since she was 8 months old
If you are an LPR and are eligible for US Citizenship - DO NOT HESITATE, APPLY - GET US CITIZENSHIP to protect you from an administration that deems LPR's as not having any protection
Michelle G. (a good reporter) is being disingenuous, she knows the details.
This ring has committed major felonies, numerous counts. They've broken both state and Federal laws. There's a whole lot more there. Read the article from 2020, then this one.
Pansy ICE is going after the 'safe' easy catches..women, children in school, families, dudes going to work,
Pansy ICE is too scared to go after the true criminals! The hard core criminal immigrants will still be here.
How about deporting the hard core fentanyl traffickers FIRST? The numerous staff and $ spent on folks like her would be better off deporting the opiod traffickers.
The real hard core criminals will be free here.
And what about this Guantanamo on again-off again game with travel in military planes said to cost $ 700,000 a trip?
This story in MKE J-S paper demonstrates the critical importance of local journalism to be the voice and amplifier what is going on for real people under Trump 2.0.
Decades now we have tried to get Working Class GOP to vote their economic interests not their bigotry. That cause is over.
Stop pandering to these fucking racist bags of shit and move on w/o them
Never trust American treaties, arrangements.,the%20North%20to%20South%20Vietnam.
I think that someone who lived their entire childhood - 8 months in the USA is just as deserving as the person who was born in the USA and here through 18.
And more deserving than one born here and immediately left.
pardon Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, who was sentenced to life in prison for running an underground online marketplace where drug dealers and others conducted more than $200 million in illicit trade using bitcoin. A bit of a hypocrite me thinks
The same idiots we have in many immigration offices...
It was during the last months of Obama's presidency and Obama did nothing to intervene even AFTER the 2016 election.
“Barco, after serving 15 years in prison for a felony conviction, was taken into custody last month by U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement”
Read more at:
Source - Stars and Stripes
As far as I'm concerned, he's an American ex-con who served his time.
Banishing him to a country he knows nothing of is incredibly cruel and we should never have done it.
American stupidity, violence and amoral corruption is a virus that needs to be contained.
No one is safe.
#GOPSeditiousTraitors #GOPLiesAboutEverything #GOPHypocrisy
People are, rightfully, worried about "mass" deportations. But individual, personal stories are just as important in demonstrating the inhumanity.
Refugees don’t always get a choice, & if they had an aunt, cousin, old friend who
We made promises to the Hmong. Shameful...
But she’s not a rich white male so…
The fates of the deported human beings behind those metrics will write the tombstone of our country’s moral leadership.
We need more Luigis.
(Yes ok I will actually go read the story now)
I can't to believe all #trump voters want THIS!? Instead of #FAFO Show them the #truth, wake them up! 💪
Stop accepting them as equals in society
The rest of the world knows, and will remember.
How does it feel to be living in a pariah state?