Thank you to everyone who joined our town hall in Lowell last night!
Real power in this nation lies with the people — right here in Lowell, and across America.
Real power in this nation lies with the people — right here in Lowell, and across America.
Instead we get parrots repeating the news and stating the obvious.
We did our part. We voted. NOW DO SOMETHING.
Or do you want this to happen?
They need to try a little harder. We're under a dictatorship. This isn't the time for them to just say welp and throw up their hands.
He has led the Democrats down to 27% approval, and Elizabeth Warren has 10+ points on him?
Do Democrats know they are twice as unpopular as Trump?
Put a women in charge of the Senate opposition.
Warren & Bernie are true democrats, that is a bigger obstacle for the bourgeois Dem establishment.
Please try to wake Liz up to our political social reality. She's one of the best positioned to run for leader with a broad coalition of Senators.
Unanimous consent needs to be blocked or conditioned on DOGE/Trump rule of law compliance which doesn't exist.
Would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall at this one!
Action, Senator. Action.
But there is still a process. #dems and disillusioned #reps must rise up at the #midterms
Hold #trump to account. Show the world that #democracy means you have to listen to people.
campaign now while the pain is most acute
Until you do, it's clearly obvious that you don't care to fight.
I've always been a big supporter of yours. I now think you should be primaried.
Nice words are nice, but ACTION is needed.
100% of Senators should have stood firm. 10 folded and got all of nothing in return.
Dad's got a hot new woman in the show and moms all just..sigh.. Getting by on merit.
Hands Off! Protest
Saturday April 5th
In Washington DC
At your State Capitol
At your Town's Court House
On a street corner!
The filibuster is your only leverage, and he just handed it over to Trump? Hell no.
Local Office #: (617) 565-3170
DC Office #: (202) 224-4543
Office Website:
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here:
We had the worst Rep Rohrabacher (Putin's best friend) for 25+ yrs and were able to flip it blue (once).
I know your busy, yet I think this could be some of the most productive use of your time.
We need to either sway GOP reps to honor their oaths or vote them out.