Horrifying to see South Carolina preparing for its first execution by firing squad. The inmate, Brad Sigmon, will have a hood placed over his head and a target pinned over his heart before a three-person squad fire their rifles. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/south-carolina-prepares-firing-squad-execution-brad-sigmon-rcna193920
His options in South Carolina are, electrocution, lethal injection and firing squad.
Not one of them is any thing less than horrific to perform. Further, electrocution and or lethal injection involve extreme suffering by the person ordered to die.
Or how about a discussion on the abhorrent practice of mounted cunts sending out hounds to hunt area foxes? At least enforce your own damn laws before bothering about others eh.
It is 60 years since anybody was hanged in the UK. We are proud of that and there is no chance of us going backwards.
This is your chance for a rethink regarding the view and disposition of the person you engaged with problematic rhetoric spoken from a moral high horse.
Which I feel is accomplished by not killing a murderer and instead stranding them in an inhospitable environment where local conditions will make quick work of decomposing their remains.
Join the rest of us in the 21st-century. Leave the 17 century behind. Killing people is wrong especially when it is the state that is doing the killing.
A good time to fuck right off because wow, it's god damn anguish to witness.
It's painful.
And, a presents an alarming amount of anguish for the living to endure.
Though yeah, I guess I'd pick firing squad before electrocution.
Doesn't change anything that death penalty is a barbarous thing to do (and that is actually more expensive than life in prison).
But look, if you like...you can be a test subject. See how it works out for you.
I'm actually a med student, so I know some stuff. Not everything, but some. Feel free to expand my knowledge of the topic.
Explains you sitting back
Letting trump do whatever he wants to your country And the rest of the world…as long as it’s not you, you don’t care? This is truly sick, but so is
Attacking your allies
This is America though.
God I hate this timeline we’re in
Cops don’t shoot unarmed blindfolded criminals
Publish the names of the men who will be pulling the trigger!
Maybe, just Maybe if we gave murderers something to fear again they'll seek help before an innocent life is taken- key point: we need places for em to seek help!
I would feel like justice was done! I'm not trying to argue with people who are against it, but I can't pretend, to me, that under the right circumstances.. it's a just punishment
Way. I mean that’s the whole point of why they do what they do.
2) it would bring you joy? Ok.
Horrifying on quite a few levels, actually.
And tRump thinks 🇨🇦 would want to be apart of this!
First to secede from the Union over slavery.
I'm firmly against the death penalty or any forms of corporal punishment.
Though it raises two questions:
- Should those sentenced to life in prison be extended the privilege of elective euthanasia?
- Who is keeping the porch light of recourse and redemption shining?
2While the prisoner is alive, there is always hope; that hope dies with them when the state murders them.
They did not break the social contract.
Then you pointed out the obvious. Re-usable too.
But this is America.
The people who are "pro-death" don't realise that dead is dead. Punishment over. I never would prefer execution to a lifetime in gaol. That would be true punishment, and there is always a chance of redemption.
Prisons are full of riff-raff.
Had prevailed and a cancer has taken root.
I know it now.
I was also for cutting dicks for rapists, we could prevent any erection instead.
But the angry and laughing emojis have helped turn Facebook into a hellscape. The ❤️ only option here means you either agree/love/support or move on, which I hope helps to maintain some civility.
They don't actually put you under or take away the pain. They just paralyze you so you can't scream while your lungs fill with fluid. It is not at all humane
The victims never had a choice, so their loved ones should be given the choice.
The truth about what we are on full display
From the article:
"Brad Sigmon, the condemned South Carolina prisoner, opted for firing squad over the state’s primary method of electrocution or the more widely used practice of lethal injection."
WaPo has a quote about refusing electrocution - https://archive.md/ocQhn :
“Sigmon’s lawyers said he also didn’t choose the chair because he said he didn’t want to be cooked alive.”
The NBC article could have covered that bit better, no doubt.
This is such a dumb fucking country
I am curious to hear more thoughts especially social issues.
I am actually new here. You can give me a follow if you don’t mind us being mutuals.
Protect the fetus, then starve the child. It's a perversion seen only in evangelistic christianity.
I’d pay to watch them go down like that
America gaslit itself into thinking that injections are humane, and not torturous
I would taking firing squad over the chair or injections any day
He works hard to provide for his wife, their five children, his mother and her parents. He helps his neighbors. He feeds hungry people and animals.
He’s an asset to the community.
I also know a man who murdered his then ex in 1995. Served his sentence. Got married, had two kids and got divorced. He killed his new ex in 2020 or 2021. He is serving time in prison again.
Showing people that killing people is bad by killing people turns out to not be an effective deterrent.
*but I'm very literate; maybe prison is crappy for the illiterate.
I've been in 3 times already and didn't mind it. kinda like social housing for the uncooperative community. we had fun in there.
To see friends and family as often as I like.
Prison definitely provides a type of positive opportunity most people aren't gonna get any other way. Even a property owner on fixed income doesn't have as much free time as a prison inmate. plus the food's not that bad in some prisons.
It is never about justice but only about revenge.
Have COs lining up
Participate in that. And the witnesses will really love that as well. Sheesh.
He beat 2 people to death.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We're a couple of misunderstandings
We will never have that issue with bullets/guns.
The guillotine.
That said, the death penalty is abhorrent.
It’s all medieval
It’s cave mentality
Did he speak out about DONALD TRUMP?
An evil minority has taken control of all levers of power.
Life in prison, life to remember every day what he did and could never undo, life to see that he had destroyed a family, a community… and countless others and could never be trusted again,
Sigmon, 67, who was convicted in 2002 in the beating deaths of his ex-girlfriend’s parents
People wonder why I don't like claiming to be from here...
I'm becoming more agoraphobic than ever.
Bible my f'ing ass.