us over so his puppets can kill us. Thanks Joe.
Do we abandon these principles in order to fight for them? If so, how does that work?
Something about staring too long into the abyss comes to mind.
Yeah, Trump is only leaving the oval office in a bodybag... and even then, his replacement might be Jr.
Democrats have a lack of imagination when it comes to what the GOP might be planning.
it ever there was a time to play by the rules, it would be not now
Democrats can't even pardon their innocent sons without pearl clutching, meanwhile trump is gearing up to pardon himself.
The double standards will seem fake when they finally make the history books, they're too unbelievable
WE the PEOPLE are in Pelosi's "strongly worded letter" land or on Michelle's STUPID HIGH ROAD.
MAGA Republicans: We will burn democracy & this country to the ground. It's our fascist, violent bigoted way or you will be rounded up & imprisoned or deported. Our power is absolute.
A stupid person is the one who causes losses to others when he or she does not benefit and may even suffer losses themselves
USA future?
They have yet to realize that the other side doesn’t just want them defeated but exterminated.
November is the cruelest month
Except for January, February, March etc.
i have been watching this shit since im born. the monsters get their way. until they dont.
Here is some help in realizing there are no rules: and
We should have stopped calling these folks Republicans a long time ago. They are something else entirely.
Feel better!!
Kindness without strength is acquiescence, and that is no virtue.
I keep seeing analysts, pundits, and journos repeating over and over all the things Trump can't do because of this law or that rule.
Newsflash: He doesn't give a tinker's damn about laws and rules, and has never been held accountable.
Ex. Where's E Jean's $$$?
Buckle up.
or "it's an amendment!"
are the statements of people you can safely ignore
America needs wave after wave of Tequila ‘Shooters’ ….