It would have a significant impact on the quest line in Athens and its final stages, but that serves you and him right, because so did that stupid prison quest have an impact. At least that would have prepared you for the consequences of this decision.
I dunno. Even w-o that ability, it's still an awesome game. Sometimes at night when I can't sleep, I turn on AC Odyssey and just sail around the Aegean. I've never thought of offing Socrates though...
That would be neat, but mostly in AC: O you just stab people or shoot them with an arrow, so I imagine this would be the same, for game mechanics reasons!
Back when the game was being marketed before its release people were hypothesizing that Socrates could've been the big bad behind the Order/Templars, so there could even have been a way to make it fit with AC lore! (Also, it would've avoided the surprisingly weird Trial of Socrates add-on)
I both agree, and think that the funniest approach would have been to make every character someone you can assassinate—except to make story-centric characters super OP. Like, you *can* assassinate Sokrates, but Sokrates can also beat you into a bloody pulp if you try.
Now Pericles tho...
I wanted to stab more annoying men.
Shiv Archimedes, and he only comes back MEANER and STRONGER with a cool scar.