This is not good
Reposted from
Maya Sen
The fact that the world’s richest man works at the behest of the executive and can buy out the legislature is massively outside the scope of what the framers could have imagined
there’s is simply no constitutional measure that can guard against something like this
there’s is simply no constitutional measure that can guard against something like this
Be careful what you wish for a**holes.
I’ve assumed our government could be purchased for about a billion dollars or so…
After restraints like legality and integrity prove to depend on honor, the US can fall under the reign of dishonorable people.
Thus fascism.
May he reap what he sows.
Seems like now is a good time to launch a new “counterculture” peace movement doesn’t it?
“Technohippies” to counter the “Technofascists”…
Buddy was meh on my thought. We no longer speak, but I wonder what they think of the nonsense now.
My former right winger friends laughed when I said their pensions would go away.
And when they did? They didn’t tell me, though I saw them often.
When I asked, they blamed it on Democrats.
Had to let those two go.
Also need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine asap.
The vast majority of lobbying should be illegal. Politicians should also not need to spend most of their time making money to buy advertising.
Leftist shills should be embarrassed, the fact they aren’t speaks volumes.
Citizens United:
Allowing corporate weasels to' f*ck us over since 2010!
🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
Well, let’s go one better, Molly, darling
They spent decades building courts, infrastructure, and judges with billions of dollars poured into it year after a year
Citizens a ruling from a fake plaintiff
Turning over Roe versus Wade people like Charlie Sykes were anti-choice for decades
Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney celebrated
These are not good people
that they’ve been building over five decades
Here’s a vid
Liz praising Trump and then just bald face lying with confidence about Democrats putting babies in trash
that they actually care abt good faith conversation about issues.
Watch this very short video to see how easy Cheney slips into complete lies
I mean I've never heard it before, but apparently if "they" say it, it makes it true, and apparently ok too.
Money, unlimited money in politics, is never gonna result in a democracy. The pols are purchased by the rich. Here we are.
"The solution came during the budget crisis of 2330, when the Brawndo Corporation simply *bought* the FDA and the FCC, enabling them to say, do, and sell, anything they wanted."
This only ends in one way, and I'm reticent to say it.
It’s all good.
Always prefer truth.
Those who have sold their principles and soul for the $
…do you need friends like these…?
Frankly, I'm sick of seeing that the majority of citizens (voters) support women's healthcare freedom, better gun laws, taxing the rich, having the rich pay their share of S.S. and none of our "REPRESENTATIVES" in Congress fight for what WE want.
Stephen Miller thirsting after that ass he's about to kiss.
Oh wait. He’s stewing about his cancelled pay-per-view book tour.