He’s kinda right because he got them to vote against their own interests, pretend to be anti immigration, even went down to the Southern border to make a spectacle, he bought himself to the presidency and now calling them tbe R word. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Trump will dump Musk when he stops being useful (Mostly, his money is useful.) It's a big TV show with Trump direction & playing the lead. It won't win any Emmys.
Elon Musk is a cocksucking daddy's boy nazi scum bag who ain't shit and he hasn't ever done shit without being a beneficiary of south afrikan apartheid which he is trying his best to import to America. Get fucked back to wherever you came from Elon you PIECE OF SHIT
Note they said “hire Americans” but rejected it because “you are retarded”. So he was not insulting the “right-right” or MAGA, he was saying all Americans are unsuitable to be hired for tech jobs. (Translation: won’t work for low pay / insane hours like H1B hires)
Billionnaires ARE the status quo and WILL NOT instate policy for change. MAGGATS were duped, like all working and middle classes who are STUPID enough to vote for their far-right abusers.
Are we supposed to believe apartheid Clyde isn't racist? He's a massive eugenicist. Racism is part of that. He just ALSO thinks certain white people aren't part of his new world. He's always telegtaphed that. They were just thinking they were in his in group.
This is like people on benefits saying he won’t cut them. They’re full of shit they know Trump hates poor Republicans but he exploits their religiosity and that’s fine with them.
The added vulnerability of H1B workers is a key feature of the program.
Also Musk: Why do people keep insulting meeeee???!!!
He really is a sad little boy.
His parents gained their wealth in Aparthied S Africa
Can I have some extra butter on my popcorn, please.
It’s a powder keg of conflicting ideologies and economic classes.
Let them cook.
When I say cook I mean let the pressure cooker EXPLODE. 😂