Look I just pronounce it like how they say it in the movie Smoke Signals, since that’s the only time
I’ve heard it said out loud other than when you said it.
as a general resident of the PNW area, I have conceded that nowhere is locally-pronounced the way a reader would expect, and nothing's gonna fix that.
Thank you for the work you've poured into keeping watch over the weird little guys, hopeful to foil their efforts wherever we can
Nothing good comes out of that place anyway.
Saw this sign on a storefront there last week.
CDA hates a lot more than just these things, including BLM.
I've never had to say it out loud, but if I did, I'd pronounce it "core duh len" and so help me god if anyone tried to correct me, I'd switch to painstakingly pronouncing every individual vowel sound with a slight twang, and continue saying that way until the day I die.
I’ve heard it said out loud other than when you said it.
Thank you for the work you've poured into keeping watch over the weird little guys, hopeful to foil their efforts wherever we can
Signed, a Missouri who knows how Versailles *should* be pronounced and it’s Not That
Saw this sign on a storefront there last week.
CDA hates a lot more than just these things, including BLM.
when in doubt pronounce ig like a Ramones song.
"Co-ee-oor duh a-lee-nee."