Don’t sleep on this measles thing
Reposted from
Dave Levitan
A thing I wish more people knew is that measles is basically the most contagious disease in the world
If you were born 1957-1968, even if you were vaccinated, you need to get a booster. The measles vaccine that came shortly after lasts longer.
And you're right, what utter bullshit!
Not making this up.
From 2022, but the numbers certainly haven't gotten better.
The number of people who still believe it is just...
It’s especially fatal to babies, toddlers, children, and those over 30. In other words, EVERYONE.
That risk FAR outweighs risk of vaccine.
Stupid stupid people risking the health of their children because they listen to idiots!
I find it hard to believe that parents who were vaccinated are not vaccinating their children.
As a guest teacher I’ve already decided to limit my work so as not to bring things home to the kids and elderly grandparents, nor risk my own health as an immune compromised person.
Measles inverts that and is more likely to harm children/infants.
Just FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR's ORDERS, they know better than you!!!
The parents need to be charged with negligence and child endangerment.
If you are not sure, talk to your doctor. Really important.
If you didn’t get a flu shot yet, get one now!
Good for you… safe!! 🙌🏻
You can fill that blank with anything, since he will say many different things, all the time. Sometimes on the same day.
Cuz they are uninformed.
Georgia has an epidemic, HIV in children, ignored! CDC?!
My mother contracted measles in her early 20s and was temporarily blind
Even immunized people can get very sick if they catch it.
This is no joke.
I'm consddering getting most the food we'd shop for mailed to avoid exposure to the contagious.
But, unfortunately for them, it does not really care.
But I prefer November now.
Don't know your age, but I have finally learned the parameter that I wish we had a decade ago, but now even more, it's good to know--if you're born between 1957-1968, even if you got measles vaccines...YOU NEED A BOOSTER.
How the fuck are we, in 2025, having multiple measles outbreaks across the country, after it was declared eradicated in 2000?
Utterly unthinkable until today.
My understanding growing up was that I had all the vaccines I needed. 🙄
My wife's mother died of post-polio syndrome after a lifetime in a wheelchair.
RFK, Jr. wants to decertify polio vaccines.
A nation that does not want to survive.
There is a deep problem here.
It's stupid and evil country. America is a shit hole. I swear if I hear one MOFO say we used to be a great country, I'm punching them in the throat. It's never been great and never will be.
I had to drive myself to the hospital for the diagnosis with a temp of 102. I was pretty miserable.
I think I understand what this guy is saying!😂
Both while their children are in hospital, and sadly when some of them have funerals.
If, say, a terrorist moved through a crowded airport terminal with Smallpox, before a single spot appeared, he could infect thousands of people.
(You know we have to drill it down because sense is not common)
It’s recommended for adults to either get a titer or go ahead and get a booster.
Get your boosters now! And #VaccinateYourKidsFFS
Thanks for posting.
Well i got news for u my mother breast feed us all.
Which shocked me.