Our moral sense is routed in our long-term self-interest which, in any social group to which we wish to belong, requires us to have regard to the well-being of others. It is the very antithesis of short-term individualist selfishness.
This absolutely described what is happening in the Republican party today. Nothing but self interest. They are supporting a fascist regime by not acting. Says it all.
The new "Prosperity Theology," also known as the "Prosperity Gospel," is a belief that God wants believers to be WEALTHY Just like Jesus said, right?(joke)
Prosperity theology is HUGE in Amerikkka.
"Christian" Minister: "Give me cash as God wants me to have a new jet."
Soft, suit wearing Republicans can't even begin to fathom what it's like to fight against a bully. Our country was humiliated before the entire world. While simple-minded idiots celebrate the childishness of our president's administration, educated people are embarrassed to say they're Americans.
And as predicted they don’t change.
What’s ironic is the Conservatives are seen as privileged and wealthy while the Liberals are seen as wannabes but many liberals are wealthy, so how can two different cultures who are financial secure be diametrically opposed towards humanity?
They do it in the guise of “we have to take care of family first! Or America first”
And then vote down every opportunity to help family or American veterans stay off the streets
Yes, exactly. When they talk about "objective" morality they mean "imperative" morality. It greatly concerns them because they need to frame unfair transactions and interactions as nature, mandatory, and unavoidable.
Naaah, these billionaires are just plain bored. They’ve been to the Titanic like 20x. They’ve been to space.. there’s nothing left for them to do. Let’s start WW III!
The road to disaster is paved by republican inaction and support every time trump transgresses normal expectations. Their silence, their acquiescence to things they know are wrong have doomed the USA.
Modern conservatisms don't care one whit about the greater good. They don't care about the damage they do to others nor the lives they destroy. Modern conservatives should be treated as what they are: parasites.
I like to think they're not conservative. Take them at their word; they're conservatists. That's the proper form of the: conservatism. Along with: Conserves, an odd pronoun. Not, conservativism which is conservative and conservatives. A real pronoun. Double speak 🙄🤪 grammatically & terminologically.
you could substitute “selfishness” for “violence” and you’d get a perfect picture of evangelical magats welcoming andrew tate and his ‘moral philosophy’ back into the states with open arms.
In other words, "Do unto others before they do you in first!" Like Trump! "Me, Myself & I First!" SCREW EVERYONE ELSE BEFORE THE SCREW ME! & PUNISH ANYONE WHO ATTEMPTED TO SCREW ME OR SPOKE OUT AGAINST ANYTHING I SAY OR HAVE DONE!
You see, when you believe in little rotten Jesus, you are afraid to advance, to go forward because you live in a constant fear because you think there is someone up there who check your ass all the time.
Hope there are many people who act like Vermont and other places in USA to “Welcome “ the Criminal dictator 47 and his VP ,when he visit UK and his royal best freinds
And he just sent a private plane to pickup the Tate bros and bring them back to USA. It's rumoured he's going to get them to train the new fbi. All the traffickers are the same
Zelenskyy Is a HERO
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
We're all down at the local watering hole.
Homo sapiens, antelopes, bison, giraffes and lions.
Each group looks, lives, loves differently than the others.
But we all allow access to that watering hole.
Rather this is a characterization of conservatives drawn by the Left. Although insensitive to the struggles of non-whites or the working poor, ideological conservatives normally have a belief that the law should be applied evenly and fairly. Of course, Trump is not conservative...
Comes from a comment on this article: https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/
it’s the work of Frank Wilhoit, a 63-year-old classical music composer in Ohio, who wrote the adage as part of a longer point in the comments section of the political science blog Crooked Timber.
What we all need to be doing to all politicians who are enabling this coup d’stat from within. Have you called your representative to put a stop to this? Then call again leave them 100 messages.They have a town hall show up. Let them hear all of us again and again. We won’t sit quietly!!!!!
As somebody who reviews history, it tends to repeat itself. With “Leon“ supporting Germany’s far Alt right, slump dismantling of our democracy.
Republican leaders should look back at the Nuremberg trials, complicity isn’t the answer.
Sorry forgot to add that bc they're rich they're favoured by God. Minorities are an insult to God. This is why musk is spreading his genes everywhere bc he is part of the new superior race 🤢
And they found it with the Christian nationalists. GOD chose trump to be the leader of the new world. Watch docs The Family and Bad Faith, they explain it all out of their own faces.
A shorter version ..
John Kenneth Galbraith, "Stop the Madness," Interview with Rupert Cornwell, Toronto Globe and Mail (6 July 2002) (see http://wist.info/galbraith-john-kenneth/7463/)
from the original..
From a speech he made to the Senate on 18 December 1963 that was entered into the Congressional Record (p. 25042)
Actually...The Biggest Question
Ever For Human Species,
I Really Suggest This:
"Exactly How to Inspire Humans
to Be Reasonable?
This Huge Question is All-Encompassing...
It Includes, How to Inspire Humans
to Over-come Selfish Behavior.
After More Than 8000 Years...
Yet No person knows how to."
Am going through a hard time my sick mum I just lost everything and my job too I have nothing to do am so stuck and depressed I wish I can talk to someone to make me feel safe but it’s too much😭
Ayn Rand was a nut. But her control freak behavior only ever extended to her school of followers and as far as I know, she didn't have anyone imprisoned or murdered.
She never had the power, yes, who held the working class in contempt. Stalin had 17 years to bring a chaotic, leaderless medieval country with NO democratic or pluralistic tradition into the industrialized world, in time to cause 80% of the Nazi casualties and avoid extinction. A paranoid thug, yes.
I have not studied Greenspan's ideology closely, but my impression is that he's not pure Randian (Objectivist). In general to play nicely with others it requires compromising for practical or political reasons.
My favorite memorized quote. Type that one so many times it's in muscle memory. Nothing truer ever said at the time, but now there's a fear element that underpins everything in conservativism that didn't exist in the same way before. It may even outweigh greed in the average conservative.
Nice quote, but they aren't even pretending to justify their actions with a higher moral purpose. They seem proud of the fact that they are self-serving and abusive toward anyone who disagrees with them.
ANYONE who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them - instead of answering their arguments.
The superior moral justification is that some individuals or dividuals are real, while the vast majority spend their lives hiding the world to game kids blind to how fucked up they are: the game makers lying to the children are 100% selfish; the real ones are following a necessity from within.
The selfish game makers get to trick kids and that's their reward. The real ones, following necessity born from their reality meeting an artifacial world, get to inherit it and get all they want at the expense of the game makers. For they are barred from the real world yet are true, and truly last.
The last will be first and the first will be last.
The selfishness of the real ones is thus not real selfishness: their very existence is a continuous gift to others since staying in a simulation gives meaning to their work. The real ones lost means and common sense still won't haze the next kid.
Therefore, all the real ones have left is their desires, and their plans for a world that in the end never really was. Their plans can't be executed except by the game makers. Their desires are the only thing they can satisfy for themselves. And all the real ones need is funding.
Even if the real ones satisfy their desires and nothing else, it's still unselfish. For they did not choose their desires, their existence is instrumental, their projects are automatically handed over, they help the next ones by not tricking them, they help the game makers by still giving input.
I thought the same thing. What is so bad about helping others and being empathetic? My folks taught me to respect people, not to look down on them. I never saw the Rand philosophy as something to aspire to.
Rand is mostly developing a maximal individualism without looking at how societies work. She scores some points on collectivism. Greed is not virtuous, although markets can be defended as channeling such self-interest into materially good outcomes by coordinating resources to what is demanded.
Demand in markets and greed are 2 different things, imho.
At least if we're talking about basic economics.
I think we see real greed where the rich and powerful want to be the arbiters of how the market operates. Instead of an outside source of authority like a government.
This quote from decades ago (1963) describes actual conservatives.
What's called "conservative" today is far more extreme: reactionaries at best, rightwing radicals and fascists if you scrape their surface just a little bit.
The avarice, the lust for power, the lying, these are all only tools for the truly wicked to subject other humans to pain and suffering. They are all that sociopaths are pursuing. That is what drives them to commit atrocities. They will take it to the point of their own, hoped for, violent death.
Do the studies you’re referring to include churches as “non-profits”? If so, then that would support the thesis of the post, right? Giving to a church is like giving to a PAC that has your interests at heart. Elon “donated” a couple hundred million into Republican advertising. Look at the payback.
Are you saying churches are not listed as donation recipients in the studies you’re referencing? Or, by “not specifically” do you mean that you don’t know if churches are on the list? I’m afraid I don’t understand the rest of your post.
The report does not differentiate the type of not for profit. However, it did note that political donations to PAC’s are cyclical with regard to conservative and liberal donations. Further, it noted liberals give more for Int’l Issues and Conserv more for US Issues
Thanks for the clarification. Your initial post seemed to suggest “conservatives” (I don’t even know what that means anymore), were more giving than liberals. But, which is more likely to be selfish: donating to people you probably won’t ever see or to a group (one’s church?) just down the street?
The part i would argue though is that in the american context: the modern conservative can also suggest someone who is of a more liberal background too because of how entrenched puritan idea are. We should be wise to be aware of that forsake we fall for this exact trap
Corporations, the artifice of a real person, have often been pernicious instruments since their inception in Dutch & English coffeehouse. It didn't take long for less than honorable people to see manifold opportunities for money and power presented by this aggregate personage.
Some of the Elements of a "SOFT COUP":
The manipulation of institutions, media, legal systems, and public opinion, utilizing strategies like economic pressure, disinformation (LIES), and coordinated political maneuvers to undermine the legitimacy of a government and install a new one in its place.
I do agree that elevation of voices matters. But that’s not the same as the expectation of a follow back. That was created by ppl trying to monetize online presence. Hard pass on that culture. Anyone who asks me for a follow back I’ll just unfollow.
Lookin' at you, Paul Ryan.
“ a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
Sharing, thank you!
There isn’t one.
Prosperity theology is HUGE in Amerikkka.
"Christian" Minister: "Give me cash as God wants me to have a new jet."
True story!
What’s ironic is the Conservatives are seen as privileged and wealthy while the Liberals are seen as wannabes but many liberals are wealthy, so how can two different cultures who are financial secure be diametrically opposed towards humanity?
They do it in the guise of “we have to take care of family first! Or America first”
And then vote down every opportunity to help family or American veterans stay off the streets
But now, even an immoral one, it seems increasingly clear!
I wonder if ChatGPT is able to concoct/suggest viable countermeasures? Very new to ChatGPT, might dabble...
More they have problems, more they are excite.
You see, when you believe in little rotten Jesus, you are afraid to advance, to go forward because you live in a constant fear because you think there is someone up there who check your ass all the time.
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
We're all down at the local watering hole.
Homo sapiens, antelopes, bison, giraffes and lions.
Each group looks, lives, loves differently than the others.
But we all allow access to that watering hole.
That's the reality of it all.
That's what our DNA tells us.
Just sayin'
Comes from a comment on this article:
it’s the work of Frank Wilhoit, a 63-year-old classical music composer in Ohio, who wrote the adage as part of a longer point in the comments section of the political science blog Crooked Timber.
Republican leaders should look back at the Nuremberg trials, complicity isn’t the answer.
John Kenneth Galbraith, "Stop the Madness," Interview with Rupert Cornwell, Toronto Globe and Mail (6 July 2002) (see http://wist.info/galbraith-john-kenneth/7463/)
from the original..
From a speech he made to the Senate on 18 December 1963 that was entered into the Congressional Record (p. 25042)
Ever For Human Species,
I Really Suggest This:
"Exactly How to Inspire Humans
to Be Reasonable?
This Huge Question is All-Encompassing...
It Includes, How to Inspire Humans
to Over-come Selfish Behavior.
After More Than 8000 Years...
Yet No person knows how to."
Let that sink in.
--John Kenneth Galbraith
Thomas Sowell
The selfishness of the real ones is thus not real selfishness: their very existence is a continuous gift to others since staying in a simulation gives meaning to their work. The real ones lost means and common sense still won't haze the next kid.
I always was bewildered when they tried to rationalize in class what those 2 authors were saying.
Because all they were saying was a long-winded version of Gordon Gekko: "Greed is good."
And all my life before that I'd been taught the opposite.
At least if we're talking about basic economics.
I think we see real greed where the rich and powerful want to be the arbiters of how the market operates. Instead of an outside source of authority like a government.
What's called "conservative" today is far more extreme: reactionaries at best, rightwing radicals and fascists if you scrape their surface just a little bit.
And un-American to their core.
As if that's not all they've ever been?
A unilateral selfish pursuit of power and money at the expense of the rest of the free world .
The manipulation of institutions, media, legal systems, and public opinion, utilizing strategies like economic pressure, disinformation (LIES), and coordinated political maneuvers to undermine the legitimacy of a government and install a new one in its place.