As long as Americans can't let go of their Democrat and Republican teddy bears, and move on to other political parties, I say that each party will keep appointing corrupt leaders.
Is it the tax cuts for the 1% wealthiest Americans that Schumer is voting for? I would really like to know what part of this bill that appeals to him so I can understand the vote for it. I must be missing something.
I do not have confidence in the current constitution- it needs serious updating for modern times, with serious consequences for breaking it written into it, and who will mete out the justice.update it and i might feel differently
It’s beyond leadership change. This Democratic Party is doomed to become irrelevant very soon. One needs to realize that the 1776 American system is gone and that we need to start completely fresh with a Declaration of NEW Independence. People are working on it already …
This is a moment where (what seems to me) 3-time Trump voters are screaming mad at republicans. All of them. From their Reps to JD. Chuck Schumer needs to lead, follow, or get out of the way. We need leadership that will stand up to this assault on our country NOW!
Who cares about post? Many opinions on CR are being fueled by emotion vs. rationality. Trump is bleeding support currently. As nauseating as his post is, the fact that he can't blame Dems for his currently unpopular handling of economy is good. Let's see where we are in 30 days and reevaluate then.
Churchill on Chamberlain “Owing to past neglect, in the face of the plainest warnings, we've entered upon a period of danger.The era of procrastination,of half-measures,of soothing and baffling expedients,of delays, is coming to its close. We're in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude.”
I want one that burns him up inside, who he makes ignorant, baseless and frankly stupid claims against because she had him so angry and wound up he can’t sleep. I want her to be someone who every time he even sees someone who looks like her or uses her words he goes apoplectic.
Sounds like you’re easily manipulated by Don’s social media posts. Don gets a lot more power during a shutdown, has absolute discretion to make major decisions for the gov, decisions likely not subject to judicial review—definitely not subject to TROs. I’m sure Don🧵
prefers a shutdown. This is a bad situation for Dems either way. Don’t you think Don would’ve sent a congratulatory, annoying social media post either way just to irritate Dems who are easily triggered by his nonsense? We need to make decisions w/o consultation w/ Don’s trolling truth social posts.
The Capitol switchboard lady just apologized for my long hold time and said they have had at least 400 callers on hold all morning they’ve had so many calls. Even the voice prompt has been overwhelmed. , the PEOPLE ARE CALLING.
Jefferies & Schumer are negotiators they're not up to the challenge to stand against GOP bullies. We need someone with the quiet strength of Biden; the intelligence and speaking ability of Buttigieg, Harris and Crockett & the experience of Schiff and Raskin. Bernie Sanders should be Speaker!
Rich old white man supports rich old white man. Predictable but disheartening nonetheless. These ancient career politicians seem to solely protect the strata of wealth & power they built off the backs of the middle class & poor for decades. Shumer’s just another soulless sellout with reading glasses #Democrat reps are failing the American People!
Please share livestream with the People! 🇺🇸
#strongerTogether #Resistance #NowDC #14thNOW #VeteranMarch #TeslaTAKEDOWN #50501Movement #3E
Thousands of responses with that image or the one below should litter the response section of every single Schumer skeet in existence or that he posts in the future. It is what defines him and his entire career now.
he's helping Schumer in exactly the same way as he helped Musk/Tesla. He is either the worst PR person on the planet or ignorant of how much harm he does by endorsing them.
Anyone, who isn't shrinking from the idea that a portion of the Democrats are in league with MAGA to bring about fascism in the US, is not surprised at all. . .
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
I’m in VA and my Senators are voting no, but I contacted their offices to tell them I have no confidence in Schumer’s ability to lead and I want them to push him to step down as Leader.
If Trump is prematurely congratulating you, you are about to make the wrong decision, Senator. Trump is so fucking stupid, he should’ve kept his mouth shut (he can’t) but instead further solidified the opposition.
Getting praise from Trump should cause a moral person the greatest shame ever! I thought Schumer changed his mind because Trump, Musk and Vought wanted a shutdown?! From this post looks like Schumer played right in to Trump’s hand.
They are buddies. Have been for years. With a wink and a nod, Old Chucky Boy will go back to pretending to back progressive policies only to capitulat at the last moment. He is a useless leader. He loves his money and power and will step over the corpses of our veterans and seniors to keep it. could gain a pair stand up for the country he works for. Today we know whether he’ll put his country 1st or tuck his tail between his legs or kowtow to the wanna be dictator.
Has anyone checked on Chuck Schumer's family? Kids? Grandkids? Are they all visible and accounted for? Do any of them appear nervous? Jittery? Looking over their shoulders?
Scared of the bully with no real reason - trumpy could be pushed over with a feather - if you got together as a United force the maga would be crying in a corner
Like so many democrats, I've been watching the rape of our democracy by FAT DONALD & Leon. We all know the problems & who is the enemy. But no one has told us how we fight this fascist takeover. No one, not even you and Sam have pointed out the best and most effective way to resist.
When your a dem
Getting complemented by a facist felon and general all round horror like Trump you should be getting the message you are on the wrong side of history ..
If you are a Democrat and you are getting thanked by President Trump then you can be pretty confident that you have made a poor choice for America and you must know that you have now kissed the ring of the Don.
I saw his interview on Chris Hayes last night. My thought was, if he’s right about the “danger” of a shut down, why haven’t Warren or Raskin mentioned it? HE SOLD OUT, VOTE HIM OUT!
The “Vichy” Dems analogy is very apt and well deserved. All it took was a narrow election loss to turn them into sniveling collaborators. Pathetic and sad.
Wings of same bird is a saying for a reason. So is 'lessor of evils.' Historically, and real time, Status Quo dems are equally responsible for this regime.
And there you go. Trump indicating he expects Dems to fold on the CR and Tax Cut bills, which will be lumped together. Expect cuts to Medicare/aid, Social Security, Veterans Benefits, regressive voting reform, abortion ban, everything to be tied to the CR bill. That's why we need this fight now.
Side by side DJT tweets should be used for whoever campaigns against him. The ones where he was ridiculed and ones where he was praised. And the slogan should be I have a spine
I seem to remember a certain dinner where are the two of them are commiserating over some kind of messed up shit. A dinner that Schumer shouldn’t have been anywhere near. Schumer is complicit in all of this. I wonder what he got out of voting yes. A Tesla probably.
I really really wanted to believe everyone saying "both sides are the same" were wrong.
But the difference between "I'm destroying everything" and "I don't care that you are destroying everything" is about the same as a Nazi and a Nazi symapthizer... they are both Nazis.
Its the "whole new direction" part of that tweet that frightens one. Whatever compass exists in that toddler-in-chief spins in circles since there's no humanity to center with which to center it.
I have confidence in the
United States of America
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
I have
Supreme Court
Unfortunately, we're unlikely to get it,at least not soon.
Vote NO
tRump/Musk only to protect his kids who work for Bezos & Zuckerberg! 🤬
Thanks for sharing.
He might as well say, "Schumer is the Republican party's bitch"
Sounds like you’re easily manipulated by Don’s social media posts. Don gets a lot more power during a shutdown, has absolute discretion to make major decisions for the gov, decisions likely not subject to judicial review—definitely not subject to TROs. I’m sure Don🧵
But that's just me.
Which is exactly whet Republicans want.
Please share livestream with the People! 🇺🇸
#strongerTogether #Resistance #NowDC #14thNOW #VeteranMarch #TeslaTAKEDOWN #50501Movement #3E
If Trump approves of what you did, you’re doing something wrong.
Fuckin betrayal
of the Democratic Party rolled over and bowed to Trump will be one of infamy forever.
Yea — he’s spineless and we need new leadership
Got you an attaboy from the felon in chief!
You must be so proud to have bowed down and kissed the ring of your king.
I couldn't bear to look.
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
I demand Chuck Schumer's resignation for failing to meet the moment and be a courageous leader in unprecedented times.
Just switch side you gutless piece of sh!t.
I wish you would have fought Elon.
But no, that’s not where we find ourselves or .
Trump is a Russian asset!
Getting complemented by a facist felon and general all round horror like Trump you should be getting the message you are on the wrong side of history ..
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Schumer should know it's a terrible decision because it meets with the approval of the felonious psychopath.
So let's scrap it. NO
You've got the orange turd thanking you ..the. You are wrong
But the difference between "I'm destroying everything" and "I don't care that you are destroying everything" is about the same as a Nazi and a Nazi symapthizer... they are both Nazis.