He seems like he would make a wonderful husband. I don’t understand what could have happened. (This is sarcasm. Alex Jones probably does not make a wonderful husband)
Between being slathered with honey and tied to an anthill or married to Alex Jones, one would definitely be wondering what kind of ants and how big of a hill.
I get mail for an Alex Jones at my house occasionally. Someone with that name lived here. Every time, I say gross. If anyone in earshot says, “What is gross?” I say “Alex jones”
This is one of those divorces where a normal person thinks, "I can't believe anyone would marry that asshole." Then you remember that between the 2016 and 2024 presidential elections, an average of 54.3% of white women voted for Donald Trump.
Never forget Alex Jones is a violent bully. At high school he beat a fellow student so badly the former student - now a middle aged man - still bears physical scars. Jones’s well-to-do parents were able to get him off serious charges by ‘bothsidesing’ events leading up to & after the violent assault
In one of his custody battles he was diagnosed as a narcissist. He says that the psych professional asked questions about if people were always talking about him when he went out, and he said yes like a narcissist would, but they didn't understand that in his case it's actually true!
I really want to know what the final straw was for a woman that saw a guy who peddled conspiracy theories about dead children and said “yeah, that’s the guy I wanna marry”
interestingly there may be some truth to that but not the kind of truth you think. Perhaps he is not rich enough to silence and control her anymore. It's possible she can now speak about who he really is and people will believe her.
Kelly was his wife. She got out pretty quickly when he got famous but was put through the wringer in regards to custody and up against all the wealth. I guess this story is about a second wife?
Stay tuned for Alex to swallow the limp mushroom at the White House to get a full pardon from his divorce. Ice will send Alex’s wife to Guantanamo never to be seen again
Is this the same wife he stalked and harassed by having a helicopter fly over her home for hours? Bc if not, two wives now have officially sought court orders against Jones. He now officially qualified to work in the Trump admin.
What a surprise yet another dirtbag who treats women like animals. Can you imagine how he treats his animals? Some of these women treat others and animals like shit. All these people are beyond therapy.
They are rounding up the wrong people.
What happens in there personal life is their business! All I care about is if this could is possibly a scheme to rob the Sandy Hook parents of what he owes that! Cc: @markbankston.bsky.social
But did she really? When they got married, he wasn't doing infowars... How many times have we heard of women married to serial killers, and they had no idea?
Good. I believe this man deserves to live a long, long life, being constantly subjected to the sort of hate, vitriol, and degradation he has spewed for decades.
Yeah, a lot of what passes for "romantic" lyrics is literally just abusive behaviour put to a nice melody, but murder as a response to infidelity is kinda next level.
Like a NY AG, Letitia James, who doesn't get enough good press but is maligned and lied about in the press when a cherub lies b/c he feels persecuted by the rule of Law. Similarly, Devine Magnet Creator/God works in mysterious ways to take down racketeering.
And you may ask yourself
"How do I work this?"
And you may ask yourself
"Where is that large automobile?"
And you may tell yourself
"This is not my beautiful house!"
And you may tell yourself
"This is not my beautiful wife!"
The stench from seeing his face is palpable. Can you imagine being in the same room with him? Blue cheese in a bag, left in the sun along with a chicken carcass.
It can and could and I always suspected that if the masses didn't start taking things seriously, in terms of politics and platforms, it would be a slippery slope. And now.. here we are.
And I'm no smart person.
I'm not deep, nor philosophical, and it's been a thought on thr back of my mind since
For that to happen, a country has to be willing to be taken down that road, or at the very least, indifferent. america is the country of indifference and ripe for the nazi takeover since the 80's
Not all socialism is bad. Not all communism is bad, not all capitalism is bad. There is a balance between it all. There are countries that manage it. Hell, Canada's own system isn't so bad (especially when you compare it to America... especially rn)
Even the Democrats have become fascist. They don't care about the bombing of apartment buildings, just the sloppy planning that put their fascist soldiers in danger. I think foreign hostile invaders should always be the ones who die.
Yup. I knew it October 2023, when with no congressional approval biden ok'd the funding of a foreign genocide. Using American taxdollars. Without even being honest about why they were doing it, yet clinging to an "perceived persecution" that then sees real instances of that persecution, get ignored.
I loved you before you met me. I'm gray antifas. I have an FBI file according to my exBoss at Greenpeace... for being such a dick activist to bigbro for so long.
Ok. fine.
Add this to my file, bitchBigBro
I pay your salary after all BIGBRO
folks call me a troll
i'm stupid's worst nightmare
it’s a jiggle at most and that’s only if she goes hard in full reverse CG…
And don’t encourage me.. I barely got any kind fences on where my mind can go…
This is going to get good!
This is similar...
The bit of the case where it's revealed they handed over his entire phone image is pure comedy gold.
I'm not masochistic enough to listen directly but the podcast Knowledge Fight breaks down his shows and claims
They are rounding up the wrong people.
I am scared for her.
He is an animal
May she have incredible lawyers that he has to pay for.
Since the InfoWars takeover was blocked, I think that the Onion should launch a parody podcast called "InfoWarped".
Poor People: I have a court date and I’m so scared
Rich People: it’s time to play games with the courts and drag things out
I love this for him.
Shame, because his music really is good.
'Rudy Giuliani'-s him
till the last dime.
"How do I work this?"
And you may ask yourself
"Where is that large automobile?"
And you may tell yourself
"This is not my beautiful house!"
And you may tell yourself
"This is not my beautiful wife!"
She was fine as hell too!
That s**t would've been amazing.
F**k this clown.
Looks up and says yup, still crazy.
And I'm no smart person.
I'm not deep, nor philosophical, and it's been a thought on thr back of my mind since
And depressingly sad.
Are they perfect. Fuck no. But your system is
He had a folding table set up, a bullhorn and was bloviating near the State Capital Building near Congress & 11th.
Ya know moi.
He lost his shit over what I told him. I don't tolerate assholes. I look forward to meeting assholes. I'm worse
Ok. fine.
Add this to my file, bitchBigBro
I pay your salary after all BIGBRO
folks call me a troll
i'm stupid's worst nightmare