Can we get 5 million to show up before summer recess? Throw Trump the fuck out based on his known disqualification, corruption, treason, and law breaking. Then we can have a nice 4th of July with 4,999,999 new friends. 5 for the 4th!
True. But I also think it's worth noting what national movement was led by the politicians at the outset? It's always been the people outside who led and the politicians who followed later.
No greater contrast between Republicans and Democrats. When MTG and Boebert shouted at Biden, the Dems just Took it. The GOP is playing a different game and the Dems need to adjust. When they go low, we need to step on their fucking necks.
What exactly do you want them to do? Make a spectacle? And take away from this shit show of a speech? Y’all are expecting the Dems to turn water into wine. Calm down
I’ve got to wonder where the formerly much-talked-about Antifa is now. We all knew it was bullshit when MAGAts said they secretly started the J6 riot. Maybe the very idea of their existence is BS too; otherwise they’d be doing something already.
DNC told Progressive Left to GTFO of the party at their primary-free convention in 2024, and then blamed us for not rubber stamp voting for genocide. Allowing democide (Covid) & genocide (Gaza) is when the abdicated right to lead.
It’s time for new leadership in the Democratic Party. The fact that the Democrats resistance is congressman Al Green, shaking his cane at Trump. Tells us what we already know, with the exception of a few members,
this party is woefully unprepared. And they’re running out of time to figure this out.
It will come down to branches of the govt, the military, and the courts (particularly), but if those branches don't have Dem leaders in the congress who are ready to go to the mattresses, they will not respond a grassroots movement to put the authoritarians down.
It's just mind blowing how bad almost all of them are at actually being a real opposition party. No wonder they couldn't get anything done while they were in the majority. They're useless.
The only way we get out of this mess is for the blue states to secede. That's where we should be putting all of our energy now—in efforts to get blue states to withdraw from the union and create their own nations with more progressive policies and more democratic constitutions.
Anyone who thinks America, as currently constituted, can become a true liberal democracy is deluded. You aren't going to get the changes you need as long as you have a constitution that gives Alabama as many senators as California.
Yup. Dropped my party registration today, after 20 years of working as a democratic legislative aide, committee person, local candidate...until they can lead as a real opposition party to the fascist threat, they do not deserve the peoples' support
Ummmm isn’t that how most of our change in this country actually happened? I’m sure that’s something most people know or should know. If they don’t, then there are a few books I would recommend them to read.
They had this beautiful moment. A hanging fastball, as they say. Cracks appearing everywhere in the MAGA agenda. Turmoil at home and abroad. They could have knocked it out of the park.
Yes! We are Democrats. We are a stone wall. We will stand in our power. Together we will stand strong while giving dumb leaders enough rope to, well, you know…
They need to know their uselessness is actively galvanizing the primary opponents they seem to fear so much. Let no race go unchallenged until conditions improve.
A full-fledged Labor Party needs to see daylight in the US. The British Labour Party totally replaced the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the Conservative Party in the UK since the early 1920s.
Tbc on why: the right has built this mythos and echo chamber over the last 3 decades that all dems are crazy communists. Just showing up, listening, saying “you are right. This is crazy.” And then say what you’ve been saying for years (without saying that you’ve been saying it for years.)
Or 1972?
Tantrums won’t do shit. People just need to fucking vote. Not voting is what put us here.
Take off the suit
Take off the $500 loafers
Put on some sneakers
Get arrested for civil disobedience!
Jeffries and Schumer folded like a wet tent. They couldn’t lead a parade if they were the only one marching.
They need training.
A majority of Black voters did not vote . . . for the Black woman presidential candidate. They don’t know they’ve been hoodwinked.
DNC told Progressive Left to GTFO of the party at their primary-free convention in 2024, and then blamed us for not rubber stamp voting for genocide. Allowing democide (Covid) & genocide (Gaza) is when the abdicated right to lead.
this party is woefully unprepared. And they’re running out of time to figure this out.
I still call and write them, but work from the assumption we are on our own.
I lean even deeper into community building, mutual aid, organized actions, protest.
They are a fucking absolutely useless bunch.
I'm sick to my stomach at the fecklessness of the Democrats.
Sometimes they mutter. Quietly.
Real strength and leadership. 💪🏾🇺🇲
Not blue districts.
Red & purple districts need to get off their ass & undo the mess they’ve made.
People, Planet, Peace
I could not disagree more.