"democrats plan to color coordinate to communicate opposition" is the biggest loser shit i've ever heard. School Spirit Week-ass action. "I do not give facebook my permission"-ass action. are they hitting themselves in the head with hammers at every DNC event
I think of the 2nd trump administration as if the third reich invaded the US. the democrats serving as vichey collaborators. These very old& extremely wealthy politicians have no stake in anyone or anything but themselves. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Always.
Impotent performative gestures are kinda their whole schtick
They only govern when we force them to, by bombarding their phone lines and inboxes
The time for etiquette and decorum is
Maori warrior spirit is the *least* you can do.
Or are you incapable of representing your constituents?
They tried.
They missed.
But lords, yeah, "dire" kinda begins to scratch the surface...
What I WANT is for them to take the gloves off.
Either yell and call Trump out every single time he lies
Or stay the fuck home
Those are the only choices
They needed to sit silently, shoulder to shoulder, until he took the stage. Then stand as one and turn their backs to him
They're useless at America's most critical moment in 248 years
Because it’s clear they surrendered.
(I am irrationally angry about this.)