And what gets me is that just a day ago the 4 richest people were ask what do they contribute there wealth to, and all 4 said books, so correct me if I’m wrong please, but isn’t books a form of education
He might be the richest, but having money doesn't make you a good person. In fact it usually makes you a shit head. What a waste of air and space he is
Trump’s Professors- “ Unteachable Ignorance” ! Genius Elon- “ I’m Destroying My Companies Worldwide”! Both Self-Destructive Mentally Deranged Unhinged Sadistic Drugged Up Narcissistic Morons —Now Destroying Americans,USA, World—ITS ALL THEY KNOW HOW TO DO -TO FEEL POWERFUL AND SATISFIED!!
And the DOE is doing a stand-up bang up job and that’s why over 50% of some of our school children cannot even write or do math or read at their grade levels. Oh, but weren’t you the journalist or should I say commentator that said JD Vance only wanted white kids in US he has 3 mixed race kids.
Gonna be a long line.
Always thought they should put a huge, fancy drain dozens can stand around piped right into the coffin above his face.
People would pay for that.
Why exactly are 8 million of our tax dollars being spent every day to subsidize the companies of a man worth $300 billion? Why do we have to rough it out through all this "temporary pain" but he gets to use our money to build a yacht club on Mars? Has he no bootstraps to pull? This is THEFT!
As a teacher, that's what bothers me the most. These people have no idea what goes on in public schools. It's no different than men making decisions about women's health! You can't understand until you've bled through your pants.
Too bad you haven’t read the lines… (don’t even need to read between). No Federal funding is affected as a result of removing this tumor. The states will still get their money… that is unless they insist on making girls share 😉 locker rooms with men.
Is he the most ignorant & mean spirited US President there ever was? Only asking, as a non American, not being very knowledgeable about the history of American presidents. In terms of my personal recollection of them, he seems to me the very worst one! 🤢😖:(
He must have people creating the memes for him, like he has people leveling his Diablo character for him.
This guy never creates anything himself, only lives from other people's work.
African Americans have been living in fear for generations abandoned until it’s social acceptable to do so again. You’re making the same mistake of Democratic Party. Challenge the system. You support it by giving it a home. Report what’s happening. Where’s the voices. We’ve died in every conflict.
One prominent thing about Trump not just cutting but eliminating the Department of Education. There’s been zero discussion about how to make the DoE more effective - how it’s budget, staff, and organization can make education in the US better. No, Trump’s position flat out is “education is waste”.
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
He appears to have a pathological need to continuously out-cunt himself, having already out-cunted every single other living person on the planet apart from the Mango Mussolini and Netanyahu,
It's about the only thing he actually genuinely excells at.
One of the best choices I ever made was to keep my children in Canada. I had a chance to move our family back to the states when they were young, but knew they’d get a better education and have a better quality of life in Canada.
Normally, Moom wouldn't say anything about typos because it happens to us all. But the irony in this case with the contents and an idiot with access to an actual edit button it needed to be said. Doesn't help Moom feels particularly salty tonight.
Depart, Men!
He might wanna reconsider celebrating that.
Plus, it's not his Departmen of Education. He should fucking go back to South Africa!
We left there for a reason.
He half asses everything
Always thought they should put a huge, fancy drain dozens can stand around piped right into the coffin above his face.
People would pay for that.
Our system of government needs fundamental change. Our constitution is not built for the modern age and inevitable future.
Time to burn it all down. It starts when Trumps reign ends.
The "heat" of hell is the never ending torment of ones' sins with no means to make amends.
The torment never ends and no water will extinguish it.
Satan doesn't console.
Satan torments.
Satan is a maniac.
That wouldn’t have passed muster in PS 5 in NY where I went. Maybe the evil dumbass should have gone to public school.
He needs to go far, far away!!!
This guy never creates anything himself, only lives from other people's work.
The oligarks want destruktion and people to leave houses and business .
They are ready to take it from you .
It’s because of its AuTiSm, you guys!!!
(/s btw if that wasn’t clear. )
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
Is Musk South African for dumb fuck?
It's about the only thing he actually genuinely excells at.
What a crock…
Spending billions, if not trillions since 1980 and U.S. scores keep going down.
If only people would have to go hide for the rest of their lives like Dan Quayle.