I’m pretty sure this is what voters want from their elected officials
This just feels so empowering. Love It. More more more. How do you like it,how do you like it. Blue warriors dance party. Let boogie
Just like all mob bosses do.
Saving the feds from all that administrative cost in the name of efficiency.
Putin was watching from his Evil Lair.
I wouldn't want to be Trump right now..don't drink the tea and stay away from open windows.
Who in their right mind is going up against the Nazis alone? You think Illinois can handle it? You think Maine can do anything but make a mean lobster?
Send Philthydelphia 💪
If they want to rule like Kings, their kingdoms are about to be Scorched Fucking Earth
If hWite Christian NAZIS want everyone to die so they have their Fourth Reich, they will fill their own mass graves 🤗
The Democratic tent is too large. There clearly needs to be a third, truly progressive party willing to fight.
You'd do better to encourage anti-Trump conservatives to form a party challenging the GOP, which is now so far from traditional conservatism it's lobbying for states to have less rights!
The average person agrees with progressive principles.
It’s the pitch that’s the problem. We’ve been hearing about “radical socialism” for decades.
That shit is easily refuted with basic economics. Makes me wonder why it hasn’t happened…
The GOP cries "radical socialism" & Dems cower.
Change the narrative. Explain how "unfettered capitalism" has dismantled the middle class & created the working poor who rely on SNAP & Medicaid to survive. 🧵
Dems push this ideaology which has lost moderates
,this is only one example..my point is the Democrats need to be more moderate again, find leaders who think this way, so we can start focusing on what matters,retaking the country
its true that WHEN PROPERLY FRAMED, progressive
This is why Trump Org lost so many lawsuits.
Just wait a few weeks, it will be over 😆
Maine educators stand up to Trump
Vermont gives JD Vance a very memorable ski trip vacation (he went into hiding)
Keep up the great work New England!
'"We cannot be in a constant state of fear, panic and disruption over the next four years,” Governor Scott said.
The Governor noted that while there will be areas of disagreement, there may also be policy positions which could be beneficial to Vermont.'
Fortunately, the demand is for stable, even-measured push back and resistance.
Department of Education's civil rights division, yet they will manipulate it for the time being to benefit their sick cause.
He lied to our faces. Very few want Project 2025. He has no mandate.
Nowhere does it state "EXCEPT TRANSGENDER"...
so yeah... the wise WOMAN in correct...
Thank you Governor Mills for your strength, true leadership and courage.
Change the narrative.
Tran folks are not a threat, republicans are.
Sorry all the glorious Karens.
Do it on @meidastouch.com or @jimacosta.bsky.social show, YOURS!
Explanations of how 🍊actions will hurt them & U.S.
Dems MUST speak so EVERY class of ppl to understand, SIMPLE & CLEAR
NO rhyming elite run ons
Let's make any Republicans have pause and consider...
Voters didn't vote for turning our back on Ukraine.
Voters didn't vote to decimate their local communities.
Email your Senators and Reps 👉 Text SIGN PBXQXY to 50409
or click below to see more.
We need to bring it back!
Unfortunately, our “elected” (gerrymandered, voter suppression, voter intimidation ) governor started treating FL with
Fascism in 2016.
It’s almost like he knew that was the direction 47 would be going in.
If you have a decent, honest, governor, I’m envious of you.
we are so lucky to have her in Maine!
Use it to COUNTER the LIES
Use simple direct language, EXPLAIN HOW FEDERAL
GOVT WORKS to the American People
Explain appropriations, Congress’ job, limits on Agencies, role of IGs! Give real examples of exposed fraud!
They've been working towards this. And itching for it to go before SCOTUS
Sane governors: OK, we'll keep trans rights and refugee protections then
Republicans: NO NOT THAT
See the same thing with my dogs.
Making "them" the boogey-man will NOT make people forget the price of eggs!
And we lost because we were silent on standing up and educating people on why focusing on 20 trans kids nationwide was completely about bigoted fear peddling
If not me, then who?
If not now, then when?
The court ruled Trump could shoot an opponent by reasoning his subordinates were not immune.
Unfortunately for them, Justice can be substituted for political opponent & subordinates can be pardoned. If they expand Trump’s power they become irrelevant.
They’re fools.
And after all, while not unimportant at all, trans athletes make up a small percentage of people in America. We need more messaging that resonates with more people.
And let’s stop pretending like this has ever been a “primary message” of dem politicians.
And frankly, anyone (“moderate or otherwise”) who does not agree with protections for trans people can get fucked.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
Impoundment means if SCOTUS doesn't do their job or POTUS ignores the TRO or CO, it's the fucking end of the Republic.
You are trying to put a bandaid on a chest wound.
Either the military or armed insurrection is the only way to fix a const. crisis. So how can you help?
“I’m voting for him/her because he/she gonna lay down” said NO ONE EVER.
Gov. Mills be like:
I thought he wanted to eliminate the DoE because he believes education should be governed by the states.
I do think a lot of people voted against the Democrats or not at all over these issues & it will keep dividing moderates from the left.
It's a contentious subject that is made more contentious by the so called grown ass adult "fixers".
N E V E R satisfied with ONLY affecting/traumatizing/abusing "SOME" of a T-A-R-G-E-T-E-D group they've demonized.
They WILL expand their hateful efforts to ALL those and some MORE.
Many things he proposed for New Jerseyans the country could have had with President Harris, but screwed up.
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac