Trump Is An Authoritarian. Dems Must Fight Him Every Time. Schumer surrendered one of the only legislative opportunities Democrats have to stop Donald Trump's authoritarian agenda. Chuck Schumer Must Go.
Log in with your Bluesky account to leave a comment defied the constituents' wishes and did what he felt was right. In this case, he was very, very much in the wrong. He needs to go. He should've been gone years ago. We need younger, fiery, leaders who are willing to fight.
At first I thought that Schumer was a turncoat, but then I thought about how the courts would also be shut down. Right now the courts are our only hope. I think we need to cut Schumer and the Dems that voted to pass the CR some slack.
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Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
By putting 3 million Federal employees out of work for an indeterminate period of time? Slow your roll. We were just infuriated at 80,000-ish being "fired"?
Democrat leaders need to stop telling people what "should" matter to them and start listening to what actually "does" matter to them. They need to go out and meet people. Understand their fears. Address their needs. Speak to their real, everyday struggles instead of lecturing from the ivory tower...
The GOP are dismantling USA Democracy Chucky Schumer was planning going on a book tour to make $ - nobody can criticise his dedication to his bank account.
Democrat leader poll numbers are a direct reflection of Schumers inaction of handling Trump and his party. He is in a wrong time and place mode, and where what he wants doesn't exist anymore.
He said 81 years old I mean how much more grifting does he have to do. You think he would have set up his family members pretty well by now. It's time for him to go spend your last few years rocking on the front porch pretending you were a good guy
I’ve called both my Senators. I thanked them for their No votes on the CR. Asked them to replace Chuck Schumer. And fight the dictatorship, announced by Musk and Trump. We’ll see.
Schumer, who led the attack on Joe Biden to step down, at totally the wrong moment, should understand his base is demanding he step down at the right moment. NOW
Resisting the felon is one thing but having to come to terms with a grifter on your own team? Jeez. Chuck, you’ve been a bad boy and a time out is coming. was vice versa...Schumer pulled down his pants, then Trump made a deposit. How can things get any worse? Well, I guess when the moron king decides to start shooting peaceful protestors with his cult J6 militia.
All three branches of power need to be fired. Along with all the incentives for criminals to do business in or with the US. ie. Citizens United, foreign contributions, dark money, pact, etc.
Problem, all the brainwashing and conditioning not a very big pool of citizens to draw from to replace them.
Are there no Republicans that have the least bit of integrity left? There families and lives will be equally affected. They have the power to stop this but stand by and watch the Constitution crumble.
He needs to go, before freefom is lost forever!
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
A few will speak up
Please tell us how without bloodshed. NO ONE IS STOPPING THEM. Not the courts or Congress. Just a bunch of blah! blah! blah!!
Don’t worry, he can still be the president of the senate in 🇮🇱; as he has #Netenyahu best plans in mind!
All this outrage is waisted on Schumer, we need to campaign unity to replace all establishment dems.
MAGA is laughing at you, and justifying their distaste of dems.
He should know, actions have consequences, his did.
You can always call his office and leave a message.
(202) 224-6542
Or send a fax:
(202) 228-3027.
Call Schumer office Denabd he step down
Call your Senators and demand they vote.
Problem, all the brainwashing and conditioning not a very big pool of citizens to draw from to replace them.